

voir film Hide

La Vie intime du Dr. Jekyll

La Vie intime du Dr. Jekyll

Visitant une boutique d'antiquités, le Dr Chris Leader et sa fiancée découvrent un vieux livre : "Le Journal du Dr Jekyll". Le propriétaire de la boutique intervient auprès du docteur, en lui faisant remarquer que le livre n'est pas à vendre. Mais peu de temps après, et dans un excès de rage, Leader retourne à la boutique et tue le propriétaire et dérobe ainsi le livre. Lisant le livre, Leader découvre la formule de Jekyll et procède à la préparation de la mortelle mixture. Au lieu de se transformer en un terrible monstre, il devient une belle et désirable jeune femme, Miss Hide..

I Still Hide to Smoke

I Still Hide to Smoke

Au cœur du hammam loin du regard accusateur des hommes, mères, amantes, vierges ou exaltées islamistes, des fesses et des foulards de Dieu se confrontent, s’interpellent entre fous rires, pleurs et colères, bible et coran… avant le sifflement d’un poignard et le silence de Dieu..

X Japan - HIDE Memorial Summit

X Japan - HIDE Memorial Summit

Selon Jrock Revolution, les rockers japonais réactivés X JAPAN seront en tête d'affiche de l'édition du 10e anniversaire du Hide Memorial Summit annuel, un festival hommage de deux jours au regretté guitariste du groupe Hideto "Hide" Matsumoto, qui s'est suicidé en mai 1998. Le L'événement aura lieu au stade Ajinomoto à Tokyo, au Japon..

Nightingales Hide No Secrets

Nightingales Hide No Secrets

The film was shot over a period of 10 years, as a personal diary of the director/cinematographer and his wife Ewa. The 16mm spring camera footage turns into a family story spanning over a decade. The story of time passing. To describe the difference between the two worlds: children and adults. To touch life and its unexpected end. Family. The different worlds..

Hold Hands or Hide

Hold Hands or Hide

Adam and Stuart are attacked in the streets after a night out in a local bar. They are both left with physical scars but how will they cope with the emotional ones?.

Hide-and-Never Seek

Hide-and-Never Seek

BJ Yagwang and PD Park broadcast a live stream themed around horror on AfreecaTV. They look for more provocative and fearful material for their program. One day, they receive a video which contains a female high school student disappearing. In the video, right before she disappears, the female school student was calling a ghost and playing hide-and-(go-)seek alone. While broadcasting live on AfreecaTV, BJ Yagwang goes to the abandoned building where the female school student went missing..

Code Name: Raw-Hide

Code Name: Raw-Hide

Frank and Barny are agents of the PBI - Pornographic Bureau of Investigation, sent by Chief Rank, Head of Vice, L.A. District, to go down on the dirty crime spots of Hollywood. Mousie's Hot Shoppe is an adult bookstore where the owner is as much titillated as his customers by the material on sale. The agents are surprised to uncover that Mousie knows Chief Rank all too well, but it comes handy as he is willing to be an informer. So, the agents "discover" the Travelling House of Pleasure, a door-to-door delivery service of of Eastern Delights, the Good Time girls..

Hide Behind

Hide Behind

A couple's tryst in the woods takes an unexpected and deadly turn when they find themselves hunted by a vicious monster with a terrifying ability to hide behind any object..