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Two men in adjoining duplexes, good friends, are enchanted by the song of a bird. One buys a small harmonica and learns to play it; he keeps his neighbor awake. The neighbor buys a larger harmonica, and an arms race ensues; the instruments get larger, until it's a piano vs. a pipe organ, and then they start bringing in larger groups of friends until an entire orchestra is playing the 1812 Overture. The houses collapse from all this, atop the dueling orchestras, and on their way up to heaven, the man puts his small harmonica up for sale..

Piccolina bella

Piccolina bella

Dans une exploitation d'agrumes en Calabre menacée par la faillite, une mère et ses deux filles emploient de la main-d'œuvre immigrée. Ils tentent de régler les dettes en déterrant des trésors archéologiques et en les revendant illégalement sur le marché international de l'art. Leur lutte pour se libérer des griffes du crime organisé local ('Ndrangheda) est à l'origine d'une histoire de jalousie, d'ambition, de conflit et d'amour entre trois femmes passionnées, si différentes et pourtant si semblables..

I piccoli maestri

I piccoli maestri

During the 20 months before Italy's liberation from Fascism, a group of university students trade empty rhetoric for action by joining the Partisans into the mountains of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. There, group leader Gigi falls in love with his best friend's girl. As the Resistance struggle continues, some of the "little teachers" are killed, and the brutal reality of war leaves its mark on their youthful idealism..

The Little Archimedes

The Little Archimedes

The action takes place in Florence in the 1930s. Alfred, an Englishman who moved to that city in order to write a book on Giotto, meets a boy who is fond of music and mathematics, with whom he becomes close friends. Alfred goes to Switzerland, but one day he receives an anguished letter from the boy and rushes back to Florence where he learns some terrible news..

The Little Lord

The Little Lord

11-year-old Christian lives with his Italian mother Gioia in poverty on the island of Ischia. His German father died in a rescue mission before Christian was born. The kind boy had an unremarkable and calm life until, one day, his grandfather Carl Schneibel finds him. Schneibel is a wealthy businessman who had never seen Christian before. Since the old lonely man has no heir, he decides to take Christian in and offer him a good education. Schneibel has never been on good terms with his son and never liked his son’s choice of wife, so he decides that Gioia must not come along. Despite, Gioia does not wish to obstruct her son’s future and allows him to go. Thanks to his good nature and his kind ways, Christian wins the heart of his grandfather and changes his life for the better..

Un piccolo spettacolo

Un piccolo spettacolo

This documentary portrait of a traveling circus family—populated with performing kids, dogs, and chickens—seems to situate us squarely in Fellini country. But Giarolo and Alice Rohrwacher are up to something far less obvious, tempering the film’s antic whimsy by capturing the dogged determination of the Solunas as they venture by overstuffed caravan from town square to town square, all the way to the Balkans..

Addio, piccola mia

Addio, piccola mia

Last years in the Life of german Dramatican Georg Büchner. Around the year 1830 he and his fellow students try to initiate a revolution in Germany, but they are not successful. Büchner has to leave the country and seeks exile in France and Switzerland, where he falls ill with typhus..