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Les souvenirs d'enfance troublants d'une jeune fille de 19 ans, qui vit ses premiers émois sexuels, refont surface lors d'un séjour au bord d'un lac..



On the small island where she lives and works, Arianna is preparing to ring in the new year and ring out the old. But that night might not only be the end of the year, it might also be the end of her relationship with Nanni, a beekeeper from the city. The looming separation remains a mystery for the woman: she doesn’t understand the reasons for it and fruitless hours have been spent talking it over with evasive Nanni, who seems to consider their relationship an obstacle to his freedom. But when faced with another woman’s pain, Arianna manages to find the strength within herself to carry on..



Arianna, a young and brilliant transexual lawyer is ready to deal with an interview for the job she desires. Now, after a long self-acceptation path, the only thing she needs is a job that would permit her to be independent and have a normal life..

Les rescapés de l'Arianna

Les rescapés de l'Arianna

Depuis un an, le voilier Arianna et ses douze passagers sont portés disparus. Lorsqu’il réapparaît soudainement, avec à bord seulement sept de ses douze passagers, les familles restées à quai doivent réapprendre à vivre avec leurs disparus, accepter la mort de leurs proches. Mais les sept survivants partagent aussi un terrible secret….