

Evidence sokroflix gratuit

Evidence of Rapid Fossilization

Evidence of Rapid Fossilization

Dr. Andrew Snelling graphically illustrates how fossils - the vestiges of once-living organisms - form rapidly, not over millions of years. To be preserved with the amazing detail we often see, animals and plants "locked" in the rock record had to be buried rapidly, and fossilization had to be rapid as well. Fossils are often found in huge numbers in what are called "graveyards," as demonstrated by many example across the world. These often massive fossil beds point unmistakably to the rapid burial of living things during the global Flood cataclysm described in Genesis!.

Evidence of a Dream

Evidence of a Dream

Historical documentary centered around the Central Pacific Railroad and it's effects on California and the United States. Made for the California State Railroad Museum to act as an introduction to the museum..

A Preponderance of Evidence

A Preponderance of Evidence

The stories of three women intertwine in voiceover to Sandra Davis' collage of contradictory images: a Florida swamp, mermaids, the majestic medieval architecture of Europe, Anita Hill before Congress and abstract color and light, interspersed with bits of 1950s educational films. These are shocking testimonies about the burden of female identity: illegal abortions performed in the '50s without anesthesia; the dynamics of the relationship between husbands and wives; the inability to participate in the enjoyment of sex. A mixture of documentary and narrative filmmaking, Davis' powerful film is a personal female journey to deconstruct the burden of inherited identity. - Stela Jelincic.

What Is the 'Best' Evidence That God Created

What Is the 'Best' Evidence That God Created

The most popular talk by one of AIG's most popular speakers! Audiences nationwide have been thrilled with this energetic, eye-catching presentation on some of the most astounding evidences of God's handiwork. Carl Kerby builds to an unforgettable conclusion: the life-changing truth that the best evidence is God's Word itself!.

Trace Evidence

Trace Evidence

The "Trace Evidence" video trilogy explores the geological, meteorological, and hydrological appearance of nuclear evidence secreted within the molecular arrangement of matter. Its focuses upon three events: the unearthing of ancient nuclear reactors at the uranium mine site in Oklo, Gabon in 1972, the discovery of Chernobyl’s airborne contaminates at the Forsmark power plant in Sweden in April 1986 and the 7,600 kilometre five year journey of Caesium-137 from Fukushima-Daiichi through the waters of the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Vancouver Island..

OVNIS, les meilleurs preuves

OVNIS, les meilleurs preuves

Les preuves scientifiques sur les ovnis existent. Il suffit de se pencher sèrieusement sur le sujet pour se rendre compte de l'importance de ces preuves une fois regroupées. Detections radar, videos militaires, documents déclassifiés de la cia à propos des ovnis, temoignages de personnes crédibles telles que des militaires ou policiers, videos amateurs avec confirmation par plusieurs dizaines voire centaines de témoins etc...

A Search for Evidence

A Search for Evidence

Looking for evidence that her husband may have been unfaithful, a woman is in a hotel, accompanied by a witness, and they are peeking through the keyholes at the guests. After looking at a couple of rooms inhabited by strangers, they see a tray of drinks taken into room #9, but the room turns out to be occupied by a group of men playing cards. Still the wife continues, sure that eventually she'll find what she's looking for..

A Painful Reminder: Evidence for All Mankind

A Painful Reminder: Evidence for All Mankind

This documentary incorporates the footage shot by Sidney Bernstein, head of the Allied Film Section of the Psychological Warfare Division, under wartime conditions, two or three days after the Allied troops liberated Belsen and other Nazi concentration camps. It depicts the unspeakable carnage of thousands of corpses being buried in large pits. The film was made as a record to show the German people what had been allowed in their country under Hitler. It was judged to be too harrowing for viewing at the time and was suppressed by the British government. In updated sequences, Bernstein describes the filming of these wartime atrocities and the assistance he received from Alfred Hitchcock. Survivors of the camps recount their hellish experiences..

Hindenburg: The Lost Evidence

Hindenburg: The Lost Evidence

On May 6, 1937, the German airship Hindenburg burst into flames, killing 35; the Hindenburg left Frankfurt, Germany, on May 3 for a journey to Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey; as the airship attempted to moor, it suddenly caught fire..

Loch Ness Monster: New Evidence

Loch Ness Monster: New Evidence

Professor Neil Gemmell uses cutting-edge environmental DNA science to unravel the mystery of the Loch Ness monster. Neil's high-tech monster hunt opens a new chapter in the search for Nessie as he puts the leading theories to the ultimate scientific test..

Chernobyl: The New Evidence

Chernobyl: The New Evidence

On April 26, 1986 Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, releasing clouds of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere. New evidence reveals the serious concerns of the KGB and attempts by Soviet leadership to keep the story quiet..

Pacific: The Lost Evidence

Pacific: The Lost Evidence

Archival aerial images, some lost or forgotten until now, are used to build 3-dimensional views of World War II Pacific battle sites. Including commentary by soldiers who fought in them, we revisit eight key battles of that war: Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Guam, Leyte, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.

Extreme Evidence

Extreme Evidence

Extreme Evidence is an American reality television series that premiered on Court TV on September 29, 2003. Each half-hour episode attempts to use forensic science to uncover the cause of a catastrophic event. 3-D animation, and first-hand accounts from eyewitnesses, are also used to illuminate the investigations..