

Où voir Bodies Bodies Bodies Netflix

Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies

Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies

This shows the heart of one of the tremendous drifts in the east end of Galveston. Hundreds of dead bodies are concealed in these immense masses, and at the time the picture was taken the odor given out could be detected for miles. The subject shows a gang of laborers clearing away the debris in the search for corpses, one of which was discovered while the picture was being taken. (Edison film catalog).

Explorers of the Human Body

Explorers of the Human Body

Explorers of the Human Body was a show on South Koran network SBS. The show was hosted by Shin Dong-yup with the aim to answer curious questions about the human body, where the members of boyband Super Junior obtain the answers by doing experiments with their own bodies. The show succeeded in attracting a wide audience due to its comedic and educational content..

Over their Dead Bodies: Tantura, the Forgotten Massacre

Over their Dead Bodies: Tantura, the Forgotten Massacre

This film explores testimonies from expelled residents of Tantura, a former Palestinian Arab fishing village that was located 28 kilometers south of Haifa on the Mediterranean coast of Palestine. In May 1948, the village was attacked by Jewish Haganah forces as part of a regional “cleansing” operation in the foothills of Mount Carmel, with the goal of expelling the Arab residents. Many Palestinians were killed and hundreds were imprisoned. Those who survived fled to the nearby village of Fureidis, which was spared destruction when Jewish residents of nearby towns interceded on its behalf. Other survivors became refugees in the West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. Kibbutz Nahsholim and Moshav Dor were subsequently built on land on the outskirts of Tantura. A mass grave is believed to be located under a parking lot, but current residents oppose exhuming the bodies..

Le problème à trois corps

Le problème à trois corps

La Chine est en pleine Révolution culturelle et Ye Wen Jie, une jeune astrophysicienne dont le père a été exécuté, est forcée de travailler pour un mystérieux projet de recherche spatiale. Trente-huit ans plus tard, en 2007 une étrange vague de suicides frappe la communauté scientifique internationale. Wang Miao, un grand chercheur en nanotechnologies, est chargé par l'armée d'enquêter à ce sujet en infiltrant la Société des Frontières de la Science, un groupe qui semble lié à cette vague de suicides..

Soft Bodies Pillow Talk

Soft Bodies Pillow Talk

Snuggle Up with Becky LeBeau and three of her voluptuous playmates for an intimate tumble between the sheets that is sure to make some feathers fly. Whether they're on an outback camping adventure or taking an in-house bubbly bath, Becky and her pals are sure to entertain...

Bodies in the Water

Bodies in the Water

DISCOVERYSERIES2024 When a missing high school student is found shackled in chains off the shore of Cape May, investigators are baffled by what kind of monster could commit such a heinous murder..

Corps et âme

Corps et âme

Mária, nouvelle responsable du contrôle de qualité et Endre, directeur financier de la même entreprise, vivent chaque nuit un rêve partagé, sous la forme d'un cerf et d'une biche qui lient connaissance dans un paysage enneigé. Lorsqu'ils découvrent ce fait extraordinaire, ils tentent de trouver dans la vie réelle le même amour que celui qui les unit la nuit sous une autre apparence....

Minute Bodies: The Intimate World of F. Percy Smith

Minute Bodies: The Intimate World of F. Percy Smith

A meditative, immersive tribute to the astonishing work and achievements of naturalist, inventor and pioneering filmmaker F. Percy Smith. Smith worked in the early years of the 20th century, developing various cinematographic and micro-photographic techniques to capture nature's secrets in action. Working in a number of public roles, including the Royal Navy and British Instructional Films, Smith was prolific and driven, often directing several films simultaneously, apparently on a mission to explore and capture nature's hidden terrains. This film is an interpretative edit that combines Smith's original footage with a new contemporary score by tindersticks to create a hypnotic, alien yet familiar dreamscape that connects us to the sense of wonder Smith must have felt as he peered through his own lenses and seen these micro-worlds for the first time..

Pompeii: The Bodies in the Basement

Pompeii: The Bodies in the Basement

A new investigation into one of the most harrowing gravesites of the 79AD eruption, where more than 55 bodies were found cowering in a warehouse at a site that has long baffled archaeologists. While the skeletons at the back of the room have no possessions, those crowded at the front are laden with jewellery and gold - but why, in the chaos of their dying moments, were the bodies so starkly divided by wealth?.

Les corps électriques

Les corps électriques

Dans un futur où des corps biomécaniques ont remplacé les corps biologiques, chacun peut changer de corps à l’envi, s’il en a les moyens. Ceux qui ne peuvent plus payer la location de leur corps sont forcés de l’abandonner. C’est ce qui menace la joueuse de nuages Emma Beaufort..

World Wide Woven Bodies

World Wide Woven Bodies

At the end of the 1990s the Internet comes to Northern Norway and coincides with the sexual awakening of young Mads (12). The introduction of pornographic images into his life complicates his relationship with his parents, and their house becomes a minefield filled with uncomfortable interactions..