

Comment trouver Taken gratuit

Le Courage au cœur

Le Courage au cœur

Une lycéenne est enlevée en plein jour sur le parking d'un centre commercial. Tandis que la police lance des recherches sous la responsabilité du lieutenant Mike Timbrook, un ami des parents de la jeune fille, Anne tente de laisser des indices de son passage et, surtout, de survivre aux mains de Tony, le psychopathe qui l'a kidnappée. Tony est persuadé qu'Anne et lui pourront vivre ensemble «dans les montagnes». Sortant de l'État du Nebraska, c'est le FBI qui reprend l'enquête, mais Mike est fermement décidé à aider les fédéraux....

Taken by Grace

Taken by Grace

An ex-con kidnaps a Christian couple in a bid to avenge his son's murder in this faith-based thriller starring Angus MacFayden and Haylie Duff. Years ago, Lucas Blackstone (Macfadyen) watched helplessly as his son was killed in cold blood. Years later, upon being released from prison, Lucas determines to see justice served at the business end of a .357. After kidnapping Shawn Everett (Bradley Dorsey) and his wife Carrie (Duff) from a campsite, Lucas instructs them to drive him to the town of Trinity so he may carry out the execution. Now as the trio drives to their grim destination, Lucas learns that Shawn and Carrie have put their trust in their faith to save their broken marriage. Unmoved by their devotion, he threatens to take their lives if they try to stop him. Later, a shocking discovery about his intended target leaves the grieving father questioning everything he ever thought he knew..

The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken

The Old Maid Having Her Picture Taken

An old maid is walking about the studio while the photographer is getting his camera ready. She first looks at a hanger, which immediately falls from the wall, not being able to stand her gaze. Then she looks at the clock, and her face causes it to fall to the floor with a crash. She then walks over to the mirror, which suddenly cracks in several places. The photographer then poses her. Just as he is to press the button the camera explodes with a great puff of smoke, completely destroying the camera and demolishing the studio. The picture finishes up with the old maid tipping back in her chair and losing her balance, displaying a large quantity of fancy lace goods..

Taken - Children of the State

Taken - Children of the State

On June 12, 2019, the Committee to Investigate Violence in Youth Care presented its final report. The conclusions were startling. Kim Feenstra set out to find out what progress has been made within the Youth Care system since then and ended up in a circle of grief and pain dominated by money, power and powerlessness. In her search, Kim Feenstra spoke to many people involved. The stories can be described as downright shocking. In many cases Youth Care appears to act as a revenue model that is exploiting parents and children. The complex system has only one entrance, but the exit is obstructed by all stakeholders who want to maintain their revenue model. The people who really matter, the parents and children, encounter a power block of inhuman proportions. A system dominated by money, power and powerlessness..

Taken Away

Taken Away

A young single mother has to work late one night. Her daughter begs her to allow her to stay alone instead of going to a babysitter. The mother finally agrees. When the girl falls and is injured, police are called and she is taken to a hospital, the courts decide that the mother is unfit and take her daughter away. She must fight to all ends to get her back..

The Taken

The Taken

Lost on the back roads of rural America, Charlie stumbles upon a child abduction and must fight his lack of courage in order to save her life. Charlie soon realizes that not only is he being watched, but time is running out..

Room Taken

Room Taken

When a man, new to Ireland, experiences homelessness and needs a place to sleep, he secretly takes up residence in the home of an elderly blind woman, which leads to them forming a unique bond..

Over Taken

Over Taken

A subhuman creature watches a girl from afar, deeply in love, and tries to woo her by sending a gift – a magic, semi-living mask. Alarmed at first, she soon enjoys the sensual powers of the mask, but rejects the creature when he reveals himself to her. With a broken heart, love turns to bitterness, and his gift’s powers become malicious..

Taken Hostage

Taken Hostage

Unfolding like a political thriller, Taken Hostage tells the story of the Iran hostage crisis, when 52 American diplomats, Marines and civilians were held hostage at the American Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. For the next 444 days, the world watched as the United States received a daily barrage of humiliation, vitriol and hatred from a country that had long been one of our closest allies. Told through the candid, personal testimony of those whose lives were upended by the action, the crisis would transform both the U.S. and Iran and forever upend the focus and direction of American foreign policy..

A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here

A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here

Vange, a lonely biker, is enchanted by the relationship and freedom of four girls, with whom she spends a weekend where exchanges about lesbian experiences and culture are present, accompanied by a mutual affection that gradually establishes itself..

The Road Taken

The Road Taken

This 1996 documentary takes a nostalgic ride through history to present the experiences of Black sleeping-car porters who worked on Canada's railways from the early 1900s through the 1960s. There was a strong sense of pride among these men and they were well-respected by their community. Yet, harsh working conditions prevented them from being promoted to other railway jobs until finally, in 1955, porter Lee Williams took his fight to the union..