

Al otro lado film en francais

De l'autre côté du mur

De l'autre côté du mur

Une histoire de mondes opposés, de fossés culturels, de différentes manières de voir la vie, qui vise à refléter la vie quotidienne des migrants qui tentent de percer dans un monde étranger et souvent hostile. Une histoire qui raconte l'histoire de deux femmes qui viennent vivre aux États-Unis : l'une poursuivant un rêve et l'autre fuyant un cauchemar. Sofia Villavicencio est la nouvelle épouse du gouverneur de l'état, Ernesto Martínez. Le jour de l'inauguration, une femme désespérée approche Ernesto et lui demande, devant tous les médias, de l'aider à retrouver sa fille, accusant un de ses conseillers, Juan Estevez d'être derrière sa disparition. Cet événement est le premier à faire suspecter Sofia de la véritable identité de son mari. Peu à peu, Sofia découvrira avec l'aide de Joel Benitez, membre d'infiltration d'Interpol que les employés de son mari et surtout Paula Duarte, la maîtresse et complice d'Ernesto sont impliqués dans un réseau de trafic d'enfants dont Ernesto a profité pour financer sa campagne qui l'a porté au pouvoir de son gouvernement. Après s'être échappé de la persécution et des mains de ses ennemis, Sofia fuit Ernesto et traverse la frontière avec sa fille, Alondra pour gagner Los Angeles. De là elle fera tout son possible pour mettre fin au réseau de la traite des enfants, mais maintenant sans le soutien de Joel, puisqu'il croit que Sofia a tué sa sœur. D'un autre côté, Eliza est boulangère et ménagère. Elle décide de s'installer à l'étranger avec ses enfants et son mari, ignorant qu'il mène une double vie. Avant de traverser la frontière, Sofia donne un disque dur à Eliza. Il contient assez de preuves pour inculper Ernesto. À partir de ce moment-là et pour toujours, Eliza et Sofia joignent leurs vies pour pouvoir s'entraider, bien que chaque personne ait son histoire «De l'autre côté du mur»..

The Other Side

The Other Side

Felipe et Claudio tombent amoureux au premier regard. Mais ils sont brutalement séparés lorsque le père de Claudio les découvre ensemble. Felipe décide de traverser le désert pour retrouver Claudio de l'autre côté de la frontière..

To the Other Side

To the Other Side

This drama features three stories about the bonds between children and absent parents. A Cuban boy who lives in poverty with his mother longs to visit his father in the United States, a Moroccan girl attempts to reunite with her father, and in Mexico, and a boy disobeys his father to visit a strange lagoon. These related vignettes showcase the powerful hold that parents have upon their children, which often remains strong despite their absence..

Al Otro Lado

Al Otro Lado

Told using Mexico's 200 year-old tradition of corrido music, To The Other Side recounts the story of an aspiring corrido composer facing two life-changing choices: to traffic drugs or unlawfully cross the border into the United States..

To the Other Side

To the Other Side

Pivoting around a novelist's fascinating story of a magic mirror--the extra-dimensional gate to a haunting realm--a Literature student locates her house, intent on crossing over. Will he ever find out what lurks hidden on the other side?.

On the Far Side of the Tunnel

On the Far Side of the Tunnel

Miguel and Aurelio are two film writers who decide to lock in a monastery in Aragon to finish the script for a movie. Strolling through the beautiful neighborhood, they meet a young and very attractive baker, with whom they maintain a loving relationship and she becomes, without realizing it, the protagonist of the script..

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall

Honduran immigrants living in Mexico, teenage siblings Rocío and Ale must take over care of their two younger siblings after their mother is sentenced to prison on dubious grounds. Tensions grow between the pair as the decision must be made on whether to stay together in Mexico or split the family up to cross into the US to work..

P'al otro lado

P'al otro lado

Desideria, a servant girl, dreams of traveling to Buenos Aires. Incredibly, Blas Pastrana, a relative of her employers, is dying in Argentina and expressly asks them to travel with her. When he arrives at his deathbed, he says that he inherits everything to the employee, confessing that she is his daughter, but on one condition: that in less than two weeks she gets married. Her employers try to convince her to marry the son of the family, Jorge, but Desideria is interested in Tito, a nice porteño. Everything ends in a surprise ending..

Al otro lado del mar

Al otro lado del mar

Two close friends and fellow filmmakers maintain an intimate, transoceanic filmic correspondence between Galicia and Colombia over the course of three years. In these filmed letters both authors are open and familiar, meditative and confessional, making us participants in a sincere friendship..

Al otro lado del tiempo

Al otro lado del tiempo

In 2025, the island of Puerto Rico is experiencing one of the worst moments in its history. Following a series of experiments conducted on the island, the laws of time and space have been broken, and thousands of people are suffering from a strange disease. Amid this chaos, a young fugitive receives the task of traveling back in time to deliver the antidote for the disease in the right hands. Her situation gets worse when the disease symptoms begin to manifest in her body and mind. She will be forced to face her past in order to save the future..

Across the river

Across the river

Pedro has lived in the desert for four years, along with his mother and sister; voluntarily marginalized as a result of an inexplicable plague that affected them, their days pass slowly, dry and heavy. Young people must look for water, take care of them, live the painful process of the disease and see their bodies decay while the water is scarce. Death is fast approaching, while the desert blooms at its side..

Behind the Mist

Behind the Mist

A well-known filmmaker follows a famous mountain climber to Nepal, documenting the journey. Conversations about their lives lead to philosophical reflections, as the mountain challenges their motives. As days go by, the higher altitude and the depletion of oxygen will raise their debate to interior and transcendental territories, putting at stake their trajectories and their egos when facing the mountain and its millenary depth..

The Other End of the Rope

The Other End of the Rope

Neuf des grimpeurs les plus remarquables de nos jours se retrouvent dans ce documentaire saisissant sur l'éthique, les valeurs et la nature même de l'escalade. Les frères Ravier, Christian Ravier, Ekaitz Maiz, Mikel Zabalza, Arkaitz Yurrita, Eneko César et Unai Mendia montreront le côté inconnu de l'escalade dans les Pyrénées. Meilleur film - Ukerdi Film Festival 2018. Meilleur documentaire - Cuentamontes 2018. Sélections officielles 2018: Explos Film Festival, Festival du Film de Montagne de Cluses. Sélection officielle 2017: Bilbao Mendi Film Festival..