

voir film The Dancer streaming vf

The Vampire Dancer

The Vampire Dancer

The man-hungry “vampire,” later to be popularized by America’s Theda Bara, made her screen debut in this Danish melodrama directed by August Blom. Clara Wieth starred in the title role of the Vampire Dancer, which is just what she was: a dancer performing her seductions on-stage. Off-stage, the young girl is kindhearted and a bit naïve. The lustful dance, during which Robert Dinesen succumbs to the dancer’s fatal charms, remained the centerpiece of the film, which was a popular success and made Wieth an international star..

The Elephant Dancer

The Elephant Dancer

Everyone has childhood memories of a zoo. The 1950s were a paradise with monkeys riding bicycles and lions jumping through rings of fire. Animals of today are placed in an artificial, ‘virtual’ natural environment, and are subjugated as ‘humanised’ animals. They lose their natural habits and become physically and mentally warped. As we see elephants dancing, does this signify happiness, anxiety, or a bottomless pit?.

The Ballet Dancer

The Ballet Dancer

The ballet pupil Camilla Favier makes for a quick success and falls for the author Jean Mayol. She discovers a love letter to him from a rich married woman and is devastated. In revenge she reveals the secret love story for the cuckolded husband and his guests at a big party. Later she finds a new love message from the wayward wife and brings it to the husband, who gets furious, grabs a pistol and incites the climax of the story..

Mata Hari: the Red Dancer

Mata Hari: the Red Dancer

Mata Hari, die rote Tänzerin (English: Mata Hari: The Red Dancer), often shortened on release to Mata Hari, is a 1927 German silent drama film directed by Friedrich Feher and starring Magda Sonja, Wolfgang Zilzer and Fritz Kortner. It depicts the life and death of the German World War I spy Mata Hari. It was the first feature-length portrayal of Hari..

Etoiles: Dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet

Etoiles: Dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet

Célèbre l'héritage de l'une des meilleures compagnies de ballet au monde en tissant ensemble des répétitions, des instantanés de tournées et des représentations de ballets classiques tels que Le Lac des Cygnes et La Sylphide, ainsi que d'œuvres contemporaines comme la Neuvième Symphonie de Maurice Béjart, Doux Mensonge (Sweet Lies) de Jiri Kylian et Orison de Pierre Darde. Le célèbre cinéaste Nils Tavernier s'efforce de comprendre la psychologie de la danse en parlant franchement avec certaines des plus grandes stars de la danse actuelle....

Dancer on the Wounds

Dancer on the Wounds

A belly dancer and prostitute falls in love with a famous doctor who asks her for marriage, but for the sake of her lover's social standing, she decides to abandon him and return to her life of sin, and in order to forget him, she meets another man but also discovers that he has a family he loves. The dancer feels that she is not made for marriage life or to establish a normal family life, so she moves from A man to another after she lost all faith in love..

The Last Wish of a Dancer

The Last Wish of a Dancer

An eighty years old Mbah Kancil talks about her past as a dancer and comedian in the traditional group of Ludruk performers and Remong dancers when she travelled to Jakarta together with Dagelan Pete group in the 60s, while reflecting on her life existence and her final wish..



Sergei Polunin is a breathtaking ballet talent who questions his existence and his commitment to dance just as he is about to become a legend..

Zenne Dancer

Zenne Dancer

German photographer Daniel Bert, who comes to Istanbul to do photo shoots, meets Can, who is a zenne at a nightclub, and Ahmet, who comes from a conservative eastern family..

Disco Dancer

Disco Dancer

Anil, vit seul avec sa mère. Je jeune garçon passe ses journées à chanter et danser dans la rue à Bombay, et son talent ne passe pas inaperçu. Un jour, un homme issu de la haute caste, les accuse de vol, et va même jusqu'à les gifler en public. Anil et sa mère sont alors condamnés à l'exil, mais le jeune homme compte bien se venger grâce à un arme surprenante : la musique disco !.

Coup de foudre en Toscane

Coup de foudre en Toscane

Weldon Parish, célèbre écrivain, solitaire et excentrique, s'est retiré depuis 20 ans en Toscane où il mène une vie paisible. Une grande maison d'édition londonienne envoie un jeune agent ambitieux, qui rêve de devenir célèbre en réussissant là où d'autres ont échoué : faire signer un contrat à Weldon. Mais c'est sans compter sur Isabella, dernière fille du romancier, dont il tombe éperdument amoureux, jusqu'à en oublier sa mission….

Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes

The story of an emotionally detached backup dancer named Athena, who must return home to Florida to help care for her estranged father, Jack, after he gets diagnosed with cancer. There she must contend with Jack’s irresponsible lifestyle while looking after six year old Honey Bunny who is only beginning to grasp the err in Jack’s ways..