

Comment trouver The Bear gratuit

The Right to Bear Arms

The Right to Bear Arms

A young man falls in love with a dominatrix, who is a member of a brutal gun gang out to assassinate the young man's father -- a Federal Prosecutor fighting for stricter gun laws..

Barney Pêcheur

Barney Pêcheur

Barney va à la pêche, mais juste au moment où il s’apprête à accrocher tout un banc de truites, un canard plutôt persistant continue de se mettre en travers du chemin..

The Tale of The Three Bears

The Tale of The Three Bears

Goldilocks is an ordinary little girl, whose parents take her to spend her holidays in a little house in the countryside. But one day, while she is playing in the forest, Goldilocks gets lost. This is the beginning of a wonderful adventure, as Goldilocks meets and makes friends with the Three Bears. She also encounters weird and wacky characters like the no-good Trolls and Dr Egg, the nuttiest mad scientist in the world. The Tale of the Three Bears is a story full of excitement, friendship and fun, that will charm young and old viewers alike..

Le Père Noël et les trois ours

Le Père Noël et les trois ours

Lorsqu'un garde forestier explique à deux oursons ce qu'est la magie de Noël et le père Noël, les deux petits décident de retarder leur hibernation pour profiter eux aussi des festivités. Mais Maman Ours n'est pas contente, elle s'en va demander des explications au garde forestier....

The Good Bear and the Bad Bear

The Good Bear and the Bad Bear

George Pal's third and final cel-animated commercial story film made for Lever Brothers product Rinso Soap. It's wash day, Grandmother Bear is coming for lunch and there's no soap. Mother Bear sends her two boys, one good, one mischievous, to the shop..

Where the Trees Bear Meat

Where the Trees Bear Meat

In the Argentine Pampas, life seems to be on hold. A prolonged drought is killing off the livestock and threatening the existence of Omar, a farmer, his nonagenarian mother and Libertad, his 4-year-old granddaughter..

Where the Bears Are

Where the Bears Are

A comedy mystery web-series that follows the exploits of three gay bear roommates living together in Los Angeles, as they attempt to solve the murder of a party guest that turned up dead in their bathtub..

Bongee Bear and the Kingdom of Rhythm

Bongee Bear and the Kingdom of Rhythm

Un jeune ours orphelin nommé Bongee se lie d'amitié avec la princesse Katrina. Lorsque la sorcière Bandrilla jette un sort aux habitants du royaume, les empêchant de faire ce qu'ils aiment le plus, danser, l'ours Bongee entreprend de briser le sort..

La Fameuse Invasion des ours en Sicile

La Fameuse Invasion des ours en Sicile

Tout commence le jour où Tonio, le fils du roi des ours, est enlevé par des chasseurs dans les montagnes de Sicile… Profitant de la rigueur d'un hiver qui menace son peuple de famine, le roi Léonce décide d'envahir la plaine où habitent les hommes. Avec l'aide de son armée et d'un magicien, il réussit à vaincre et finit par retrouver Tonio. Mais il comprend vite que le peuple des ours n'est pas fait pour vivre au pays des hommes....

Les Ours Boonie : L'Aventure minuscule

Les Ours Boonie : L'Aventure minuscule

Le bûcheron Vick, qui coupe des arbres dans la forêt, est sans cesse interrompu dans son travail par les ours Briar et Bramble. Exaspéré, il décide de les rapetisser avec sa lampe de poche magique afin qu'ils ne l'importunent plus. Au cours d'une bagarre, ils se retrouvent tous les trois dans la ligne de mire du faisceau et se voient miniaturisés. Les ennemis doivent alors s'allier afin de retourner vers le dispositif et inverser les effets, mais des embûches de taille les attendent sur leur route, dans ce monde magnifique qui se cache juste sous nos pieds..

Bears About The House

Bears About The House

Conservationist Giles Clark embarks on his biggest mission to date - taking on the illegal wildlife trade and helping to build a new bear sanctuary in Laos, south-east Asia. Giles has been asked by good friend Matt Hunt, CEO of Free the Bears, to help for 12 months and is not long into his role when he has to step in to help Mary, a five-month-old sun bear. Mary was rescued after her mother was killed in the wild and was spotted on the back of a truck for sale into the illegal wildlife trade. Fragile and malnourished, she lives with Giles and Matt at home while she needs round-the-clock specialist care..

Betsy the Bear Car

Betsy the Bear Car

Join Betsy The Bear Car and her incredible family and friends of animal cars as they embark on one exciting adventure after another. They may make mistakes along the way, but together, they always find the solution to their problems at the end of the day. Young children will be fascinated by the imaginative world and characters in this series, and learn through its fun-filled and educational stories..