

The Chief voirfilms

Le poing magnifique de Shaolin

Le poing magnifique de Shaolin

5 hommes armés ont décidé de faire main basse sur la ville. Ils attaquent Colin dans son restaurant et tuent sa femme sous ses yeux. Colin crie vengeance. Un maître du Kung-fu va lui apprendre à se battre jusqu’à la mort..

Chief Omar Harb

Chief Omar Harb

Omar Harb runs a gambling casino. A quiet young man lands a job at the casino, despite his family's abhorrence and disapproval, to get the money necessary for his marriage. He excels at work and catches the attention of the manager who chooses him for a challenging task..

Chu Liu Xiang chef des voleurs

Chu Liu Xiang chef des voleurs

Chu Lui Xiang (Dylan Kuo), un buveur invétéré, arrive dans une royaume dominé par des maîtres en arts martiaux qui manient la magie. Bien qu'il soit un combattant extrêmement doué, il est encore un peu vert. Il aspire toutefois à devenir un voleur honnête, prenant aux riches pour donner aux pauvres, sur terre comme sur mer..

Mr. Chief

Mr. Chief

A pitiless judge makes a wrong judgement and makes an innocent man sentenced to death. After, with the help of his conscience he changes his view of law and his whole life..

Electing a Village Chief

Electing a Village Chief

With the opening up of the economy, grassroots democracy has come. But since the land is owned by the state, the local government actually has absolute control. The so-called democratically elected village chief quickly learns that his role is to cooperate with the government in using land to develop the economy. Power-to-money transactions are open secrets. Due to the uneven economic development in the villages, each has a different story, but the use of land for profit is a constant theme. The filming location is a rural village in the outside Beijing. Less of focus is how villages elect than the mutation after. Faced with huge land assets and overseeing relationships between land, power, economics, social systems, how does a hard-working, upright peasant conduct himself? This film documents the pain: the experience of soul sublimation and degeneration. We see 'birth defects' in this "democracy" — one without checks and balances, grafted onto autocracy..

Chief Sahib

Chief Sahib

People from lower socio-economic class are living happily in the peaceful "Harris Colony", in Turkey. A billionaire appears out of nowhere and files a case of land-grabbing against the people, claiming himself to be the rightful owner..

Demirkırat: Chief

Demirkırat: Chief

The multi-party democratic regime that we take for granted in Turkey today is actually the product of 23 years of struggle and search. From the establishment of the Republic until 1946, three attempts were made to transition from a single party to a multi-party. The first of these was in 1924. Progressive Republican Party came up against the Republican People's Party that ruled the country. However, this period, when a new republic was built in pain, did not allow an oppositional voice to survive. The Progressive Party was closed after six months. Some of the rulers were imprisoned. Some of them were sentenced on death rows in the case of the assassination of Atatürk.The second attempt was made six months later, in 1930, with the Free Party. But the Free Party survived only 97 days.Finally, after another 16 years, the Democrat Party came in 1946 and the one-party regime became history for Turkey, never to return..