

voir film Venus streaming vf

Code Name Venus

Code Name Venus

The Untold Story of The Tragedy In Cyprus Venus came to find the truth about her parents' disappearance on her childhood home of Cyprus years ago. What begins as a personal journey starts a secret odyssey that will lead her closer and closer to unearthing Cyprus's tragic and hidden history. But in a land so deeply occupied divided, how far will Venus go for a country that is not her own?.

Venus: 99 nights, 2 mornings, 7 visions

Venus: 99 nights, 2 mornings, 7 visions

Video almanac running from September 2011 to June 2012, Venus visibility period at dusk before its transit towards dawn, 138 years after the "chronophotographed" revolver by Janssen, the first machine to record the time by the image. The predictable and unpredictable, the calculated race of the star and the incalculable (or almost) clouds, the routine and the event, the story and the anecdote - all punctuated by 7 visions. Filmed from a constant geolocated point, to an open window overlooking a French city where a canal and a few planes pass. It's also a family film that would make the reamake of Rear Window:take the measure of the small world, exterior and interior where we live, measure, to take a small place, its place, tell stories, have visions..

Vénus aveugle

Vénus aveugle

Clarisse (Viviane Romance), chanteuse dans un cabaretaime Madère (Georges Flamant), un patron propriétaire d'une vieille péniche qu'il gère avec l'aide de son ami, Ulysse. Clarisse attend un enfant. Lors d'une visite chez l'ophtalmologiste, celui-ci lui révèle qu'elle est sur le point de devenir aveugle. Clarisse décide alors d'éloigner Madère, et lui fait croire qu'elle l'a trompé. Cette révélation provoque le départ de Madère pour une longue croisière..

Venus on Trial

Venus on Trial

A sculptor, an enemy of modern art, sets an example. He sculpts a statue of Venus in the style of the Greek antiquity and buries it in a forest. When it's dug up in 1930, it's considered to be a 2 000 year old, antique statue..

The Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus

After the death of her younger daughter, Brigid is overwhelmed by memories and subconscious visions. They inspire a journey through her past and present, redefining her position as a woman and mother in a patriarchal society where both women and men suffer equally. A poetic and dreamlike tale of redemption through a female gaze..

Mars & Venus

Mars & Venus

Ida and Mathias is a very "normal" couple. Her architect, he was a kind of production manager. They have two children, is still horny on each other. But life has set in: The kids interrupt the sex, she earns more than him, and the apartment is just too narrow and too unopposed. In short: It's time to dream. She wants to finish his life's prestige project. He would like to have a boat. Old sailboat even made of wood. One day, Mathias makes the fatal (or maybe the right thing :) He just buys the boat....

La Vénus de l'or

La Vénus de l'or

La Venus D'Or (Golden Venus) was based on Business, a play by Pierre Sabatier. Mirielle Balin stars as Judith, the mistress of ruthless oil magnate Harfstrong (Jacques Copeau). What Harfstrong doesn't know is that Judith is a spy for his hated business rival. When he does find out, he cannot get rid of her because she knows too much about his own crooked dealings. After several more reels of mutual betrayal and recriminations, the story suddenly shifts to the "good" characters, clean-limned young pilot Andre (Daniel Lecourtois) and his sweetheart Michelle (Andree Giuze). Set up as a fall guy for the villains, Andre somehow emerges from the experience none the worse for wear..

The Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus

The basic material consisted of about 30 photos showing some close friends, and a dead pig we had found on a road. The pictures of the pig are used as a symmetric motion-montage. I took proper and left/right-inverted photos which are moved back and forth symmetrically over the central axis. The introduction-scene shows Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus,” cross-fading the figures at both sides and following the title, also Venus with a symmetrical pig-montage. A detail of B.’s picture appears at the end of the film on a wrapper of a lavoratory-deodorant (snif). Three Beatles songs emphazise the performance with their text. The pig is used as a symbol for the woman as a victim. It also stands for any associations to pig as proverbial: poor swine, filthy pig, greedy pig or it may allude to a pigsty or a pig in a poke, etc. The friends appear as: two dancing women, two lovers, a cock, a sex-changing head, etc. Part of the photos were shot by Marc Adrian. (M.B.).

Mother of Pearl Venus

Mother of Pearl Venus

This venezuelan short film, produced under the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez, was the first film production in the country's history to incorporate the use of sound..