

Ancient Warriors

Ancient Warriors

Ancient Warriors

Special Forces Captain Aldo Paccione must pull together his former world team Delta Force and go deep within the mines of Sardinia when it is discovered that a vengeful band of mercenaries are developing deadly biochemical weapons..

Ancient Warriors

Ancient Warriors

Ancient Warriors is a 1994 20-part documentary series from the Discovery Channel. Each half-hour episode looks at a major fighting people or force and charts the reasons for their rise to dominance and subsequent fall. The show explores the motivations of ancient soldiers, as well as how they lived, fought, trained, died, and changed the world. It also uses battle re-enactments and computer graphics to demonstrate military strategy..

Clash of Ancient Warriors

Clash of Ancient Warriors

Clash of Ancient Warriors is a series that uses modern science to investigate the mysteries of the most legendary battles from ancient times. Spartans vs Persians in the battle of Thermoplyae, Hannibal vs Rome in the battle of Cannae, The Knights Templar vs Saladdin’s riders at Mongisard, Greeks vs Trojans in the siege of Troy...Military genius and epic battles have led the greatest civilisations to the pinnacle of glory...or the brink of collapse. Join scientists as they hunt for the hidden clues and traces of titanic clashes that could unlock the truth about how one army triumphed and changed the course of history. Unfolding s a countdown to annihilation, each episode builds on the scientist’s investigation to retrace, hour by hour, the dramatic chain of events that ultimately led one side to a bloody victory..