

The Weekend



Two gangsters, fighting for influence in the city, decide to get suitcases filled with money and drugs. Meanwhile, another criminal group has the same purpose..

The Gold Bug

The Gold Bug

Shortly after the Civil War, while exploring the long deserted and reputedly haunted Sullivan's Island off Charleston S.C., a boy encounters two obsessed eccentrics living there. These men chase him away and warn him never to return or to tell anyone about them. Soon, however, they locate him and summon him back, because he has unknowingly given them a clue vital to their quest and they need his help to unravel the rest of the mystery. If he can do so, they will find buried pirate treasure and all become rich. But in joining the search, he falls under the same obsession and curse -- an ominous fate suggested by the unearthly electronic music which contributes to the film's atmosphere..

A Weekend of Deceased Persons

A Weekend of Deceased Persons

Very black and grotesque comedy about the little office-worker Tase and his death wife Kata. She died in hospital in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, but the nurses mixed her body with someone else. Then he must make exchange of bodies with Klime, the banker. But Tase lives in Prilep and Klime lives even in Ohrid. Then it becomes tragicomedy!.

Wheel of Love: Weekend to Remember

Wheel of Love: Weekend to Remember

We all have that weekend that changed our lives, as if, the wheel and dials of destiny aligned at that exact moment we will never forget. When the wheel of love spins on the lives of the four Asuncion Brothers, they all step hard on the brake pedal. Unrequited love, daunting labels, cowardice, and fear keep them from moving forward. But when love strikes, there’s no holding back. To get the boys’ desires — they need to take control of their hearts. And to change everything, it takes one weekend to remember..

Dirty Weekend

Dirty Weekend

A man and his mistress have just taken off for a weekend romp when they're kidnapped by a trio of bank robbers. They wind up becoming media "stars" as police and reporters follow them. They all wind up at the beat-up shack of a cranky old codger, with the police surrounding them and the robbers threatening to kill everybody..



Cédric Dupuis, rêvant de célébrité, décide de réaliser le plus grand film d'horreur de tous les temps avec ses amis, mais découvrant à ses dépens les joies d'un tournage et d'une équipe non professionnelle, il va dans un excès de colère tuer sa compagne Aline. Suite à ce meurtre, il se rend rapidement compte que désormais il n'a plus d'autre solution que de réaliser son propre documentaire, et va décider d'exécuter toute son équipe, mais en justifiant ses meurtres par la construction scénaristique d'un film (fil conducteur, guest star, rebondissement...)..

Week-end de terreur

Week-end de terreur

Un groupe d'amis, se retrouvent pour fêter la semaine de relâche en passant le week-end précédant le 1er avril dans un manoir que possède leur riche amie Muffy St John sur une île privée..



Igor Lebedev is the finance director of large corporation. He commits murder of the accountant who knew about his dirty frauds and tried to restore justice..

Weekend Millionaires

Weekend Millionaires

Following a competitive circumstances, Russian Federation returned the Romanian state treasury found in Moscow. Among the items brought into the country is also a bust of the early twentieth century (porcelain bust made ​​in 1915, signed I. Andropov) that is not in inventory; experts consider it a "regular kitch". The bust was stored at the Museum of Art in Bucharest..

An August Weekend

An August Weekend

Happily married to Thomas, her daughter just off to college, Katja teaches math and music at the local elementary school. Her life seems perfect. Until a chance encounter turns her world upside down. The very weekend her family is away, she meets Daniel, an attractive, inquisitive fellow, backpacking through Germany. A travel journalist, just passing through, he camps out on her lawn. They connect. She finds his independent, freewheeling lifestyle fascinating. He tells her of his journeys. He makes her feel alive, reawakens her youthful hopes and dreams. Now old regrets come rushing back. After three exciting days, she is faced with the decision: does she go with him, or does she stay in her own, safe little world?.



Miki passe le week-end à Sanso avec son nouvel amant. Mais il ne sera pas l'homme qu'elle pensait qu'il était..... Après que Miki ait été kidnappée, enchaînée et traitée comme un animal par trois hommes sauvages, sa colère va grandir alors qu'elle se bat pour sa survie. Après son évasion héroïque, une seule pensée la sauvera de la chute : ils doivent tous payer !.

Long Weekend

Long Weekend

Businessman Christian Vandenheuvel planned to spend the long weekend with his young mistress, Lisa. Instead, they're take hostage by Jos Diels and Nick, two of the 46 laborers who lost their job recently when Christian had his family film bankrupted. Each victim fails to escape, even the fire alarm doesn't get them freed. After Jos realizes the mistress is his only daughter, and Nick falls in love with Lisa, the masked men's mood evolves as they progress to truth time, when the police arrives..



Carla arrives after years of absence to accompany Martina. Relations between them are cold; there's something unspoken between them. Martina slips away for secret meetings with Diego, a man twice her age. The two are involved in a hardcore sex game that's out of control. When Carla discovers the relationship she confronts Diego..

Week-end sauvage

Week-end sauvage

Diane, mannequin, est invitée par un jeune et riche dentiste, qui l'emmène chez-lui pour une soit disant réception. Il veut l'impressionner, mais c'est finalement elle, qui prouve sa maîtrise, en se débarrassant dans le fossé de quatre voyous qui les importunaient. Mais ces derniers les ont suivi, et le couple est seul, dans la propriété..

The Big Steal

The Big Steal

Danny wants two things in life more than anything else, one is a Jaguar and the other is Joanna Johnson. After he is conned into trading his Nissan Cedric for a 1973 Jaguar, he plots to win Joanna and get revenge against the sleazy car dealer Gordon Farkes..

Weekend with Pops

Weekend with Pops

A middle-aged former criminal has little time to live due to cancer, so he gets to see his son after 5 years to spend his last week with him and teach him the principles he considers important in life..

Le pont

Le pont

Le Madrilène Juan passe son week-end sur sa moto, flânant et allant à la rencontre des séduisantes touristes de Torremolinos..

Kaattu Puli

Kaattu Puli

Sanjay's family goes on a picnic into a forest. They lose their way in the jungle and encounter a gang involved in stealing organs. Sanjay fights against the gang to save his family..