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Fairbairn In The City

Fairbairn In The City

Simple farm boys Lachlan and Jaxon make the move to the big city from their rural home. Although they thought it would be fun, it transpires the boys know nearly nothing about the modern world. Understanding dating, managing relationships, living with a girl: these are all things the boys are going to have to get a lot wrong, before they get them right..

No Love in the City 3

No Love in the City 3

In the life of every father, sooner or later there comes a moment when his wife flies away on a well-deserved vacation, and he is left alone with his own child. It would seem – nothing complicated! Igor, Artyom and the Sauna also thought, not even suspecting which "waterfall" of adventures would cover them with their heads. Exhausted by the "charms" of fatherhood, the guys meet their old friend St. Valentine. Relieving stress over a bottle of whiskey, the guys jokingly dream of their children becoming adults as soon as possible..

The City of Stars: A Reporters Visit to the Universal Studios

The City of Stars: A Reporters Visit to the Universal Studios

The City of Stars is structured as a "coming attractions" promo within the fictional framework of an Eastern editor (vaudeville actor Broderick O'Farrell) arriving in Los Angeles to meet with Universal's advertising manager. The sceneic resources of the studio are showcased throughout, with a "See America First" wagon visible in one scene, and a scattering of panoramic shots of Universal City and the Universal zoo..

La ville captive

La ville captive

Pourchassés par des gangsters, Jim Austin et sa femme se réfugient dans un commissariat. Jim commence alors à raconter son histoire en flash-backs : comment lui, simple petit éditeur d'un journal local, s'est retrouvé mêlé à une vaste affaire de corruption entre la police, la mafia et les bookmakers du coin. Une histoire vraie co-scénarisée par Alvin M. Josephy Jr., un journaliste du Time, et mise en image par le toujours excellent Robert Wise..

City of Night: The Making of 'Collateral'

City of Night: The Making of 'Collateral'

This documentary chronicles the making of the film Collateral (2004). We get to see Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx training for their roles, as well as Jada Pinket Smith's Audition. Michael Mann also informs us on his preparation for the film, as well as some more behind-the-scenes looks at the 17 special camera-ready taxis and the taxi crash..

The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh

The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh

Opera lies at the heart of Rimsky-Korsakov's colourful idiom, but performances are few and far between; this realisation of his penultimate and grandest stage work is a very rare and special experience. Kitezh is known as "the Russian Parsifal", which encapsulates its mystical flavour and steady unfolding of a legend of redemption.

Dark City Beneath the Beat

Dark City Beneath the Beat

Dark City Beneath The Beat is an audiovisual experience that defines the soundscape of Baltimore city. Inspired by an all original Baltimore club music soundtrack, the film spotlights local club artists, DJs, dancers, producers, and Baltimore’s budding creative community as they are realizing their life dreams. Rhythmic and raw, these stories illustrate the unique characteristics of the city’s landscape and social climate through music, poetry, and dance. From the city’s social climate to its creative LGBTQ community, Dark City Beneath The Beat showcases Baltimore club music as a positive subculture in a city overshadowed by trauma, drugs, and violence..

Vegas: The City the Mob Made

Vegas: The City the Mob Made

Las Vegas...Sin City...There is no place like it on earth. The adult playground in the Sun... The country s greatest resort city... the gambling capital of the world...A place of casinos...Home of the famous, and infamous Strip. It is a city where for the right price every kind of entertainment is available for everyone and anyone at any time... It is a city that never sleeps. But it is also a uniquely American city...A Western city ... A desert city. The story of Las Vegas is a 20th century tale...A tale that unites the Mob with the Wild West s culture of cowboys, gunslingers, and saloons. Las Vegas reflects the greater American story of freedom, and the American dream of striking it rich...The last place where you can arrive as a nobody and leave as a king..

The Last Healer in Forbidden City

The Last Healer in Forbidden City

During the late reign of the Qing dynasty skilled physician To Chung is named the new Imperial Palace Physician when he successfully heals Empress Dowager Chee Hei from her illness. To Chung eventually grows close to the Gwong-seoi Emperor who is under house arrest at the Forbidden City and stripped of his powers after angering Dowager Chee Hei due to losing the First Sino-Japanese War and rebelling against her authority. To Chung also heals Gwong-seoi Emperor from his illness and helps the young emperor with his relationship with Consort Tsan. However how great he is as a physician to the imperial family, To Chung cannot heal his crippled wife Hung Bak-hap. Desperate to heal his wife he seeks out the services of bone-setter Fuk Ling. Fuk Ling's treatments help Bak-hap relieve some of her pain. Impress by Fuk Ling, To Chung refers her to the Forbidden City where she becomes Empress Dowager Chee-hei personal bone-setter. To Chung and Fuk Ling's friendship eventually turns romantic but his loyalty to his wife Bak-hap prevents him from further pursuing his romance interest in Fuk Ling. Fuk Ling, however, has ulterior motives for getting close to the imperial family as she has been tasked to kill the Gwong-seoi Emperor..

The Shrunken City

The Shrunken City

Two teenaged kids discover a miniature bottled city buried beneath a construction site. They must protect the tiny civilization within from reptilian alien hunters after its everlasting power supply..

Of Time and the City

Of Time and the City

Un film documentaire ? Un essai ? Un pamphlet ? Un poème ? Une confession ? Une rêverie ? Un testament ? Of Time and the City, que Terence Davies signe en 2008, année où la ville de Liverpool est « capitale européenne de la culture », est tout cela à la fois. De fait l'œuvre du cinéaste est largement autobiographique et Liverpool, sa ville natale, y occupe une place centrale. On n'a pas oublié Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988) et The Long Day Closes (1991), les deux longs-métrages qu'il a consacrés à sa famille et à son enfance. Davies ne manque pas d'évoquer également sa douloureuse expérience de la religion catholique et son rejet d'une foi qui fut celle de l'enfance..

Nomad Meets the City

Nomad Meets the City

Currently Mongolia’s capital has 1.5 million inhabitants - half the population of the country. 50-year Tumurbaatar is only one of many coming to the city to fulfil their dreams of a better life..

Inside the Forbidden City

Inside the Forbidden City

The Forbidden City in the heart of Beijing was the home of the Chinese emperor and the seat of a vast bureaucracy ruling over what is now the world’s most populous state for 500 years. After falling into disrepair following World War II, the palace’s ancient wooden structures are undergoing extensive restoration works today. Inside the Forbidden City offers unprecedented access into the magnificent palace complex where access was once denied to all but the emperor, his family and his most senior retinue..