

1922 sokroflix gratuit



Dans ce film inspiré d'un livre de Stephen King, un fermier confesse par écrit le meurtre de sa femme, première mort d'une série d'un conte macabre..



À Smyrne, en septembre 1922, les Grecs ont perdu la guerre, les chrétiens sont massacrés, exilés et déportés par les Turcs. Ilias, dix-sept ans, est arrêté et doit être déporté vers un camp au cœur de l'Anatolie. Ses parents essaient de racheter sa liberté, mais échouent. Il devient le numéro 31328 d'une colonne de prisonniers en marche vers l'est, sous les coups et les brimades des gardiens..

Century of Animation Showcase: 1922

Century of Animation Showcase: 1922

A snapshot of the state of animated filmmaking 100 years ago. Includes several 1922 films: Walt Disney's "The Four Musicians of Bremen," Dave Fleischer's "Birthday," Otto Messmer's "Felix Makes Good," Paul Terry's "The Farmer and His Cat," Earl Hund's "Fresh Fish," Dave Fleischer's "Mechanical Doll," Otto Messmer's "Felix Fifty-Fifty," and Paul Terry's "Henry's Busted Romance"..

Cante jondo: Granada, 1922

Cante jondo: Granada, 1922

Granada, Spain, 1922. The composer Manuel de Falla, who dreams every night of the ancestral songs sung to him by his nanny, fears that flamenco art will disappear, so with the help of his friend Miguel Cerón Rubio and the poet Federico García Lorca, he organizes a contest to revitalize and promote it..

Avant-Garde 3: Experimental cinema 1922-1954

Avant-Garde 3: Experimental cinema 1922-1954

From the little theaters of the 1920s to the ad hoc film societies of the 50s, avant-garde cinema knew no established form and held no predictable position. The boundaries of its history are still hotly debated, but its rough sensibilities informed and permeated the city symphonies of Alberto Cavalcanti, the visual music of Mary Ellen Bute and John Whitney, the classroom films of Sidney Peterson, the confessional film poems of Willard Maas and John E. Schmitz, the Lettrist cinema of Marc’O, and even marginal exploitation films and home movies. Drawn from the rich collections of Raymond Rohauer and the George Eastman House, Kino’s third volume of experimental films continues to illuminate the degree to which cinema’s evolution has been influenced by those filmmakers who occupy its periphery..

The Soviet Union: 100th Anniversary 1922

The Soviet Union: 100th Anniversary 1922

The Soviet Union was officially formed in 1922, a country, a political experiment, an ideal, a great scar across history. Officially known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the USSR was a one-party state, governed, controlled, and tormented by a single party rule. That of the Communist Party. Complicated, contradictory figureheads would come and go, men who held this impossible country it seemed by sheer will. Stalin the despot-hero whose cruelty knew few bounds who united a nation to defeat Hitler. Khrushchev the crafty libertarian, who preached reform yet allowed an arms race to escalate. Brezhnev, that unreadable member to the old guard, sending history backwards. And of course Gorbachev, who brought vast change, modernisation, and détente, yet saw the Soviet Union collapse under his rule – the untenable nation. The 20th century was shaped by its convulsions, its purges, its wars, and its leaders..

The Wampas Baby Stars of 1922

The Wampas Baby Stars of 1922

The WAMPAS Baby Stars was a promotional campaign sponsored by the United States Western Association of Motion Picture Advertisers, which honored 13 (15 in 1932) young actresses each year whom they believed to be on the threshold of movie stardom. 1922 was the first..

1922 The Greek Genocide

1922 The Greek Genocide

The Greek genocide was the systematic killing of the Christian Ottoman Greek population of Anatolia which was carried out during World War I and its aftermath (1914–1922) on the basis of their religion and ethnicity. It was perpetrated by the government of the Ottoman Empire led by the Three Pashas, and the Government of the Grand National Assembly led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, against the indigenous Greek population of the Empire. The genocide included massacres, forced deportations involving death marches through the Syrian Desert, expulsions, summary executions, and the destruction of Eastern Orthodox cultural, historical, and religious monuments. Several hundred thousand Greeks died during this period. By late 1922, most of the Greeks of Asia Minor had either fled or had been killed. Those remaining were transferred to Greece under the terms of the later 1923 population exchange between Greece and Turkey, which formalized the exodus and barred the return of the refugees..

Arthur Penn, 1922-: Themes and Variants

Arthur Penn, 1922-: Themes and Variants

This documentary premiered at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival and combines black and white with color photography. Director Arthur Penn is the subject of the film. He is shown being interviewed along with his two children, 12 year old Mathew and 8 year old Molly. Scenes are shown from The Left Handed Gun, The Chase, The Miracle Worker, Bonny and Clyde, Alice's Restaurant and Little Big Man. Penn recalls how Warner Brothers insisted he change the ending for The Left Handed Gun and talks about the violence in Bonny and Clyde. His work from 1958 to 1970 received three Academy Award nominations. The director attended the world premiere of this film at Cannes and was pleased with the final effort..

Yitzhak Rabin, 1922-1995 : Le guerrier de la paix

Yitzhak Rabin, 1922-1995 : Le guerrier de la paix

Le soir du 4 novembre 1995, en quittant une grande manifestation de soutien à la paix, le Premier ministre israélien Yitzhak Rabin tombait sous les balles d'un extrémiste religieux juif. Cet assassinat mettait tragiquement fin à la vie d'un homme qui s'était dévoué à son pays, d'abord comme soldat, puis comme homme d'État. Il fit la guerre aussi longtemps qu'il fut persuadé qu'il n'y avait aucune chance de faire la paix. Mais en 1993, il sut résolument engager son pays dans la voie de la négociation avec les Palestiniens car il était désormais convaincu que le temps de la paix était venu. Ce choix lui coûta la vie..

Fioretti de Pier Paolo Pasolini 1922/1975

Fioretti de Pier Paolo Pasolini 1922/1975

"À fréquenter ce que Pasolini, mort à 53 ans, a produit en une petite trentaine d'années, on se demande comment il a pu en trouver le temps et l'énergie. D'autant qu'il n'a jamais renoncé aux voyages, à sa passion de jouer au football, au temps d'entretenir de durables et fidèles amitiés et encore moins à ses ballades nocturnes quotidiennes de "matou en quête d'amour". En intervenant de façon quasi-permanente dans la vie publique italienne, il a inventé sa façon à lui d'être le dernier grand intellectuel italien : devenir, par son entreprise de "publication du privé", une sorte de conscience politique paradoxale, inlassablement vigilante, un révélateur s'offrant "didactiquement" à la persécution des médias, des pouvoirs et de la bêtise de tous les conformismes." (Alain Bergala).