

voir film Knock Knock streaming vf

La Maison du mal

La Maison du mal

Le jeune Peter est en proie à un bruit mystérieux et constant provenant de l'intérieur du mur de sa chambre, un tapotement dont ses parents insistent sur le fait qu'il est dans son imagination. Alors que sa peur s'intensifie, il commence à croire que ses parents cachent un terrible et dangereux secret..

Mr. Hikita, I Am Knocked Up

Mr. Hikita, I Am Knocked Up

A couple are perfectly happy to not breed and procreate. Thus their life is a content and unselfish one. He writes and admires his wife. However, she informs him that she wants a child. They try and try, but alas are not successful. It is time to visit a physician to unlock the fertility riddle. Well, he is the culprit it seems.

Révélation par K.O.

Révélation par K.O.

Remarqué par un entraîneur de boxe alors qu'il tente d'effrayer des voyous à coups de crochet, un futur prêtre monte sur le ring pour financer un centre de jeunesse..

Knocked Up

Knocked Up

Kerstin is a successful department head of a tax consulting firm in Berlin. She is respected and feared by her employees. Only one thing is too short in her life: for years she had no sex and no husband by her side. At the company, she wants to show that she can also party properly. The next morning, she wakes up in a hotel bed with two employees next to her: the hated opponent Simon and the "footman" Gregor. With the aid of her assistant Achim, she has lost all the memories of the previous evening. Her employees are forcing her to silence. Four months later, she realizes that she is pregnant and one of her nightmares is the father..

A Stranger Knocks

A Stranger Knocks

One day a strange man comes by and, seeing the lonely situation, invites himself in out of the rain. The woman is quietly hospitable and allows him to remain overnight. He stays on the next day and the next day. Pretty soon the woman begins to fall in love..

Knocking on Skin

Knocking on Skin

"My legs and feet appear different in the light of the setting sun. The effect of shadows; using a macro-lens, I explore my skin‘s surface until my heartbeat becomes visible." —Milena Gierke.

Knocks at My Door

Knocks at My Door

A fugitive bursts into the home of two Catholic nuns. In an attempt to save his life, they hide him from the marauding military patrols, despite the danger they face if they are caught..



Ils forment un groupe soudé de jeunes passionnés de vitesse. Il n’y a pas grand-chose d’autre que les voitures qui les intéressent. GT, le leader du groupe, semble avoir tout le charisme et la confiance en soi, jusqu’à ce que sa petite amie Ine le largue. De l’extérieur, tout semble aller bien, mais son moteur intérieur commence à tomber en panne après une collision frontale avec la vie elle-même. Sivert s’attire des ennuis en jouant et en perdant la chance de réaliser son rêve. Après un délit de fuite, il fait un choix qu’il ne pourra jamais défaire. Que faut-il faire pour être heureux ? Une chose est sûre : s’ouvrir à ses amis n’est jamais une mauvaise idée, même si cela semble parfois difficile....

Cows Knocked Up by Fog

Cows Knocked Up by Fog

Catchy mix of farce and documentary. Portrait of a Berlin theatre company made up entirely of the homeless, alcoholics and junks. They call themselves ‘rats’ and take the film over to have a party..

Women Knocking Out Carpets

Women Knocking Out Carpets

"Gentle Women" refer to the carpet as a phenomenon of Soviet and post-Soviet household culture. What functions and symbols are now endowed with an object that previously testified to the prosperity and well-being of the owner? What is the carpet for? For beauty and warmth, or to hide flaws and hide flaws? Repeating seemingly simple everyday actions in the frame, the participants of the performances create new rituals that appeal to collective and personal memory..

The Coachman Knocks Three Times

The Coachman Knocks Three Times

The film tells the story of a single mother having trouble coping with everyday life. However, she finds in magic and fantasy a way to escape her reality until the enigmatic appearance of a man in her life. He will change her forever, to the point of making the decisions she has always feared. She will suddenly and conclusively have to answer her own question: what do I want? She will be given a chance to correct the mistakes in her life; will she cherish this opportunity or let it slip away?.

I Knocked on my Home's Door

I Knocked on my Home's Door

Timid and shy eleven-year-old George from an Arab Christian family suffers from the mockery of classmates over the fact that his body hair began to grow early. At home, the brutal hairy father, in turn, is annoyed that his son is too quiet and almost ready to cry. What should a boy do if he feels that the whole world is against him?.

The Satanic Nun

The Satanic Nun

Based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aesha begins to question her surroundings in this isolated suspense horror..

Pied-plat: Inspecteur Bulldozer

Pied-plat: Inspecteur Bulldozer

L'homme qui avait donné rendez-vous à l'inspecteur Bulldozer agonise, victime d'un assassinat. Malgré de maigres indices, l'enquête de Rizzo va le mener en Afrique du Sud où il retrouvera son ancien collègue et ami Capucin (Caputo) sur la piste de faussaires de diamants..



In this action-comedy, a sorority girl plays poker with a buxom band of biker chicks and ends up losing all her tuition money. To scare up some quick cash, she and her sisters decide to pose for a bikini calendar. Unfortunately, they end up exploited when sneaky photographers rig their dressing room and film them in the nude. It was a rotten trick and now the girls are really angry. They are so angry that they learn martial arts and then challenge their leather-clad hog-riding rivals to a no-holds-barred wrestling match. They then get revenge upon the photographers..