

Airwolf voir films streaming gratuit sans compte



À bord de son super-hélicoptère, puissamment armé et à la rapidité sans égale, Stringfellow Hawke apporte son aide chaque fois qu'il le peut. Profondément marqué par la guerre du Vietnam, il a pour compagnon d'armes l'expérimenté Dominic Santini qui l'assiste dans toutes les missions..

Airwolf: The Movie

Airwolf: The Movie

Airwolf is capable of supersonic speeds, invisible to radar and armed with ultra state-of-the-art hardware. Airwolf is the most awesome aerial weapon ever developed. When the helicopter is stolen by Libyan mercenaries, Michael Archangel, Project director for the CIA, enlists the help of Vietnam veteran Stringfellow Hawke and his closest friend Dominic Santini, to attempt to recover the Airwolf. The mission throws them into the midst of Middle Eastern violence and destruction, where they come face to face with danger, romance and intrigue in their battle to re-possess the deadliest aerial weapon ever used..