

Comment regarder In the Garden sur Netflix gratuitement



A psychological drama of a family in crisis. Kawa, a successful Māori businessman in Auckland, New Zealand, is forced to reveal his lifelong secret - that he is gay..

Effroyables Jardins

Effroyables Jardins

Lucien, un adolescent de quatorze ans, ne comprend pas pourquoi son père, un instituteur sérieux et respecté, se ridiculise, à ses yeux, dans un numéro de clown amateur. Un jour, André, le meilleur ami de son père, lui dévoile l'origine de cette vocation..

Péril en la demeure

Péril en la demeure

David donne des cours de guitare à la fille de Julia et Graham. Mais, il devient un pion d’un jeu mystérieux et cruel où le pouvoir se gagne par le charme et la manipulation….

The Rolling Stones: Four Flicks – Arena Show

The Rolling Stones: Four Flicks – Arena Show

18 January 2003 at Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY, USA "Street Fighting Man" "If You Can't Rock Me" "Don't Stop" "Monkey Man" "Angie" "Let It Bleed" "Midnight Rambler" "Thru and Thru" "Happy" "You Got Me Rocking" "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" "Honky Tonk Women" (with Sheryl Crow) "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" "It's Only Rock 'n Roll" (B-stage) "When the Whip Comes Down" (B-stage) "Brown Sugar" (B-stage) "Jumpin' Jack Flash" Extras Band Commentaries: "Street Fighting Man" "Happy" "It's Only Rock 'n Roll" Sheryl Crow and the Stones Making the HBO Special Custom Setlist Select-a-Stone: "Honky Tonk Women" (Multi-angle) (Concert only).

The Convent Gardener

The Convent Gardener

Based on one of the short stories from the "Decameron", "The Convent Gardener" mirrors the story of Young Gardener Masetto and presents, in two separate parts, the story of a young man and a young woman who pretend to be mute in order to get a job as a gardener in a convent inhabited by several women and several men, respectively. Because the young gardeners are mute and, therefore, assumably unable to reveal the secrets of the convent’s residents, all the women living there take action to sleep with the young man just as all the men do to sleep with the young woman..

The Garden of Sinners: Remix, Gate of Seventh Heaven

The Garden of Sinners: Remix, Gate of Seventh Heaven

Gate of Seventh Heaven nous permet de replonger dans l'univers des six premiers films de la saga The Garden of Sinners. Ce film retrace les moments-clés de l'intrigue de façon chronologique, parfois sous un autre angle plus rythmé, et est agrémenté des principaux thèmes musicaux entendus jusque-là..

Hanging Garden

Hanging Garden

On the surface, the Kyobashis appear to be a happy family. Despite a family agreement that they are all open with each other, the entire household knows the opposite is true..

The Chronicles of a Garden

The Chronicles of a Garden

A boy comes to a garden and is seduced by a man transformed by a strange flower. The strange flower man leads the boy to the entrance of a forest that appears mysterious and unknown, waiting for the boy to explore..

Pope Leo XIII in His Carriage

Pope Leo XIII in His Carriage

Filmmaker WKL Dickson, one-time right hand man to Thomas Edison, the 'Wizard of Menlo Park', here captures an even greater eminence, Pope Leo XIII. This was one of a series of films that exploited Dickson's unique, hard-won access to the Pontiff. Here the Pope arrives in a carriage and bestows a blessing. Whether this blessing was intended for the camera or for the audience beyond it, capturing it on film was a great prize for Dickson..

Secrets of 1979

Secrets of 1979

In the summer of 1979, during Taiwan’s martial law period, Bing-Kuan asks her college friend Shu-Lan to help out on her family’s banana plantation. As time goes by, the two girls secretly develop a romantic relationship, and decide to volunteer at the Formosa Magazine in order to promote democratic freedom of expression. Yet their youthful romance is threatened as the Kuomintang regime seeks to suppress dissident voices..

Drôles de petites bêtes

Drôles de petites bêtes

Lorsqu’Apollon, un grillon baladin au grand cœur, arrive au village des petites bêtes, il ne tarde pas à perturber la vie du Royaume tout entier… Piégé par la cousine de la Reine Marguerite, la jalouse et diabolique Huguette, Apollon est accusé d’avoir enlevé la souveraine, semant la panique dans la ruche… Marguerite est en réalité captive des Nuisibles, complices d’Huguette qui en profite pour s’emparer du trône ! Apollon le Grillon, aidé de Mireille l’Abeille, Loulou le Pou et ses nouveaux amis, se lance alors dans une périlleuse mission de sauvetage.….

The Battery

The Battery

"This picture, taken from a rapidly moving tug, gives a very comprehensive idea of the lower end of New York City, including prominent sky-scrapers, and the Aquarium. The photographic effects are quite stereoscopic.".

The Rabbit Garden

The Rabbit Garden

Jerzy Kosiński, author of The Painted Bird and Being There, sees his life and literary career unravel after having the authenticity of his work called into question by two reporters from The Village Voice..

The Garden of Heaven

The Garden of Heaven

Oh-sung, a doctor at a hospice facility, is emotionally scarred by the experience of losing his parents as a child. One night he meets Young-ju, a make-up artist who has been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Despite having very little time together, the two start to develop feelings for each other..

Polluting Paradise

Polluting Paradise

En 2006, Fatih Akin tourne la scène finale de son film "De l’autre côté" à Çamburnu, village natal de ses grands-parents au nord-est de la Turquie, où les habitants vivent depuis des générations de la pêche et de la culture du thé, au plus près de la nature. Il entend alors parler d’une catastrophe écologique qui menace le village : un projet de décharge construit dans un mépris total de l’environnement et contre lequel s’élèvent le maire et les habitants. Il décide de lutter par ses propres moyens. Pendant plus de cinq ans, il filme le combat du petit village contre les puissantes institutions et témoigne des catastrophes inéluctables qui frappent le paradis perdu : l’air est infecté, la nappe phréatique contaminée, des nuées d’oiseaux et des chiens errants assiègent le village. Pourtant, chaque jour, des tonnes d’ordures sont encore apportées à la décharge…..