

At the End of the Day voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

At the End of the Day

At the End of the Day

Un professeur chrétien conservateur se retrouve plongé dans un groupe de soutien gay pour saper le lancement d'un refuge pour jeunes sans-abri LGBTQ dans leur petite ville..

War Games

War Games

Alex, Riko, Chino, Thomas, Diana et les deux soeurs Lara et Monica se dirigent vers les bois avec leurs fusils qui ne sont que des jouets, sans savoir qu’en ce lieu se trouvait autrefois une base militaire où se sont déroulées des opérations secrètes. Sur eux pèse une grave menace et leur curiosité ainsi que leur témérité vont connaître un destin inattendu. A peine s’aperçoivent-ils que Monica s’est perdue qu’Alex est tué par un homme qui disparaît immédiatement après. Ils prennent alors conscience qu’ils ne sont pas seuls en ce lieu abandonné: là, dehors, il y a quelqu’un et ce qui avait commencé comme un simple jeu de guerre se transforme subitement en une effroyable et réelle chasse à l’homme..

At the Haunted End of the Day

At the Haunted End of the Day

A documentary by Tony Palmer on English composer Sir William Walton (1902–1983), made shortly before his death. The film includes the only full-length interview ever recorded with Walton. Filmed at his home on Ischia and in Oxford, London & Oldham, it includes contributions from Laurence Olivier, Sacheverell Sitwell and Lady Susana Walton. Specially performed extracts of his music are conducted by Simon Rattle in his first substantial contribution to television when he was in his early 20s, with Simon Preston, Julian Bream, Yvonne Kenny, Yehudi Menuhin, Iona Brown, John Shirley-Quirk, Elgar Howarth & Ralph Kirshbaum, the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Grimethorpe Colliery Band, Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford & Los Paraguayos..

William Walton - At the Haunted End of the Day

William Walton - At the Haunted End of the Day

A preeminent figure in 20th century music, William Turner Walton O.M. (1902-1983) raised the bar for composers from Britain. Turner excelled at traditional symphony and operatic composition, as well as scoring for motion pictures. This award-winning 1981 biographical production features segments from nearly two dozen of Walton's most famous works, including "Belshazzar's Feast" and "Crown Imperial" (written for the coronation of King George VI). It also features selections from scores for Sir Laurence Olivier's productions of Shakespeare's Richard III, Hamlet, and Henry V. ~ Steve Blackburn, Rovi.

At the End of a Perfect Day

At the End of a Perfect Day

The story opens with an old couple in the evening of life, sitting by the fireside reminiscing the happenings of their younger days. How the young man had left his country home to seek work in the great city, and after many days of wandering had found employment as an office boy in the same office with the young lady. How she had taken an interest in him and before many days had become more than friends..

La Fin du jour

La Fin du jour

L'abbaye de Saint-Jean-la-Rivière menace de fermer ses portes. Ce qui serait une véritable catastrophe pour ses pensionnaires, tous de vieux comédiens sans ressource. Saint-Clair, acteur autrefois adulé et grand séducteur de femmes, vient justement d'y arriver et y retrouve Marny, grand rival dont il avait jadis séduit la femme, et Cabrissade, artiste de second ordre..

The End of a Day

The End of a Day

Military doctor Leutenant Hanada deserts during the war in the Philippines with a local girl. The officer in command orders Lieutenant Uji to shoot Hanada. Uji takes a sharpshooter called Takagi and tracks him. At first Uji cannot forgive Hanada but as Uji is isolated from the main force he too starts to think of desertion..

End of Days, Inc.

End of Days, Inc.

A group of laid-off workers bribed into working one last night discover that processing the last of their "inventory" will lead to cataclysmic consequences..

End of a Summer Day

End of a Summer Day

A hymn to love and life, this film without commentary establishes through images a striking parallel between the serenity that times of peace bring to men and the anguish caused by the disasters and horrors of war. Archival footage, in black and white, was used to illustrate the moments of combat while an extremely agile camera captured in color the rural setting in which a young couple of lovers frolic. Hymne à l'amour et à la vie, ce film sans commentaire établit par l'image un saisissant parallèle entre la sérénité qu'apportent aux hommes les temps de paix et l'angoisse qu'engendrent les désastres et les horreurs de la guerre. Des métrages d'archives, en noir et blanc, ont été utilisés pour illustrer les moments de combat tandis qu'une caméra extrêmement agile a capté en couleurs le décor champêtre dans lequel s'ébat un jeune couple d'amoureux..