

A Lost Soul voirfilms

Âmes perdues

Âmes perdues

Tino, jeune provincial, va habiter chez son oncle à Venise pour y faire ses études. Mais dès son arrivée, des bruits étranges commencent à l'inquiéter. Il se rend finalement compte qu'un membre de la famille, subitement devenu fou, est enfermé dans une pièce..

Lost Souls

Lost Souls

L'île d'Elbe. Certains jeunes (un garçon et trois filles) se retrouvent à la merci de cinq peines de réclusion à perpétuité..

Lost Soul

Lost Soul

The divine one is immortalised - literally - as a wandering apparition in this 30-part mystery-romance that spans over three decades of contemporary Singapore history..

The Lost Soul

The Lost Soul

Taechyd is a police officer who was ordered to go into hiding by his superior after his case with a drug dealer fell apart when the evidence against the criminal disappeared. Techit goes and lives at a resort run by Sritrang, his childhood friend. They both wanted to become cops ever since they were young. Both of them made it, but Sritrung had to quit after both her parents died in an accident and she ends up having to take care of the corn farm and resort. Eventually, Taechyd meets Siangwaan (Min) a ghost who doesn't remember anything and knows nothing. I guess he calls her Siangwaan because of the sound of her voice, sieng waan means "a cheerful voice." Taechyd must figure out why Siangwaan is haunting Sritrung's resort and why he is the only one that can communicate with her. On the other hand we have Paul, whom Sritrung and Taechyd believe to be the right hand man of the bad drug dealer. He has a history with Sritrung. He was her elder in college and they dated for awhile before he had to leave Sritrung. They must work out their feelings for each other while trying to figure out the mystery of Siangwaan. .

La cité des âmes perdues

La cité des âmes perdues

Au Japon, un Brésilien fait évader une Chinoise dont il est amoureux. Pour pouvoir payer de faux papiers, il organise avec deux autres personnes un braquage, mais au lieu de récupérer une valise pleine d'argent, ils n'obtiennent qu'une mallette pleine de drogue..

L'île aux sorciers

L'île aux sorciers

Lulu, une jeune Danoise de 14 ans attirée par le surnaturel, déménage avec sa famille dans une petite ville de province. Une nuit, son petit frère Sylvester est frappé par une lumière blanche et se retrouve dès lors possédé par l'esprit de Herman Hartmann, un homme mort au 19e siècle alors qu'il combattait les forces du mal au sein d'une loge. Avec l'aide de son jeune voisin Oliver et de Richard, un physiothérapeute qui étudie les phénomènes paranormaux, Lulu va devoir combattre un puissant nécromancien qui cherche à rassembler les pages du manuscrit magique autrefois utilisé par la loge pour combattre le mal..

Lost Souls

Lost Souls

Une bande de clandestins venue tout droit de Chine se fait kidnapper par des malfrats qui exigent une rançon pour leur liberté. En attendant une hypothétique remise d'argent, les gangsters abusent des femmes et battent les hommes....

The Lost Soul

The Lost Soul

After a failed operation to capture the infamous drug dealer, Jiang, Investigator Techit finds himself traveling to his friend Sritang's resort in order to take a break. There, he meets a sweet-voiced ghost who haunts his room and can not remember anything about her past. He decides to call her Siangwaan because of her pretty voice, and the two then begin to find out her real identity..

The City's Lost Souls

The City's Lost Souls

In one of the slums, a group of intertwined stories revolve around residents whose movement may extend outside this neighborhood due to work or study, and their fates intersect with the paths of some characters from other neighborhoods of the city..

Lost Souls

Lost Souls

Like many Hong Kong people, the Ling family are hoping to immigrate to Canada - but then they all die in a gas poisoning accident. Something wimpy like dying isn't going to stop them from their Canadian dreams, but it turns out migrating in the next life takes money, too. In order to raise funds to head west, the Lings return to the mortal world and get to work making money through various jobs, raising plenty of hilarious havoc and misunderstandings along the way..

Island of Lost Souls

Island of Lost Souls

Rene Cardona directs the film version of Jose Leon Sanchez's best-selling novel, which relates the author's 20 years of imprisonment on an island ruled by brutality. When a sadistic man declares himself the boss of an island pueblo, an innocent husband and wife become the victims of his selfish rule. Once the evil man's deeds reach the authorities on the mainland, however, he sinks further into madness and declares "his" island its own republic..

The City's Lost Souls

The City's Lost Souls

Abdullah is a judge who asks court guard Farghali to bring him a maid, he goes to the poor Shohrat who needs money for her children and her addict husband . She has an affair with the judge who gives her money. But when he decides to refrain from paying her, she leaves and he looks for her everywhere..

The House of Lost Souls

The House of Lost Souls

A handful of young geologists are unlucky enough to be forced to stay at a rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere. What they don't know is that the hotel has been abandoned for twenty years because the owner of the hotel had killed his family and all the guests two decades ago. Strange things begin to happen, and suddenly murders are committed....

Cemetery of Lost Souls

Cemetery of Lost Souls

Corrupted by the power of Cipriano's Black Book, a Jesuit and his followers begin a reign of horror in colonial Brazil, until they be cursed to live forever trapped under the graves of a cemetery. Now, centuries later, they are ready to break free and spread their evil all over the world..

City of Lost Souls

City of Lost Souls

A fictionalized account about the lurid lives of a group of eccentric cabaret artists who have come from America to Berlin looking for social acceptance and a place to give full reign to their creative nature..