

Comment faire pour télécharger Beginners gratuitement

The Beginner's Guide to Spinning in Loops

The Beginner's Guide to Spinning in Loops

From June 2021 to June 2022, Justin "Jastun" Bland records whatever that is in front of him. He presents an abstract montage of collected videos varying from onscreen recordings to filming special, intimate & mundane in-real-life moments. This short captures our daily routines in life and how we choose to spontaneously record them..

EZ Internet: Beginner's Guide to the Information Superhighway

EZ Internet: Beginner's Guide to the Information Superhighway

Your Guide to the Information Super Highway! THE INTERNET. What is it? How can I get on it? How much does it cost? What can it do for me? Is it hard to learn? Stewart Cheifet, executive directer and host of the award-wining PBS Television series Computer Chronicles, and Giles Bateman, Computer Chronicles' "Net Master" and host of PCTV's @Home, give you all the answers on this friendly tour of Cyberspace..

Climate Rescue for Beginners

Climate Rescue for Beginners

What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis..

Beginner's Luck

Beginner's Luck

Lau and Chow are roommates and they both dream to strike it rich at the races. They invent a device that allows them to eavesdrop on jockeys in training for tips. When they lost at the races, Lau's girlfriend threatens to leave, and Chow is stalked by the loan sharks. Will they bet it all on one last race?.

Pilates Niveau 1 Débutant

Pilates Niveau 1 Débutant

Pilates is a unique way of getting your whole body into good condition and toning up all your muscles. It consists of a series of exercises which are suitable for everyone, which develop both strength and suppleness, and its aim is to make the muscles required for good posture even firmer. Pilates gives priority to the movements being performed well, freeing up tension, and developing good muscle co-ordination and control. This session for beginners offers you a training programme, which will allow you to make progress in practising Pilates, whilst observing the sequence of exercises according to the classical method. By learning each exercise you will establish a solid basis for moving on to the next level. Believe in this method - it works!.

Shamanic Lessons for Beginners

Shamanic Lessons for Beginners

American psychologist of Russian descent Alex comes to Tuva to open his third eye and learn shamanic practices. Chochagar Kes-Kam becomes his “teacher of shamanism”. Together, the master and the student visit the famous Tuvan shamans and travel around Tuva. But their relationship is being seriously tested..