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Antes do Fim

Antes do Fim

Jean feels trapped in the logic of longevity that the pharmaceutical industry imposes on him and decides to plan a conscious suicide. He invites Helena to commit suicide to two. She, on the other hand, hesitates, knows that she will live well even if she needs to live alone, but she helps him in his intentions. The silence between them does not reveal distance, but intimacy. These are years of shared affection. Together, they will prepare all the details for the funeral. He dances death while she continues rehearsing life. In the process, the two realize that before the end, there is still a lifetime..

Before The End of The World

Before The End of The World

In recent times, there is a lot to talk about 2012; the possibility of the end of the world or the beginning of a new era. But this is for those who follow the Mayan Calendar. What about other religions? Christians believe in the second coming of Christ, Judaism awaits the emergence of the Messiah, Hindus have the concept of the change of Yugas with the coming of the Kalki avatar, Buddhists believe in the arrival of the Bodhisattva Maitreya. And science, atheists, environmentalists, what do they believe? The film explores the many and diverse apocalypses and each point of view behind them..

Margin Call

Margin Call

Automne 2008. Expert en gestion de risque dans une banque d'investissement de Wall Street, Eric Dale est brutalement congédié, à l'instar de 80% des employés de son service. Avant de quitter l'immeuble, il remet à son protégé, le jeune Peter Sullivan, une clé USB contenant le dossier sur lequel il travaillait ce matin-là. Le soir venu, Peter examine ledit dossier et, à la suite de différents calculs, en déduit que la firme détient une quantité inquiétante de produits financiers toxiques, liés à la spéculation sur le marché immobilier. Peter fait alors venir d'urgence son superviseur, le fantasque Will Emerson. En voyant les conclusions obtenues par son jeune employé, le cadre s'empresse de contacter son directeur, Sam Rogers, qui a passé la soirée chez le vétérinaire auprès de son chien mourant. Ébranlé à son tour par les découvertes de Peter, Sam convoque une réunion exceptionnelle des cadres supérieurs de la firme..

Avant la fin de l'été

Avant la fin de l'été

After five years studying in Paris, Arash has not adjusted to life there and has decided to return to Iran to live. Hoping to change his mind, his two friends Hossein and Ashkan convince him to take a last trip through France..