

1915 sokroflix gratuit



Exactly 100 years after the Armenian Genocide, a theatre director stages a play to bring the ghosts of the past back to life..



1915 is a 1982 Australian mini series about two friends who wind up serving in World War One..

Dolomites 1915

Dolomites 1915

1915. L'enfer au cœur des Alpes... Andreas Gruber se rend au mariage de sa soeur. Il y rencontre Francesca Calzolari, dont il tombe amoureux. Mais la guerre va bientôt opposer les deux familles. Italiens et Autrichiens vont s'affronter en pleine montagne, au cours de l'une des batailles les plus féroces de la 1ère Guerre Mondiale..

Aghet : 1915, le génocide arménien

Aghet : 1915, le génocide arménien

Téléfilm-documentaire réalisé par Eric Friedler en 2010 et diffusé le 20 avril 2011 sur Arte. Basé sur de nombreux documents du ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères, il traite du génocide des Arméniens pendant la Première Guerre mondiale par le parti « Jeunes-Turcs » gouvernant l'Empire ottoman. Aghet, se traduisant par « catastrophe » en arménien, est le mot utilisé pour désigner le massacre de plus d'un million d'Arméniens de l'Empire ottoman de 1915 à 1917..

Caravan 1915

Caravan 1915

A Turkish mercenary and his men are hired to move 200 expelled Armenians from their coastal city to Aleppo during the 1915 forced relocation and genocide..

Çanakkale 1915

Çanakkale 1915

The story of the film is about the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey in 1915. The film covers the resurrection of Turkey following its defeat in the Balkan War, through depictions of Sergeant Mehmet Ali (Ali Ersan Duru) from Biga, Corporal Seyit and many others. To help Russia and threaten Constantinople, the Allies try to force through the Dardanelles Straight with a large fleet. Through a series of historical sketches, the film documents how they were defeated despite many difficulties and hardships..

Roland Barthes, 1915-1980: Le théâtre du langage

Roland Barthes, 1915-1980: Le théâtre du langage

Most of the time, Roland Barthes is classified in the category of the 1970s intellectuals, where all his fascinating singularity fades. Our movie holds exactly to the desire of making perceptible his singularity. In this purpose, the movie is constituted by an editing of archives, articulated around Barthes presence and the progress of his career. It is thus a kind of a Roland Barthes’s cinematic version by Roland Barthes, a self–portrait that could be resumed by a point of view as accurate as possible..

Gallipoli 1915

Gallipoli 1915

The six months of the war that was fought on the Gallipoli peninsula was the culmination of months of British errors. The transferal of Imperial prejudices to military planning ended up costing thousands of their lives and showed the incompetence of British generals..

The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

Au cours de la bataille de Sarikamis, opposant l’Empire russe à l’Empire ottoman au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale, un groupe composé de sept individus de différentes classes sociales réussit à fuir la zone de combat et à trouver un chemin hors de danger pour permettre à chacun de retourner à la maison. Ils arrivent pourtant dans un village abandonné, en plein hiver et bientôt, la nourriture vient à manquer….

1915 in Armenian Documents

1915 in Armenian Documents

"1915 in Armenian Documents" is a documentary which reveals the history of 1915, when the Ottoman Empire was struggling for its very existence and foes were pressing on all sides. 1915 documents the inhumanity of war and suffering, armed rebellion and the demise of an empire during World War I. Serkan Koc, who directed the documentary, says 1915 is a factual recounting of events by witness testimony. It is a product of extensive archival research that sheds light on a dark time in history. Featured testimonies are from: Retired Ambassadors Sukru Elekdag and Nuzhet Kandemir, Professor Justin McCarthy, Professor Norman Stone, Dr. Pat Walsh, Dr. Mehmet Perincek, and former Turkish Historical Society President Professor Yusuf Halacoglu..

U.S. Navy of 1915

U.S. Navy of 1915

11-minute piece of the celebrated “lost” three-reel documentary U.S. Navy of 1915, produced by the Lyman H. Howe Company. (The piece had formerly been known only as “U.S. Navy Fragment.”) Sailors as they go about their day — doing repairs, cleaning the deck, exercising, as well as demonstrating naval might..

Second Ypres 1915: The Great Gas Attack

Second Ypres 1915: The Great Gas Attack

The Second Battle of Ypres was fought from 21 April–25 May 1915 for control of the strategic Flemish town of Ypres in western Belgium, following the First Battle of Ypres the previous autumn. It marked the first mass use by Germany of poison gas on the Western Front. For the first time a former colonial force (the 1st Canadian Division defeated a European power (the German Empire) on European soil, in the Battles of St. Julien and Kitcheners' Wood. In the now established BHTV style, the BHTV Team join a selection of historians on the ground to explore the actions of Second Ypres and analyse the significance of what was the first former colonial victory on European soil, the first major use of a terror weapon and the knock on effects of the virtual destruction of the BEF. The team explain the bravery shown by the troops on the ground and the horrors they faced from the advancing German gas clouds..



A century of secrets are hidden behind the fresh paint and modern additions. Peeling back the layers is letting something escape, and he might not see it till it's too late..

Génocide arménien, le spectre de 1915

Génocide arménien, le spectre de 1915

Un film de Nicolas Jallot. 1915 : l’empire ottoman est plongé dans la Grande Guerre qui entraînera sa chute. Dans ce contexte historique si particulier, plus d’un million d’Arméniens sont massacrés par les Turcs. C’est le premier génocide d’un siècle qui n’en sera pas avare..