

Comment regarder Seven sur Netflix gratuitement

Fly so far

Fly so far

Au Salvador, l’avortement est strictement interdit et réprimé. Le plus grave est que si une femme fait une fausse couche, elle est accusée d’avortement et risque jusqu’à trente ans de prison. Elle-même condamnée et emprisonnée, Teodora Vasquez mène le combat avec ses codétenues pour changer la loi..

Kitsune no homerun-ô

Kitsune no homerun-ô

To the modern eye, this postwar Japanese cartoon is a transitional piece, from the Japanese-mythos story to the modern anime style. The linkag to the older style can be detected in the teams being the rabbits versus the foxes, with the sympathetic character being a fox -- indeed, except for that bit of fantasy, this could have been a live action short..



Juxtaposing the east and west, Elisai is a south Indian story set in London. A dysphoric teenager, Elisai and her idealist mother, Amalie grieve the loss of Elisai’s grandfather. While Elisai suppresses her grief through isolation, Amalie focuses on getting through to her daughter. Despite Amalie’s implicit expressions of care, Elisai’s deteriorating state of mind dissects the importance of compassion. Shot in black and white, there are flavours of the past, present and future traversing throughout the film..