

Lovers streaming vf complet gratuit

The Vixens

The Vixens

In this modern sexual morality thriller, a pair of modern country couples lounge around, eyeing each other with heavy-lidded salaciousness, then pairing off illicitly, while one of the wives recounts to a detective how she accidentally toppled her husband over the rim of Croton Reservoir upstate New York. Or was it an accident?.

Le Grand Ruban (Truck)

Le Grand Ruban (Truck)

Jeff est un routier au grand coeur. Avant un départ pour la Yougoslavie, Mr Devrette, son principal commanditaire, lui propose d'emmener François-Xavier, jeune homme prétentieux. Sylvie, une jeune auto-stoppeuse, se joint à eux, ce qui envenime encore l'atmosphère dans le véhicule. Mais les trois compères deviennent amis à leur arrivée à Rijeka. Cependant la présence de la maitresse de Jeff dans la ville nuit aux relations intimes qui naissaient entre Sylvie et le routier. Le retour vers la France est de nouveau prétexte à de multiples disputes, mais finalement chacun y trouvera ce qu'il était venu chercher....

Escort Girls

Escort Girls

It s Christmas Eve in London, 1974 - and seven lonely people are on the town, looking to grab that elusive slice of enjoyment. So who better to contact than an escort agency- providing high-class ladies and gentlemen for anyone willing to pay the right price. But even in the saucy seventies, things weren t that easy- and our intrepid pleasure seekers have to face everything from inadequacy, rejection and catharsis to racism, violence and grand theft. Just goes to show how lonely a place the throbbing metropolis can be, especially during the holiday season....



Baron von Goret is an impoverished landowner, whose estate is about to go into receivership. And so, for that reason, he wishes to marry off his son Hermann with his well-off girlfriend Helga. But Hermann is in love with the farmer’s daughter Dorothea. He leaves his father’s estate with her and makes his way to Berlin to make a name for himself. He’s not successful in this and, so as not to stand in his way, Dorothea leaves him. Hermann’s aunt brings him back to his father’s estate, where, depressed over losing Dorothea, works tirelessly to clear the estate of all its debts..

Ling et Tao

Ling et Tao

Dans la Chine Impériale, Ling, une jeune princesse, est obligée de se déguiser en garçon pour suivre les cours de la prestigieuse école de Hongshu. Elle fait la rencontre de Tao, un jeune élève courageux, à qui elle révèle son secret et qui devient rapidement son meilleur ami. Petit à petit, leur amitié se transforme... mais Thor Khan, l'impitoyable chef du village dont le fils est tombé amoureux de Ling, s'oppose à leur union et fait planer sur leur bonheur la plus terrible des menaces....

Miss 139

Miss 139

France is being swamped by counterfeit bills that are being made by a ring in the US. A beautiful female member of the French gang circulating the bills negotiates a deal with the counterfeiters' ringleader in the US, and in so doing falls in love with a returning US soldier who has his own reasons for trying to destroy the gang..



By 1820, Edmund Kean is the most admired Shakespearan actor. But if his art is peerless, his free lifestyle is ill thought of, particularly by the high society. Kean has fallen passionately in love with Countess Elena de Koefeld, the wife of the ambassador of Denmark. Elena loves him too but hesitates to give up her rank in society and follow Kean. On the other hand, Anna, a rich heiress who refuses to marry Lord Mewill, the husband chosen by her parents, confesses her love for Kean and decides to become an actress like him... The aristocrats, outraged by Edmund's profligate ways, decide to boycott his performances and his career is broken. Kean does not recover from such a blow and, on a stormy night, dies in Elena's arms..



In Copenhagen, a triptych of love stories come to vivid life. Framed with a prying naturalism, these tales through the seasons tackle the ever rising tide of loneliness and self-doubt that can come in the face of new love..