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Drôle de père

Drôle de père

Après cinq années d’absence, Antoine revient à Bruxelles, décidé à affronter son passé. Il frappe à la porte de Camille, la femme qu’il a aimée et la mère de leur petite fille Elsa, qu’il n’a jamais rencontrée. Lorsqu’il arrive, Camille est sur le point de partir pour un voyage d’affaires important. Elle attend la baby-sitter qui tarde à arriver. Camille panique et demande à Antoine d’attendre la baby-sitter cinq minutes pour ne pas rater son avion. Pris au dépourvu, Antoine accepte. Il est bien loin de s’imaginer que la baby-sitter n’arrivera jamais et qu’il va se retrouver seul face à sa fille pendant trois journées d’été..

The Weight of Elephants

The Weight of Elephants

Adrian is a classic outsider. His playful, dreamy imagination distracts him from everyday life, for the reality he lives in could not be more different. Neither his chronically depressed uncle nor his overworked grandmother understand the ten-year-old’s games. His mother abandoned him when he was very young and he is bullied at school. Just as news arrives that three children are missing, a new family moves in next door. Adrian develops a close relationship to their tomboyish, ten-year-old daughter Nicole and believes he is getting close to solving the mys- tery of the missing children. New Zealand forms the backdrop for this universal story for adults and those who have never wanted to grow up. It is a story about friendship and loneliness, emotions which Adrian already feels so poignantly as a child. The Danish first-time director’s expressive visual language dramatically merges water and air, reality and a hint of fantasy..



When a fiery young couple attempts to rekindle their relationship after three years apart, the highs and lows of their passion leave the pair wondering if nostalgia is enough to keep them together..

The painted elephant

The painted elephant

An anonymous narrator undertakes a journey through Africa, there is a kind of sorcerer guides him on his journey where parallel universes, different times and memories come together..

Kiiroi Zou

Kiiroi Zou

Le couple Aiko Tsumari ( Aoi Miyazaki ) et Ayumu Muko ( Osamu Mukai ) vivent une vie heureuse et paisible. Aiko est un peu naïf, tandis que Ayumu travaille comme un romancier pas si populaire. Un jour, une lettre arrive pour Ayumu. A cause de cette lettre, le couple s'est séparé ....

Elephant Hospital

Elephant Hospital

The work of a Thailand hospital devoted solely to treating elephants. The two-part documentary reveals the day-to-day challenges of dealing with supersized patients suffering everything from deadly viruses to cuts and parasites. It also shows how the facility teaches baby elephants new commands and even turns elephant poo into fertiliser..

The Terrible Elephant Man Revealed

The Terrible Elephant Man Revealed

This collage of interviews with the producers, John Hurt, and the makeup man comes off as both interesting and informative. Hurt's recollections about the role and the crazy makeup he worked in, are fascinating, as are the stories about the makeup artist using the real remains of John Merrick archived in the London hospital. A shorter bit has the artist explaining the exact construction of his amibitious makup, and he also narrates a slide show that includes color photos of the finished work. There are some mind-boggling stills of the real Merrick's grotesquely contorted skull, where excess bone seems to have grown like tallow dripping from a horrible candle, or a foaming tumor of excess calcification..

Elephant Guardians of Kenya

Elephant Guardians of Kenya

In the Namunyak Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya drought is a menace to both humans and animals. This documentary follows two Elephant Guardians in their tireless work to protect this endangered species..

The Secret Life of Elephants

The Secret Life of Elephants

Set against the backdrop of one of Africa's most stunning locations – the Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya – this compelling series follows the remarkable stories of wild elephants. From the first faltering steps of Breeze, a new born, to the experiences of elderly matriarch Harmattan, this series explores behaviour and relationships revealing elephants to be caring and compassionate beings..

A Fuchsia Elephant

A Fuchsia Elephant

On the day before her eighteenth birthday, Charlotte Hill makes a decision to change. Not wanting to follow in the footsteps of her alcoholic mother, she enlists a sober partner named Michael to help guide her. He challenges her to think of something fun to do to celebrate, and with the help of some friends, she recreates the eighth birthday party she never had. The party is an imaginative romp filled with pirates, gypsies and a fuchsia elephant...the best she's ever had..

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants is a 2002 short film based on a story by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's story was published in 1927 in the second collection of short stories titled Men without Woman..

Mission Hannibal

Mission Hannibal

Hannibal était l'un des généraux les plus célèbres de l'histoire antique. Il est connu pour avoir traversé les Alpes au début de l'hiver, en 218 avant J.-C., afin de gagner le nord de l'Italie avec ses fantassins, ses cavaliers et ses éléphants. Un périple sans cesse discuté. Pourtant, grâce à des indices archéologiques, géologiques et historiques, une équipe d'experts internationaux tente de prouver qu'Hannnibal a bien réussi cet exploit..

The Elephant Vanishes

The Elephant Vanishes

Adapted from Haruki Murakami's short stories, The Elephant Vanishes reveals a strange and beautiful world lurking beneath the surface of Tokyo's bright bustle. The Elephant Vanishes was performed in Japanese by an all-Japanese cast..

Mexican Spitfire's Elephant

Mexican Spitfire's Elephant

A pair of shipboard smugglers have a large diamond hidden inside a small elephant statuette, which they plant on absentminded Lord Epping to get it past customs. Now, his lordship is visiting Uncle Matt Lindsay who looks just like him. Thanks to flirtatious Diana's efforts to get the elephant back, the comic confusion proliferates, with 'spitfire' Carmelita (now a blonde) playing a prominent part..