

Comment trouver The Village gratuit

Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition

Scene in the Swiss Village at Paris Exposition

The picture opens with a crowd of Swiss boys and girls dressed in native costumes, marching down the street in this very unique and picturesque village. Each happy and smiling face is clearly shown as they pass the camera. The scene ends by the boys and girls congregating in the square and dancing to the strains of an accordion played by one of the happy villagers..

The Story of a Village and a War

The Story of a Village and a War

"The Story of a Village and a War" is a film about the citizens of South Lebanon during the israeli invasion in 1978. The film highlights their daily suffering during the occupation. It was shown at the United Nations at the request of Ghassan Tueini, the representative of Lebanon back then. The screening helped in the issuance of resolution 425, which provided for the withdrawal of the israeli occupation from the South..

The Rise and Fall of an Olympic Village

The Rise and Fall of an Olympic Village

The Rise and Fall of an Olympic Village was Norway's contribution to the entertainmentfestival in Montreux in 1994. Represented by the commedytrio KLM (Trond Kirkvaag, Knut Lystad and Lars Mjøen). This short movie was directed by Helge Lyngstad. The movie elaborates on how Norway secured the hosting of the Olympic in 1994 and the problems that unfolded..

Mystery of the Missing Village

Mystery of the Missing Village

In search of sensational material, the capital's journalist Tatyana Blok finds herself in the village. The reason for the shooting is large-scale: one morning in the village of Verkhnyye Brody (across the river from the Lower Ones), all the people disappeared. Twenty people at once. Money, documents, and all the livestock were left in place. Tatiana takes over the investigation. For her, this is a chance to prove that she was fired from television for nothing, and she is able to shoot high-quality investigative reports. But for this, Tatiana will have to learn how to live in the village, or rather, to survive in it..

Village Of The Vampire

Village Of The Vampire

Rebecca searches for her sister, a young journalist who went missing while investigating a series of unfortunate events, and meets a charming man with a dark gaze in a remote part of the world..

Le Village

Le Village

À la recherche d’un modèle économique, qu’ils rêvent de fruits, de vin ou de cinéma, les habitants de Lussas, petit village d’Ardèche, sont les acteurs d’une course poursuite. Il s’agit, dans un monde très actuel qui conjugue mondialisation, internet et développement durable, de vivre selon ses idées. On y crée une télé, on y étudie et produit, on y diffuse du cinéma documentaire, on y cultive des fruits, on y fabrique du vin, toutes ces choses que l’on aime et que l’on veut continuer à faire au mieux… Cela sera-t-il possible ?.

Ox-Head Village

Ox-Head Village

Après avoir lancé une farce sur les réseaux sociaux à propos d'un bâtiment hanté, trois filles disparaissent soudainement. Des rumeurs circulent selon lesquelles ils auraient été victimes de la malédiction du Village à Tête de Boeuf, déclenchant une enquête menée par deux de leurs amis, désespérés de découvrir la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé....

The Way to My Father’s Village

The Way to My Father’s Village

In the fall of 1986, Richard Fung made his first visit to his father's birthplace, a village in southern Guangdong, China. This experimental documentary examines the way children of immigrants relate to the land of their parents, and focuses on the ongoing subjective construction of history and memory. The Way to My Father's Village juxtaposes the son's search for his own historical roots, and his father's avoidance of his cultural heritage..