

Comment regarder Soldier sur Netflix gratuitement

Les Soldats de l'Apocalypse

Les Soldats de l'Apocalypse

La bataille fait rage entre onze soldats sud et nord coréens quand ils disparaissent subitement sans laisser de trace. Ils ont été emportés dans une faille spatio-temporelle et se retrouvent en 1572, lors de la cinquième année du règne du roi Seonjo..

Trois Troupiers

Trois Troupiers

Indes, 1890. Le colonel Brunswick commande un régiment britannique d'infanterie. Dans ses rangs, il est confronté à trois fortes têtes : Ackroyd, Sykes et Malloy. Pour les mater, le colonel nomme le premier sergent. Mais ce dernier déserte pour sauver ses deux amis encerclés par des rebelles. Dépassé par la situation, Brunswick décide à son tour de leur prêter main-forte....

The Toy Soldiers

The Toy Soldiers

On one evening in a decade of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, the innocence of youth and family unravels. Five parallel coming-of-age stories dramatize the stages of grief. A youthful mother in a custody battle over her children, finds tranquility with the bottle. The abuse of her ex-husband still haunts the children; a nineteen year old drug addict, and his younger brother, a bullied closet homosexual.There's the story of the dog; a teen who offers sexual favors to gain acceptance, the challenged classmate who would do anything for her love, and the redhead beauty, haunted by a secret, tragic past. These lives and others will change forever on this final evening before their hangout, The Toy Soldiers Roller Rink, closes its doors for the final time..

I Love a Soldier

I Love a Soldier

During World War II in San Francisco, Eve Morgan and her single girlfriends spend their days welding ships and their nights dancing with soldiers and sailors shipping out that night. Eve is determined to avoid any romantic entanglements until the war is over she refuses to spend her days and nights worrying about getting bad news about a man she has fallen for. But she doesn't count on meeting a soldier who is determined to change her mind..

Lonesome Soldier

Lonesome Soldier

Based on a true American story, Lonesome Soldier immerses viewers in the captivating journey of Jackson Harlow, a young man hailing from the heart of Tennessee to the war-torn lands of Iraq. Haunted by the vivid memories of war, Jackson's homecoming proves to be a profound turning point in his life, as he discovers that the battle he faces is far from over—it’s just different. Lonesome Soldier vividly portrays the profound challenges and profound triumphs experienced by those who have bravely faced the crucible of war, only to return to a world that may never fully comprehend their struggles..

Universal Soldier

Universal Soldier

A life-long mercenary commander and weapons expert is commissioned to train an army for an exiled African leader. But as his conscience finally catches up to him, he is seen as a threat to the powers behind the operation..

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

Une collégienne de 14 ans nommée Bunny Tsukino découvre qu'elle a été élue pour devenir la justicière Sailor Moon. Elle sera chargée de retrouver la princesse de la Lune, l'héritière du trône du Millenium d'argent, mais aussi le Cristal d'argent, une pierre précieuse aux pouvoirs surpuissants. Une mission qu'elle remplira à l'aide de Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Chibi-Moon, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus et Sailor Saturne....

Le Déserteur

Le Déserteur

Shlomi, un soldat israélien de dix-huit ans, fuit le champ de bataille pour rejoindre sa petite amie à Tel Aviv. Errant dans une ville à la fois paranoïaque et insouciante, il finit par découvrir que l’armée, à sa recherche, est convaincue qu’il a été kidnappé… Un voyage haletant, une ode à une jeunesse qui se bat contre des idéaux qui ne sont pas les siens..

The Good Soldier Švejk

The Good Soldier Švejk

Good-natured and garrulous, Schweik becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the front serve only to prevent him from reaching it. Playing cards and getting drunk, he uses all his cunning and genial subterfuge to deal with the police, clergy, and officers who chivy him toward battle..

A Soldier's Play

A Soldier's Play

In a segregated army camp in Louisiana in 1944, a black sergeant is shot dead after crying out "they still hate you." As the play examines the murder, the truth of it becomes more shocking and hateful than the murder itself..

Soldier of Fortune

Soldier of Fortune

How can it be Johnny Hondo-inspired third world mayhem if some guy named Vincent Miles is running around gunning down Russkies, hanging off of helicopters and battling the entire Soviet military with just a dirt bike? Well, putting aside the fact that only Johnny Hondo would be capable of doing all that, it's because Vincent Miles is really Johnny Hondo! We know this because the rogue Russian special services guy says so, but unfortunately Vincent/Johnny has no memory of this! Why? Because the Russian shot him in the head in a flashback and Johnny caught him a dose of the amnesia! What? You didn't know you could get amnesia from taking a bullet in the brain? Maybe you were shot in the head, too and just forgot!.

Soldier's Home

Soldier's Home

Harold Krebs went off to fight in World War I, "the war to end all wars." But when he comes home, Harold finds that he doesn't fit in any more. He needs peace and quiet to figure out what has happened to him and who he has become, but his mother pressures him to rejoin society..

An Untold Triumph: America's Filipino Soldiers

An Untold Triumph: America's Filipino Soldiers

During World War II, 7,000 Filipino Americans volunteered their services to the U.S. Army and helped liberate their homeland from Japanese occupation. Director Noel M. Izon captures their stories through the voices of the veterans themselves – only half of whom are still alive today – and delivers touching personal accounts of the men’s contributions and sacrifices during the war. Despite the fact that they endured a bleak, racist prewar climate and were not even considered U.S. citizens, these individuals rallied to join the war effort and cement their rightful place in American history..