

1899 sokroflix gratuit



Des migrants de toutes origines quittent le Vieux Continent pour le Nouveau Monde. Le cauchemar commence lorsqu'ils croisent un deuxième navire en perdition....

1899 : Le making-of

1899 : Le making-of

Les créateurs de « Dark » ont fait appel à la technologie virtuelle révolutionnaire appelée « The Volume » pour leur nouvelle série d'intrigue. Découvrez les coulisses du tournage..

Arrival of the Peace Conference at Haarlem, 4 June 1899

Arrival of the Peace Conference at Haarlem, 4 June 1899

Reportage about the visit that the delegates to the First Peace Conference at The Hague made to the floral parade in Haarlem. [...] Although the original goal – a treaty on disarmament – was not reached, other treaties were indeed agreed upon, for example a ban on the use of poison gas and the dropping of bombs from balloons. [...]The group, consisting of 175 guests, made a special train trip to Haarlem on June 4, where they visited the floral parade and the Frans Hals Museum..

The Boer War: 1899-1902

The Boer War: 1899-1902

Journey back in time to a different age, when the sun never set on the British Empire and her armies were great in number. The Boer War: 1899-1902 was a turning point in British military history and would revolutionize tactics, battlefield strategy, equipment, and training. Well known participants in the Boar Wars include: Harry "Breaker" Morant, Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi..

New York Police Parade, June 1st, 1899

New York Police Parade, June 1st, 1899

An excellent view of 'The Finest,' on their annual parade and inspection, June 1, 1899. The head of the column is just turning into 14th street from Broadway, the Morton House forming part of the background. Crowds line both sides of the cable car tracks, falling back as the band heading the first division swings around Dead Man's Curve, and passes the camera..

India on Film: 1899 – 1947

India on Film: 1899 – 1947

As part of the 2017 UK-India Year of Culture, the British Council and British Film Institute share a unique collection of films documenting the sights and culture of a bygone India. Filmed between 1899-1947, and preserved in the BFI National Archive since then, these rare films capture many glimpses of life in India, from dances and markets, to hunts and pageantry..

Reel Baseball - 1899-1926

Reel Baseball - 1899-1926

A cornucopia of early - and, in many cases, extremely rare - baseball films, offering privileged peeks into early twentieth century American lifestyles and values. It includes newly remastered and scored versions of two important early baseball features: The Busher (1919), a delightful comedy-drama featuring silent cinema legends Charles Ray, Colleen Moore, and John Gilbert; and Headin' Home (1920), spotlighting a young, shockingly svelte Babe Ruth in his first motion picture starring role..

Flower Parade in Haarlem

Flower Parade in Haarlem

In April the bloemencorso (flower parade) takes place in Haarlem in the Netherlands. This shot shows groups of carriages, festooned with flowers parading in a grassy area with onlookers..

Concours d’automobiles fleuries (retour)

Concours d’automobiles fleuries (retour)

Deux vues (départ et arrivée) représentent le concours d’automobiles qui eut lieu à Paris en 1899, lors de la fête des artistes. Les voitures sont parées et garnies de fleurs et défilent devant la foule. Sur le trottoir, un opérateur de cinématographe s’affaire sur son appareil..

La danse du feu

La danse du feu

Un diable apparaît dans un nuage de fumée derrière une casserole géante dans une cheminée. Il entame une sarabande autour de celle-ci, allumant le feu au bois sous la casserole à l'aide de sa fourche puis l'attisant grâce à un grand soufflet décroché du mur. Une apparition apparaît dans la casserole pendant qu'il attise le feu. La casserole disparaît et l'apparition, la flamme vivante Ayesha, se met à danser sur le bois, causant beaucoup de fumée avant de disparaître à son tour..



Takes place in the Louisiana backwoods, and follows the momentous discovery of the largest natural gas field in the United States (and maybe the world). The film examines the historic find (a formation called the "Haynesville Shale") from the personal level as well as from the larger perspective of the current energy picture and pending energy future. As the Haynesville Shale boom erupts, the film focuses on three lives caught in the middle of the find: A single mom takes up the defense of her community's environmental protections, an African American preacher attempts to use the riches to build a school for his congregants and a salt-of-the-earth, self-described "country boy" finds himself conflicted as he weighs losing his pristine land to an oil company's offer to make him a millionaire..