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Artists of the 20th Century: Marcel Duchamp

Artists of the 20th Century: Marcel Duchamp

Gifted sculptor and painter Marcel Duchamp is the subject of this searing documentary that explores one of the most important artists of the 20th century. Dabbling in Dadaism, Surrealism and many other movements, Duchamp allowed his art -- which includes the world-famous "Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2" -- to make provocative and intelligent statements, proving that philosophy rightfully holds a place in high art..

Crowded House: Live From The Artists Den

Crowded House: Live From The Artists Den

Recorded on July 19, 2007 at Masonic Hall Grand Lodge, New York, NY. Setlist: 1. Locked Out - 2. Don’t Stop Now - 3. Distant Sun - 4. Silent House - 5. Fall At Your Feet - 6. She Called Up - 7. Mean To Me - 8. Something So Strong - 9. Better Be Home Soon - 10. Don’t Dream It’s Over - 11. When You Come - 12. Recurring Dream.

Tori Amos: Live from The Artists Den

Tori Amos: Live from The Artists Den

The Veterans Room of New York City’s Park Avenue Armory set the stage for a private concert by Tori Amos for one hundred lucky fans. Described as “Greek, Moresque, and Celtic with a dash of the Egyptian, the Persian, and the Japanese,” the room provided a fitting setting for one of the most eclectic and culturally curious artists in music today. Amos performed a career-spanning set featuring classics from her debut Little Earthquakes through to Abnormally Attracted to Sin. A candid interview with Tori is also included. Tori Amos is one of the most influential and respected artists of the modern era. The double-digit Grammy nominee has recorded 11 acclaimed studio albums (and gone platinum nearly 20 times) since emerging in the early ’90s. She released two new CDs in 2009:Abnormally Attracted to Sin and her first seasonal project, Midwinter Graces..

Sheryl Crow - Live From The Artists Den

Sheryl Crow - Live From The Artists Den

On the eve of the release of her album, Feels Like Home, nine-time Grammy winner Sheryl Crow delivered a powerhouse performance in the ornate Grand Ballroom of The Plaza. In a taping for an episode of Live from the Artists Den, Crow tore through eighteen songs at the New York City landmark, leading her six-piece band in a career-spanning show including her breakthrough hit, “All I Wanna Do.” Whether seated for a three-song acoustic set or blowing an electrifying, rocked-up harmonica solo, Crow thrilled the invited audience of 600..

Wild Cards - The Artistry Of Playing Cards

Wild Cards - The Artistry Of Playing Cards

This behind the scenes documentary showcases a Singapore-based collective who practice the art of card flourishing. To date, Virtuoso (a.k.a. The Virts) have managed to gather an international following of more than 37,000 people. But how far can a Singapore Brand go in an international scene that is dominated by big personalities like David Blaine? This film examines how these innovative performer entrepreneurs are managing to harness the possibilities of the Internet to extend their reach beyond the shores of Singapore, and develop new business models to share their passion for their craft. Other aspects explored includes the science behind the art of cardistry as well as the cultural associations attached to cards in Asia..



From Bitter Earth powerfully examines the drawings and paintings that survived the concentration camps, ghettos and hiding places of the Second World War. While most of the artists who created them perished, Morrison interviews painters like Yehuda Bacon, Dinah Gottliebova and Walter Spitzer who talk about the extraordinary perseverance and ingenuity that such artists demonstrated in attempting to capture the world around them, which was often punishable by death. Upon its initial airing on the BBC in 1988, The Independent referred to Paul Morrison’s documentary as “a worthy footnote to Shoah.”.

The Lumineers: Live from the Artists Den

The Lumineers: Live from the Artists Den

Americana superstars The Lumineers returned to their former neighborhood of Brooklyn for an unforgettable taping of Live from the Artists Den at the majestic Kings Theatre. The band performed an 18-song set for ticket winners and guests, split evenly between songs from their Grammy-nominated 2012 debut and its Number One-charting follow-up, Cleopatra (plus a riveting unreleased song, "Long Way From Home," played solo by lead singer Wesley Schultz). The ornate, magnificent theater-built in 1929 and recently restored to its initial glory-provided a breathtaking setting for a night full of great moments, from an unamplified version of "Darlene" to a rousing rendition of the Lumineers' breakthrough smash "Ho Hey.".

Confessions d'un arnaqueur

Confessions d'un arnaqueur

Cette série documentaire nous plonge dans l’esprit d’escrocs accomplis pour découvrir la psychologie derrière les cas de tromperie les plus extraordinaires de ces dernières années. Que nous révéleront-ils ? Réponse avec une équipe d’experts et de célèbres arnaqueurs..

On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed?

On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed?

“Freud established that jokes were structurally akin to dreams in their use of condensation, displacement, representation by opposites, punning and ‘nonsense’. All of these strategies are much in evidence in (Land’s) marvelously duplicitous ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE… [...] so clever and original a filmmaker as to make most others – not to mention his critics – seem flat-footed by comparison. ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE harks back to Bunuel’s early work. Not only is it structured like a dream and filled with sexual imagery, but like Un Chien Andalou, it smacks of being an insider’s joke played upon the avant-garde. Where Bunuel used the insights of psychoanalysis to satirize Christianity, Land– with an almost equal perversity – reverses the process and uses Christianity to send up Freud.” – J. Hoberman, American Film.

Bluff Histoire d'escroqueries et d'impostures

Bluff Histoire d'escroqueries et d'impostures

Dans la France des années 1930, une brillante arnaqueuse, Belle Duke, tente de faire évader son ancien amant, Philip Bang, pour régler ses comptes avec lui. Mais à la place, c’est son codétenu Félix qui s’échappe. Lorsque Belle Duke découvre le pot aux roses, elle promet à Félix une récompense de 40 000 francs s’il accepte de retourner en prison pour libérer Philip. Les deux hommes décident alors de s’associer pour déjouer les plans de Belle Duke, chacun cherchant au passage à escroquer l’autre….

Iron and Wine: Live From the Artists Den

Iron and Wine: Live From the Artists Den

On a chilly fall night, Atlanta’s historic Buckhead Theatre hosted an unforgettable, marathon performance by Iron and Wine. The show was a sort of homecoming for frontman Sam Beam, who grew up a few hours from Atlanta, and he delivered a two-hour, 24-song set for the invitation-only audience of 500. The eleven-piece band played virtually all of Iron and Wine’s most recent album, Kiss Each Other Clean, plus favorites like “Naked as We Came” and “Boy with a Coin,” before Beam closed the remarkable night with a luminous solo version of the brand-new “Flightless Bird, American Mouth,” from the Twilight: Breaking Dawn soundtrack..

Corinne Bailey Rae - Live From The Artists Den

Corinne Bailey Rae - Live From The Artists Den

Beneath New York City’s Maritime Hotel, under the paper lanterns and vaulted ceilings of the Japanese-themed Hiro Ballroom, British neo-soul star Corinne Bailey Rae gave her fans a special treat: an intimate performance showcasing her new hit album, The Sea, seven weeks before its release. [S02-E04] I Lost You Blame It On Cain interview 1 Dr. Watson, I Presume Poor Borrowed Dress A Slow Drag With Josephine Jimmie Standing In The Rain interview 2 The Spell That You Cast That’s Not The Part Of Him You’re Leaving National Ransom interview 3 Stations Of The Cross Sulphur To Sugarcane Leave My Kitten Alone.

Chikara The Artistic Pursuit Of Being Yourself

Chikara The Artistic Pursuit Of Being Yourself

September 20th, 2008 :: It’s brother versus brother when Jimmy Olsen wrestles Colin Delaney! Drake Younger wants revenge against STIGMA, and Vin Gerard defends the Young Lions Cup! The main event features an action-packed 10-man Relevos Increibles! Matches featured: 1. The Iron Saints vs Helios & Lince Dorado 2. Buck Hawke vs Tim Donst 3. UltraMantis Black, Crossbones, Trik Davis & Sami Callihan vs Da Soul Touchaz 4. Colin Delaney vs Jimmy Olsen 5. Rey Makawe & Guerrerito del Futuro vs Incognito & Discovery 6. STIGMA vs Drake Younger 7. Young Lions Cup Match Vin Gerard vs Fire Ant 8. Hallowicked, Player Uno, Icarus, Ophidian & Worker Ant vs Mike Quackenbush, Player Dos, Amasis, Gran Akuma & Soldier Ant..