

Comment regarder Welcome sur Netflix gratuitement

Bienvenus !

Bienvenus !

Quand on est propriétaire d’un hôtel quasiment en faillite dans les montagnes norvégiennes, est-ce que la solution ne serait pas de le transformer en centre d’accueil pour réfugiés pour profiter de subventions bien opportunes ? C’est le bon plan de Primus, hôtelier peu aimable et pas vraiment ouvert aux autres cultures… Mais voilà, la bonne idée de Primus ne s’avère pas si simple. Accueillir 50 personnes d’origines diverses, quand il faut compter en plus avec une femme déprimée, une ado rebelle, et des préjugés racistes, ça promet bien des déconvenues mais aussi, des heureuses surprises !.

Welcome to Mercy

Welcome to Mercy

When a single mother begins to experience symptoms of the stigmata, she seeks the help of a local priest and nun to help her understand what is seen and unseen..

Welcome to the Show

Welcome to the Show

A comedy sitcom showing a behind the scenes look into the SBS music show Inkigayo, featuring a fictional love triangle between Sulli, Nickhun, and Seulong that occurs as Maestro has a trouble-ridden comeback, his first in five years, and all the problems these situations cause for the crew of Inkigayo..

Bienvenue à Los Angeles

Bienvenue à Los Angeles

Carrol Barber, jeune auteur-compositeur vivant à Londres, revient à Los Angeles, sa ville natale, à l'occasion de Noël. Son agente, Susan Moore, lui a annoncé que le chanteur Eric Wood veut enregistrer certaines de ses chansons. Carrol ne se doute pas qu'il s'agit d'un stratagème de son père, le millionnaire Carl Barber, qui tient à ce que son fils revienne au bercail. Dans l'un de ses textes, Carrol parle de Los Angeles comme de la "ville des rencontres éphémères". Il va en faire l'expérience concrète à travers ses relations avec plusieurs femmes : Ann Goode, femme d'affaires, Nona Bruce, photographe, et Karen Hood, qui fuit une existence vide en passant des heures dans les salles de cinéma et dans les taxis....

Welcome to Japan: Hinomaru ranchi bokkusu

Welcome to Japan: Hinomaru ranchi bokkusu

Japan hosts an East Asian international tournament in 2020. Many thuggish personalities are travelling to Japan for the event. Kicking into action is a woman who was raised by the Yakuza and has become an assassin. She is tasked with protecting Japan from the thugs during this tournament. She will kill many of the louts. She also meets a member of a pop idol group..

Soyez les bienvenus

Soyez les bienvenus

Un camp de pionniers. Le directeur Dynine, apparemment chaleureux a en fait un tempérament rigide et froid. Il multipli les interdictions dans un but prétendument éducatif. Mais l'ordre rigoureux instauré par le directeur est bientôt troublé par l'indépendance d'esprit dont fait preuve le jeune Kostia Inotchkine..

Welcome Home: A Family Story

Welcome Home: A Family Story

Mario and Sergio are pregnant. They don't have uterus, neither ovaries nor mammary glands, however they are longing to become parents. This Family Story explains their long way as parents candidates. From the very beginning when they feel a strong instinct until the birth of their beloved son, Galileo, by means of surrogated pregnancy..

Welcome To Hollywood Florida

Welcome To Hollywood Florida

Ten years ago, Tyler Porter had it all. As the star of the hit television series "Dallas Austin," all he knew were red carpets and flashy headlines. But this washed up, substance-abusing, hard-core method actor won't settle for fame as a distant memory. With his new girlfriend and battered Camaro, Tyler travels cross-country to begin his latest gig in Hollywood......Florida, where he takes on a job as an acting teacher at a third rate film school.

Most Welcome 2

Most Welcome 2

Most Welcome 2 is a Bangladeshi action film written by and directed by Ananta Jalil. It is considered to be one of the most expensive films in the history of Bengali cinema. Development began in February 2012. The film is a sequel of 2012 blockbuster Most Welcome, The film released in 2014. The film stars Ananta Jalil and Barsha in leading roles..

Welcome to Takarazuka -Snow and Moon and Flower-,  A Farce in Pigalle (Frénésie à Pigalle)

Welcome to Takarazuka -Snow and Moon and Flower-, A Farce in Pigalle (Frénésie à Pigalle)

Japan Traditional Revue "Welcome to Takarazuka" - The spirituality of the Japanese people is based on the beauty of the seasons. The theme for this Takarazuka revue show comes from the beauty of those four seasons. Takarazuka Revue traditions of combining Western music with Japanese dance is one of its charms, and here we use beloved, well-known songs to spread that charm to even more people. Kabuki legend Bando Tamasaburo will be supervising director of this show, his first collaboration with the Takarazuka Revue. . Musical "A Farce in Pigalle" - The year is 1900. The city, Paris. The Moulin Rouge, a red windmill at the foot of Montmartre, is a symbol of this era. A young man comes to visit the Moulin Rouge. This man calls himself “Jacques Valette,” and begs to be allowed to work at this dreamlike place. With his arrival, the whole world of the Moulin Rouge is about to be turned on its head!.

Welcome to Coalwood

Welcome to Coalwood

Coalwood, WV is the home town of Homer Hickam, whose memoir, Rocket Boys, was made into the movie October Sky. "Welcome to Coalwood" takes you to the October Sky Festival, where you'll meet the Rocket Boys and hear more of the story of this company-owned "coal camp" as told by the people who have lived there..

Welcome to SPEEDLAND SPEED Live @ Budokan

Welcome to SPEEDLAND SPEED Live @ Budokan

A video of the long-awaited national tour, which has moved around 100,000 people. From the nationwide tours that took 16 performances across 10 places nationwide with the best album "SPEEDLAND", the Nippon Budokan pattern sold out the same day of tickets. This 2-piece set is packed with a huge hit tune, and also includes footage of documents such as rehearsal and backstage. This is a must-have item that is highly recommended for those who are touching the SPEED this time..