

After Hours sokroflix gratuit

After Hours

After Hours

Un soir, dans un café de New York, Paul Hackett un modeste informaticien, fait la connaissance de la séduisante Marcy avec qui il sympathise. La jeune femme l'invite chez elle, mais tout ne va se passer comme prévu..

After Hours

After Hours

After Hours is a Singaporean drama produced by local TV station Mediacorp. It was broadcast on Mondays at 11pm. Screen couple Utt and Linda Liao reprise their roles as Gabriel and Ellie in Chase to reunite on the small screen for After Hours. Joined by Joanne Peh and Max Loong as April and Danny, the four are best friends who tackle love, friendships and relationships in every direction in After Hours. The show picks up six months after Chase ends, where Gabriel and Ellie go on holiday together. April and Ellie are former classmates, now friends. Danny is an old friend of Gabriel’s, although they lost contact previously. Danny spent some time in the US, but returns to Singapore for good. The four of them become good friends and hang out together regularly. The situational romantic dramedy shows how four friends approach love, friendships and relationships, and it attempts to provoke the watchers with questions..

After Hours

After Hours

After Hours is the fullest expression of what Cracked does best: dissect the minutiae of pop culture for comedy. In the Webby-award-winning monthly show, Cracked Staffers sit around at a diner way too late at night (and for way too long) and argue over a variety of topics ranging from which fictional apocalypse would be the most fun to why Batman might secretly be terrible for Gotham. Down some coffee and join us as we obsess over movies, comics, TV shows and more forever..

After Hours

After Hours

An 18 year old music lover who's just had his heart broken for the first time turns for support to an internet radio station on a long boat run by two people with extravagant personalities..

After Hours

After Hours

The difficulty of separating sexual fantasy and reality becomes apparent in an investigation of an alleged sexual harassment case..

After Hours

After Hours

Two transwomen chance encounter in the club bathroom, one at the end of her rope, one at the end of her break working at the bar..

After Hours

After Hours

The film originated with thoughts on senseless violence, cultural observation and hypnotism. Many of the images are repurposed, related but unhinged from their original context.

After Hours

After Hours

Short film shot on the premises of now out of business Niagra video rental store / smoke shop / all around flea market, That's Entertainment..

After Hours

After Hours

The After Hours crew brings you a compilation of a years worth of adventuring throughout the US in search of good snow and friends..

After Hours

After Hours

Shooting on 8mm film and making field recordings on cassette tape, recorded patterns of light and sound become a low quality, dreamlike plane of stillness, silence and uncertainty, exploring the passing of time through the study of vacant institutional spaces. The transitory spaces of these mundane but haunting buildings become an obsolete reality of forgotten ideals, the filmstrip itself a receiver of these resonances..

After Hours

After Hours

After closing hours in a department store, the night shift security guard and custodian encounter strange, unusual occurrences. Armed with only their walkie-talkies and overhead cameras, they discover a stealthy, vicious predator..