

21st Century Girl sokroflix gratuit

A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex

A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex

A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex is a documentary TV series about sex, which ran in eight episodes on Channel 5 and was presented by Dr. Catherine Hood. The 45-minute long episodes were broadcast on Monday nights. The series started on 30 October 2006, with the final programme broadcast on 18 December 2006. Each episode explained a sex position and covered a sexually transmitted disease. Additionally, the following topics were discussed: sex among handicapped and overweight people, penis enlargement devices, penis enlargement surgery, sexual violence against men and penis removal, tantric sex, the g-spot, erectile dysfunction, sex reassignment surgery, cosmetic surgery of the vagina, swinging, lichen sclerosus, the use of recreational drugs during sex, male homosexual sex in public toilets, full body plastic wrap bondage, and sex dolls. The programme included close shots of the male and female body as well as footage of sexual intercourse and ejaculation filmed with an internal camera placed inside the vagina. These scenes were filmed using Australian-born pornographic actress Elizabeth Lawrence and English-born pornographic actor Stefan Hard..

Zenon, la Fille du 21ème Siècle

Zenon, la Fille du 21ème Siècle

En 2049, Zenon Kar, une malicieuse adolescente de treize ans vit avec ses parents dans une station spatiale dont le propriétaire M. Wyndham aidé de son assistant Lutz annonce la fermeture par mesure d'économie. Les soupçonnant, non sans raison, de vouloir détruire son univers, la fillette se met en tête d'enquêter sur eux....

21st Century Girl

21st Century Girl

21st Century Girl is an omnibus feature that is of the girls, by the girls and for the girls. The work of 15 women directors under the age of 30, each of whom contributed an 8-minute film, the package highlights a range of genres, visions and thematic concerns..

The Suicide Chain

The Suicide Chain

After attempting to meet someone new on a dating website, Chihiro starts talking to Makoto, who is asking around about a string of suicides. She agrees to meet with him, as she knew one of the girls that recently passed. After the two begin to connect a bit, Makoto gets an e-mail from Chihiro, saying she doesn't see a purpose to continue living..