

Comment trouver Cracked gratuit

Through the Cracks

Through the Cracks

In a house in the quiet neighborhood of Parque Chas, stories from the past and present converge. Its current owner shares the strange events she has experienced within her home. Edna, a victim of appropriation, narrates her close connection to the house and how it relates to a clandestine network of doctors and midwives that operated during the 1970s in the heart of Buenos Aires..



A subtle portrait of an elderly tailor who, following the arrest of his favorite son feels strongly disappointed by life and by the general “cruelty of people”. As a consequence, he has chosen to withdraw into a world of his own and keeps social interaction to an absolute minimum..

Jai Rao

Jai Rao

Koravic and Aoey were once childhood sweethearts. During a time when Koravic's father was on the verge of death, Aoey left Koravic without any explanation, leaving him heartbroken and bereft after his father's death. Eight years later, Koravic had risen to become one of the most famous and sought-after actors in Asia. Cold, business-like and temperamental, Koravic had finally reached the pinnacle of his career when he was awarded Best Actor in a highly prestigious award ceremony..

Visite Médicale

Visite Médicale

Woody Woodpecker passe sa journée à chanter fort et à faire des trous dans les arbres. Il exaspère les autres créatures des bois - quand il ne les déconcerte pas avec son comportement bizarre. Woody entend un écureuil et un groupe d’oiseaux bavarder à son sujet. Même s’il vient de chanter une chanson proclamant sa folie, il nie leurs accusations chuchotées qu’il est fou. Mais après qu’ils l’ont piégé en lui frappant la tête sur une statue, le pauvre oiseau entend des voix dans sa tête et décide que les animaux pourraient avoir raison. Il décide de voir un médecin..