

A Perfect Story voirfilms

Un conte parfait

Un conte parfait

Margot et David ne viennent pas du même monde. Elle est héritière d'un empire hôtelier. Il jongle avec trois boulots pour s'en sortir. Mais lorsque leurs chemins se croisent, ils réalisent qu'ils sont les seuls à pouvoir s'aider à reconquérir l'amour de leur vie..

Meitantei no Okite

Meitantei no Okite

Dans "Meitantei no Okite", les personnages principaux suivent les règles d'un roman policier pour résoudre des cas difficiles. Banjo Ohkawara est un inspecteur de police qui est connu pour résoudre de nombreux cas, y compris les plus difficiles. Mais en réalité, c'est le détective privé Daigoro Tenkaichi qui résout ces affaires. Banjo soutient passivement les brillantes déductions de Daigoro. La détective débutant Mana Fujii les aide..

A Perfect Love Story Where Nothing Goes Wrong or Does It…?

A Perfect Love Story Where Nothing Goes Wrong or Does It…?

Once upon a time there was a couple. They lived in a grey winter reality. HE was a charming French photojournalist and gentleman, while SHE was a young and restless Bosnian artist. One morning, they left their grey smog reality in their nouvelle-vague old timer. They passed through a tunnel and found themselves in a colorful summer reality. On the road to the coast, their relationship is constantly questioned. Finally, in this very Paradise-on-Earth, does their love come to an end?.

Erotic Ghost Story: Perfect Match

Erotic Ghost Story: Perfect Match

The soon-to-be Monk Talkative does his best to understand when Fairy Yeh explains what must be done. Rabbit spirits have escaped from the heavenly garden, and must be recaptured. These bunnies can assume human female form, and gorgeous forms at that. One is played by Pang Dan, who happens to be the soon-to-be Monk Talkative's wife. Talkative finds the explanation hard to follow but decides to help..

Perfect Education 5: Amazing Story

Perfect Education 5: Amazing Story

Because of the desolate landscape, Kobayashi chose snow-covered Hokkaido (the most northern island of Japan) as the setting for Amazing Story, a light-erotic drama about a lonely man, Kenji, who kidnaps the woman of his dreams. The woman is Harumi, a hairdresser in the deserted town where Kenji has just arrived. It's never really busy in her business. Harumi's husband is a gambling addict and spends all Harumi's money. Maybe that's why Harumi doesn't try very hard to escape when Kenji kidnaps her. His concern about her and his boundless worship probably help, too. Something strange and beautiful blossoms between the kidnapper and his victim, but can this be the basis of a long and happy encounter?.

L'Histoire parfaite

L'Histoire parfaite

On the small Island of Ecrin where people literally feed on books, a fire-breathing Shadow suddenly appears. Every night, it terrorizes the village and devours new stories. Soon, a legend begins to spread: only the Perfect Story will defeat the Shadow. Louise, a reckless little girl whose mother was killed by the monster, lives with her father George. Overwhelmed by her behavior, he has decided to send his daughter to boarding school. Louise runs away and breaks into the Shadow’s castle: if she manages to kill it, she will become the village hero and make her father proud. She is accompanied by the cowardly but intelligent Edouard and his little sister, the fearless and cheerful Juliette..

A Perfect Soldier

A Perfect Soldier

As a young boy, Aki Ra was groomed to be an instrument of war by the Khmer Rouge regime. In his adult life, Aki Ra has worked to combat the violence in which he once took part by removing what he can of the six million landmines that still mar Cambodia's countryside..