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The Cowboys are lured from Mexico to Coney Island by their former manager who disappeared at the end of Leningrad Cowboys Go America. He believes he is the reincarnation of Moses, sent to lead them back to the promised land--Siberia..



Leningrad, besieged by the Germans. Monuments and majestic domes of cathedrals are covered with camouflage netting, destroyed buildings, abandoned trams. Bombs and shells are raining down from the sky almost non-stop, day and night, turning the surviving houses into ruins and spreading death. The survivors, homeless people, are suffocated by hunger..

La Bataille de Leningrad

La Bataille de Leningrad

De nos jours, à Leningrad, Nastya, une vielle femme, est interviewée par une équipe de télévision. Elle raconte ses souvenirs de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle revient notamment sur ses jeunes années, en septembre 1941, dans une Leningrad qui venait d'être assiégée par les Allemands, et sur son histoire d'amour avec Kostya Gorelov, un jeune cadet. Pendant ce temps, l'armée soviétique tente d'organiser l'évacuation de plusieurs centaines de personnes d'une ville de deux millions d'habitants, qui pourrait bientôt être frappée par la famine..

Leningrad - Sobczak's Shades

Leningrad - Sobczak's Shades

Blurring the line between music video and cinema, this short based on Russian rock band's Leningrad's song of the same name tells the story of a drug addicted woman narrated by her in the past tense. Seemingly spurred by an act of charity that she reads as condescension, the woman helps her boyfriend commit a robbery of a wealthy, powerful criminal..

26 Iyar. Leningrad

26 Iyar. Leningrad

The film is about the unknown pages of the siege of Leningrad, about the Holocaust at the walls of the city, where the terrible mass murder of Jews took place. In these terrible days, the community found its leader. They became Abram Ruvimovich Lobanov, who in 1943 officially became a Rabbi of Leningrad. Every year, on January 27, the Great choral synagogue of St. Petersburg holds prayers in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, all the besiegers, all the defenders and liberators of Leningrad. They were first performed on January 27, 1944. The film will also tell about a new date in the Jewish calendar - 26 Iyar, the day of salvation and liberation. It was 26 Iyar, or may 9, that marked a turning point in Jewish history, thanks to which the Jews were not only saved from complete destruction, but also found their national home — the state of Israel..

Leningrad Symphony

Leningrad Symphony

During the brutal siege of Leningrad in the Second World War, musicians are able to stage a public performance of the Seventh Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich..

Leningrad. Rétrospective

Leningrad. Rétrospective

C’est en 1990 qu’Alexandre Sokourov commence la compilation des images d’actualités produites par la télévision de Leningrad, « Leningradskaïa kinokhronika ». En 2008, le film est retravaillé avec la participation d’Alexei Jankowski. Coupures dans les images d’archives, introductions d’éléments extérieurs dont certains extraits de films de Sokourov, travail sur la bande-son par Sergueï Mochkov. Une histoire qui fait deviner le sens caché de cette présentation officielle de l’histoire soviétique en train de s’écrire. Histoire d’un temps tragique, mais aussi plein d’amour et de lyrisme..

Leningrad. November

Leningrad. November

After a ten year long stay in West Germany, Max returns to the Soviet Union to visit his deadly ill father in Leningrad. There he finds a friend in a man who calls himself Igor and he begins a love-affair with the deafmute Lena. Around Max' relationship to his father, Igor and Lena, losely held episodes give a many fasetted portrait of Leningrad and its inhabitants. In the eyes of the returning Max, the city is at once well-known and foreign. Lyrically saturated images and sophisticated editing contributes to making the film an expressive description of a changing city..

Leningrad 4

Leningrad 4

A four-novel documentary about the city of Leningrad on the verge of the USSR's collapse. The main characters of the film are independent photographers who documented that time period..

Leningrad Cowboys go America

Leningrad Cowboys go America

Un groupe de rock'n roll des pays de l'Est, sans public et sans avenir, decide de partir pour les Etats-Unis. Le film retrace son odyssee a travers le continent americain, de bars louches en pays perdus..



En septembre 1941, les troupes allemandes, en marche dans sa direction depuis quatre mois, arrivent aux premières lignes de défense de Leningrad. La ville s'avère difficile à prendre et l'état-major allemand décide rapidement de l'assiéger. Les journalistes étrangers sont évacués, mais Kate Davis manque à l'appel. Phillip Parker, son fiancé, également journaliste, redoute le pire. En fait, Kate est bien vivante, bloquée dans cette terrible souricière. Une jeune femme officier de police, Nina Tsvetkova, lui vient en aide. La survie commence….