

August streaming vf complet gratuit



In 1876, Strindberg is penniless and once again his play "Master Olof" is rejected by the Royal Dramatic Theater. Debt collectors his furniture and Strindberg is on the verge of committing suicide..



Tom et Josh Sterling viennent de fonder une start-up sur Wall Street. Josh est le génie technique, Tom le beau-parleur et abrasif PDG, en charge directe des affaires. Dans moins d’un mois, ils pourront revendre leurs parts et, peut-être, se faire un paquet d’argent. Mais la société commence à manquer de liquidités, et les deux frères ignorent encore que le 11 septembre se profile… Pour éviter de faire appel à des investisseurs, Tom demande à son frère de lui faire un prêt….



August tells the story of two former lovers, Troy and Jonathan, who reunite after a long ago painful breakup. After spending several years in Spain, Troy returns to Los Angeles and decides to phone Jonathan and meet for coffee. A seemingly innocent rendezvous turns into an attempt to revive passions past. Only this time it's not that simple as Jonathan has a new beau, Raul, and is trying to make the right decision a second time around..



L'oncle Vanya de Chekov, transposé au nord du Pays de Galles du début du siècle, où la paix et la tranquillité d'une maison de campagne sont perturbées par l'arrivée du propriétaire tyrannique du domaine et de sa femme américaine..



Acting : August
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" August en streaming gratuit.



Acting : August
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" August en streaming gratuit.



Prussia, summer 1790: Two young men, August and Karl, escape from the rules and laws of their noble households. For one day, they live out their personal freedom. They find out what taking responsibility and staying true to oneself really means to them. Until the point where their utopia becomes real: when they know that it comes to an end…..



August is a carefree boy who likes to discover the world and to play outside with his best friend Lize. One day, he encounters the seamy side of life and suddenly Lize doesn't want to see him anymore..



Prussia, summer 1790: Two young men, August and Karl, escape from the rules and laws of their noble households. For one day, they live out their personal freedom. They find out what taking responsibility and staying true to oneself really means to them. Until the point where their utopia becomes real: when they know that it comes to an end…..



After the death of their father, four siblings discover the truth of the first love he never shared with them. Taking place in the present day and in the 1980s, two generations of queer youth are finally able to connect in love and mourning..



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Dan August

Dan August

Le lieutenant Dan August est un détective de la brigade criminelle de Santa Luisa, en Californie. Il travaille sous les ordres du chef de la police George Untermeyer avec son partenaire le sergent Wilentz. Au cours de ses enquêtes, il retrouve d'anciennes connaissances et des personnes avec qui il a grandi..