

Où voir Not Again! Netflix

When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before

When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before

Growing up on the grounds of one of Germany's largest psychiatric hospitals is somehow - different. For Joachim, the director's youngest son, the patients are like family. They are also much nicer to him than his two older brothers, who drive him into fits of rage. His mother, painting watercolors, longs for Italian summer nights instead of constant German rain, while his father secretly, but not discreetly enough, goes his own way. But while Joachim slowly grows up, his world, not only through the loss of his first love, gets more and more cracks....

Sekula Is Getting Married Again

Sekula Is Getting Married Again

After so much unrequited love and so many failed marriages, yet with the heaps of children he's left with, Sekula decides to change his life and get serious, but it seems that it's too late for that, and the temptations keep growing....

Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again

Archie: To Riverdale and Back Again

The classic comic book characters created by John L. Goldwater are brought to tv in a slightly older version. Here the characters are adults returning to their high school reunion and remembering old times and romances from good old Riverdale High.

Goodbye Again

Goodbye Again

After years apart, two former lovers Tim & Partha unexpectedly reunite at a party, leading them on a poignant journey through the intricate layers of their complicated friendship and unresolved feelings..

Although Is Hateful Again 2002

Although Is Hateful Again 2002

Soo-Jung (Lee Seung-Yeon) has a bright and honest personality. She is loved by many people. Soo-Jung works as a magazine photographer. When Soo-Jung gets tired of work and life in general, she goes to her friend Young-Ha's (Park Yong-Ha) workroom. Although she always shows others her bright side, she confides to Young-Ha about her sadness and loneliness. Yong-Ha wants to embrace her pain, but there is a wall between them. Soo-Jung again faces a difficult situation. She then meets Ji-Hwan (Lee Kyoung-Young)..

Encore une fois

Encore une fois

Le père de Mie est décédé à la suite du tremblement de terre et du tsunami de Tōhoku en 2011. Un jour, elle trouve un paquet de cartes du Nouvel An non envoyées, qui languit là depuis 28 ans. Pour savoir pourquoi les cartes n'ont jamais été envoyées, Mie retrouve Haruhiko Sakacho. Haruhiko a joué dans la même équipe de baseball du lycée avec son père. Mie rassemble finalement les anciens coéquipiers de son père pour jouer dans le Masters Koshien (un tournoi de baseball de la ligue senior). Mie découvre également une vérité sur son père et l'équipe de baseball..

Macross II - Super Dimensional Fortress : Le Film

Macross II - Super Dimensional Fortress : Le Film

80 ans ont passé depuis la première guerre impliquant Macross. Les descendants du conflit Zentraedi/Meltrandi ont établi une coalition sur Terre. En 2089, lorsque les Marduks, des renégats Zentraedi menacent cette alliance, la Forteresse Macross doit se régénérer après des générations d'inactivité afin de combattre l'ennemi. Hibiki Kanzaki, journaliste au Scramble News Network (SNN), se retrouve plongé malgré lui en pleine guerre et s'allie avec Ishtar, une énigmatique princesse Zentraedi. Avec l'aide de Silvie Gena, un pilote de Valkyrie, Hibiki part à la rescousse de Ishtar sur le point d'être reprogrammée par les renégats Zentraediens. Sylvie et Hibiki doivent aussi communiquer toute la vérité sur l'invasion et convaincre la puissante force militaire spatiale afin de réactiver la forteresse et défendre la Terre une dernière fois….

Love Me Once Again

Love Me Once Again

Hye-yeong had no idea that her lover, Shin-ho, was a married man until Shin-ho's wife and children arrive in town. She leaves him but reappears 8 years later asking him to take responsibilty for their child..

Callaghan remet ça

Callaghan remet ça

Le racket du catch est exploité par un couple d'aventuriers, le Baron - Ray Rollando - et Ruby la Dorure. Au cours d'un match truqué par les deux compères où s'affrontent « le Masque aux dents blanches », « le Justicier de l'Au-delà » et « le Barbu de l'Arizona », terreur de la Prairie, Slim Callaghan les confond en se substituant au Masque aux dents-blanches. Dupés, le Baron et sa bande jurent de se venger. Slim Callaghan s'oriente alors vers une nouvelle affaire encore plus retentissante, le vol célèbre des diamants de la Haute Sangha. Aidé de sa blonde et jolie secrétaire Carola, Callaghan aborde un luxueux yatch, en Méditerranée. De là, il pénètre dans une somptueuse villa où se donne une soirée travestie ....



Yeon-ju is an assistant director who has been trying to be a writer-director for ten years. After being turned down her last script and assigned an unwanted side job in her home town by an executive, she seriously considers quitting all. To make things worse, her mother gets sick. She got stuck in an unwanted circumstance. But strange enough, the unwanted side job gives her a glimpse of hope. The project is about the last Kie-sang (the feudal age courtesan) San-ok, who was the most excellent artist. Somehow Yeon-ju feels connected with her. At the verge of giving up her dream and life altogether, Yeon-ju starts to write a new script with the help of San-ok in her fantasy..

Begin Again

Begin Again

The 'boy' fights with his mother from morning and leaves home. On the bus to the mountain, he meets 'younger sister' and her 'older sister', who go hiking after a long time. However, the 'boy' was kicked out of the bus after being found to have paid less bus fare..

Casey Bats Again

Casey Bats Again

Casey is upset about having struck out his last chance at bat but his wife suggests they have a son to follow in their dad's footsteps. Eventually, a child is born but, to Casey's dismay, it's a girl, not a boy. His wife suggests they try again several more times but each time, it's still another girl. Casey is depressed but his pals tell him that in spite of everything, they still make a powerful baseball team. Casey likes the idea and accepts. However, the day of the big game, he is nervous that one of them will strike out and attempts to make the last home run himself disguised as one of his own daughters..

Shoot Joe, and Shoot Again

Shoot Joe, and Shoot Again

Ted and his gang rob a bank and he hides the loot from his companions. They corner him and fatally wound him, but he manages to slip the map of the hidden money to his rescuer, Joe. The gang catches up with Joe, torture him and introduce him to sexy Rosy, who is to use her undeniable feminine charms on him..

Alexandrie, encore et toujours

Alexandrie, encore et toujours

À la suite d’une rupture avec Amr, son acteur fétiche, le cinéaste Yeshia Eskandarany remet en cause sa vie et évoque leurs relations, les problèmes qu’a connus la profession avec l’infiltration du pétrodollar, mais aussi l’amour qu’il éprouve pour ses acteurs, cet amour dont la nature pourrait bien le transformer parfois en dictateur..

Let Me Dream Again

Let Me Dream Again

Possibly the first film to utilize the technique of focus pulling. A man kisses a beautiful and lively woman, then the image blurs and dissolves into a clear image of the man waking up to his nagging wife..