

Andromeda film en francais



La République n'est plus, et le chaos est la seule règle régissant l'Univers ! Après s'être réveillé d'un sommeil de plus de 300 ans, Dylan Hunt, le Capitaine du croiseur Andromeda Ascendant, et son équipage tentent de rétablir l'équilibre dans la galaxie..



Andro has been trained since his early days to become a cold blooded assassin. He has been trained by a corps of other assassins and hit men from a secret society. The leader of this organization is known as 'Anubis'. to prevent any murderer of this society to live instinctively Anubis decides to kill every hit man at the age of 28. by conditions Andra picks up this valuable information and needs to find a way to live with this whether he likes it or not..



Young Júlia finds herself in a moment of emotional apathy after the end of a relationship. One night, after receiving unexpected news, she decides to cross the city in search of an old pinball table called “Andromeda”, to which she has many memories attached..



In a near future when androids are the new working class, one 'Andromeda' will be the breakthrough for human-level artificial intelligence. Through the love and care of a child, this android is given the gift of a heart and the promise that one day she will become real. But her transformation is dangerous, and there are those who will do anything to have her destroyed..



Finding the storyline in the reels of some unfinished movie, that would be the task this documentary's authors are dealing with. Get to find each character's role in the plot without any script or information about the story's origin. Mystery might be an end in itself..



Three young people travel by car after a night out. On their way back, they talk about astrology and personal issues. During the conversation, Marta realizes that the ideas she had about herself are not clear. At the end of the trip and wrapped in an apocalyptic atmosphere by a cosmic event, she will find the answer..



Evocation of the artistic and cinematic expression of 1960s and 1970s’ public television in Italy. It is the early age of public broadcasting, during which cinema also questions its relation to reality and video art emerges as an experimental answer. The character, a young female viewer, committed to exploring and trying out a new medium, carries us through time. Blurring the lines between document and creation, the film places the viewer between the early age period of television and the period of time she spends in the room, between memory and imagination, utopia and experimentation..

La Menace Andromède

La Menace Andromède

Après le crash d'un satellite américain dans l'Utah, la bourgade de Piémont à proximité de l'impact est décimée par une bactérie inconnue n'épargnant qu'un bébé et un homme. Aussitôt, une équipe de scientifiques est formée pour trouver un remède ; tandis que le gouvernement, sur le pied de guerre, s'apprête à régler cette menace baptisée Andromède avec une frappe nucléaire. Nash, journaliste retors, enquête sur cette inquiétante épidémie....

A come Andromeda

A come Andromeda

En 1973, une équipe de scientifiques déchiffre un mystérieux signal venu de l'espace et découvre qu'il fournit des instructions pour construire un puissant super-ordinateur. Mais dans quel but ? La construction est décidée....

Le Mystère Andromède

Le Mystère Andromède

La population de la petite ville du Nouveau Mexique, Piedmont, est entièrement décimée suite au crash d’un mystérieux satellite. Seuls un vieillard et un nouveau-né ont tout de même survécu à l’attaque. Face à cet étrange phénomène, une équipe de scientifiques se rend sur place afin d’étudier les raisons de cette épidémie. Mais ces derniers découvrent qu’il s’agit d’un virus extraterrestre, prêt à se propager sur toute la Terre...

A for Andromeda

A for Andromeda

Set in 1970, a team of scientists decipher a mysterious signal from space and discover that it provides instructions to build a powerful super-computer. Once built, this computer provokes argument between two of leading team members, Fleming and Dawnay, over the machine's real intentions as it provides further instructions to create a living organism, which Dawnay starts to develop. Later it appears to compel lab assistant Christine to commit suicide, and when the organism is fully developed, it appears in the exact form of Christine, and named Andromeda. But what is the purpose of this "creature" ...?.

The Boy from Andromeda

The Boy from Andromeda

On a holiday to Mt Tarawera, teenager Jenny finds an odd shard of metal. In this third episode of the kids sci-fi series she meets its owner: 'Drom' — a survivor of an alien mission to deactivate a planet-annihilating space gun (aka Tarawera itself). They find themselves under siege from a Predator-like 'Guardian' of the gun. If Drom and Jenny and local kids Tessa and Lloyd can't defeat the mechanoid, catastrophe is imminent! The South Pacific Pictures series found international sales and cult repute..