

Absentia sokroflix gratuit



En enquêtant sur un serial killer, une jeune femme du FBI disparaît. Elle est retrouvée six ans plus tard dans une cabane, entre la vie et la mort. Une fois rétablie, elle découvre que son mari a refait sa vie avec une femme qui élève son fils. C'est alors que les meurtres recommencent..



Le mari de Tricia manque à l'appel depuis sept ans. Au moment où sa jeune sœur Callie vient s'installer chez elle, Tricia doit se résoudre à faire officialiser la « présomption de décès » de son mari. Alors que Tricia ressasse ses souvenirs et tente de refaire sa vie, Callie se sent attirée vers un mystérieux tunnel qui s'ouvre près de sa maison. Elle apprend ainsi l'existence d'autres disparitions mystérieuses dans le quartier et se rend compte que cette mort présumée n'a peut-être rien de naturel. Il semble même que l'« entité » qui œuvre dans le tunnel ait également des visées sur Callie et Tricia..

In Absentia

In Absentia

Lucas is a young man who dreams of going to Brazil and starting his life a new. His troublemaker friend Robert persuades him to go see a girl named Karina. Karina has a plan of how they can make their dreams come true. It involves a robbery at an old lady's apartment. Lucas soon falls deeply in love with Karina much to the dismay of Robert, but there is something she hasn't mentioned which will have terrible consequences for all three of them..

In Absentia

In Absentia

A woman sits alone on a chair at a table in a room on one of the top floors of an asylum. Bright spot lights dot the night, sometimes shining on her window. She sharpens pencils and writes on a page in a copy book. The pencil point often breaks under her fingers' force. She places broken points outside the window on the sill. A satanic figure is somewhere nearby, animated but of straw or clay, not flesh. She finishes her writing, tears the paper from the pad, folds it, places it in an envelope, and slips it through a slot. Is she writing to her husband? "Sweetheart, come." Written by.

Porcupine Tree: In Absentia

Porcupine Tree: In Absentia

In Absentia was Porcupine Tree’s seventh studio album, first released in 2002, and was the first in a run of three albums that for many represent the pinnacle of the band's artistic achievements. Not many albums can claim to have created a new genre, but with its fusion of metal, progressive rock, ambient textures, and acoustic singer-songwriter styled material, it became a blueprint for a generation of bands to come. It also represented a commercial breakthrough for the band, eventually going on to sell three times more than the band’s previous releases. In Absentia features many of Porcupine Tree’s most beloved songs, including Trains, The Sound of Muzak and Blackest Eyes. While not a formal concept album, many of the songs have common themes related to serial killers, youthful innocence gone wrong, and observations of the modern world, setting a template for many of songwriter Steven Wilson's future songs..

Behemoth - In Absentia Dei

Behemoth - In Absentia Dei

Behemoth est fi er de présenter 'In Absentia Dei'. Le spectacle immersif, révolutionnaire en livestream qui a été diffusé pour la première fois en septembre 2020 depuis la Pologne. Ce live spectaculaire a offert aux fans une évasion unique au moment le plus fort de la pandémie. In Absentia Dei est une performance en quatre parties filmées dans une église ancienne et abandonnée au fin fond de la campagne polonaise..

In Absentia

In Absentia

A man is haunted by memories of his girlfriend and struggles with flashbacks and visions of her and him together. He drinks heavily and considers suicide in this dark short..

In Absentia

In Absentia

Set in the rugged Welsh mountains, a woman learns the truth about the memories she lost, and discovers they might be better left forgotten..

In Absentia

In Absentia

A man stumbles upon a bizarre string of clues that seem to coincide with his haunting nightmare. Where do the clues lead? Was it only a nightmare? Where will the journey end?.

Lingua Absentia

Lingua Absentia

Lingua Absentia is a paper cut-out animation about a mother and her schizophrenic daughter, Abby. Guided by the mother’s voice-over narration, the film takes the viewer through Abby's severe cancer treatment and her long process to recovery..

In Absentia

In Absentia

Dark, mysterious and visually captivating, "In Absentia" is an anthology series consisting of contemporary, dark folk tales that focus on the absence of life's normal order..

In Absentia

In Absentia

A dense collection of images that evokes the sensation of recalling or imagining a journey: bright street shots of famous cities, quiet moments in hotel rooms, and brief glimpses of a dream-like figure emerging from the darkness..