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L’Effet Domino

L’Effet Domino

Au début des années 1990, l’Abkhazie déclarait son indépendance après une guerre civile sanglante contre la Géorgie. Vingt-trois ans plus tard, la petite république d'à peine 250 000 âmes n'est toujours pas reconnue par la communauté internationale. Pire, elle semble condamnée à vivre sous perfusion de son voisin et allié russe. Seuls un douteux mousseux local – que l'on mélange avec du soda – et l'organisation des championnats du monde de dominos semblent faire la fierté de l'Abkhazie. C’est dans l’ombre de cet État fantoche que Natacha et Rafael ont décidé de s’aimer. Lui est ministre des Sports et défend l'idée d'un nationalisme abkhaze conquérant. Elle, chanteuse lyrique russe, a abandonné sa carrière et sa fille en Russie pour vivre son nouvel amour. Un choix difficile à assumer..

Death by Rescue: The Lethal Effects of Non-Assistance at Sea

Death by Rescue: The Lethal Effects of Non-Assistance at Sea

In April 2015, two shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean resulted in over a thousand deaths. The first, on 12 April, occurred when an overcrowded boat was approached by a large commercial vessel. Less than a week later, on 18 April 2015, a similar incident led to over eight hundred deaths after an overcrowded vessel collided with a cargo ship that had approached to rescue its passengers. Both incidents are in part the result of changing EU policies toward at-sea rescue, particularly the retreat of state rescue operations and a resulting onus on commercial vessels to fill the ‘rescue gap’..

L'effet Papillon

L'effet Papillon

Luis, vingt ans, part a Londres en compagnie de sa mère, Noelia, pour terminer sa thèse d'économie. Ils sont accueillis par Olivia, la sœur cadette de sa meère qui vit a Camberwell Road, un quartier ouvrier du sud de Londres. Au bout d'une semaine Noelia rentre a Madrid, confiant son fils à sa sœur en lui recommandant de le surveiller. Olivia suit les conseils de sa sœur mais bientôt une histoire d'amour se tisse entre la tante et le neveu..

The Mandela Effect Phenomenon

The Mandela Effect Phenomenon

Explores the phenomenon where people misremember well-known facts or events, leading some to believe reality has been altered. It examines possible causes, including supernatural forces or living in a simulation..

Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

This was the only documentary made in the aftermath of the atomic bombings of 1945. Japanese filmmakers entered the two cities intent on making an appeal to the International Red Cross, but were promptly arrested by newly arriving American troops. The Americans and Japanese eventually worked together to produce this film, a science film unemotionally displaying the effects of atomic particles, blast and fire on everything from concrete to human flesh. No other filmmakers were allowed into the cities, and when the film was done the Americans crated everything up and shipped it to an unknown location. That footage is now lost. However, an American and a Japanese filmmaker each stole and hid a copy of the film, fearful that the reality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would be hidden from history. Eventually, these prints surfaced and became our only precious archive of the aftermath of nuclear warfare -- a film that everyone knows in part, yet has rarely seen in its entirety..

FRICK! or The Side Effects of Coexisting

FRICK! or The Side Effects of Coexisting

FRICK! or the side effects of co-existing explores the emotional underpinnings in a close friendship that is starting to come apart at the seams in Los Angeles. When the house is shaken and split a girl proves one of the boys to see the error of his ways..

Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence

Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence

Documentary that frames gun violence as a Disaster and Public Health issue by taking an in depth look at how one shooting impacts individuals, families and communities, while also giving voice to the questions and insights that arise from these conversations. In the documentary, all those scarred by gun violence eventually arrived at the same question: "Why...Why did this happen to us?" After looking at these in depth experiences of gun violence "Trigger turns its attention to the bigger question: "What can we do to prevent gun violence?".

The Venus Effect

The Venus Effect

A romantic comedy about Liv, who is at the beginning of her 20s. She is very close to her parents and working in the family greengrocer business when, against all expectation, she falls in love with a spirited and somewhat older rainbow girl, Andrea. Andrea claims to be suffering from stress. But in reality, she is heartbroken and has sought refuge at her uncle’s apple plantation. Liv’s encounter with Andrea becomes the catalyst for a divorce, the loss of a friendship and an identity crisis that ultimately shatters their love. But in a rebellion against her parents, Liv realises that love is mutable and that a family may assume many forms..

Masters of Illusion: The Wizards of Special Effects

Masters of Illusion: The Wizards of Special Effects

1994 documentary focused on the creation of movie and television special effects, hosted by Roy Scheider and Jonathan Brandis, featuring behind the scenes look at how the visual effects were created for popular films of the era. GBR Entertainment Productions also co-produced the long running Movie Magic television series which concerned itself with motion picture SFX and VFX, and which started its run in the same year. The series actually kicked off with an episode covering the same ground as this television special..



In a dystopian 2049, three women in Taiwan navigate their roles as mother, daughter and wife — as technology takes a toll on their lives..