

Où voir Weekenders Netflix

The Weekend

The Weekend

Silently witnessing an assault from his window on a Saturday evening, Onur finds himself in a difficult situation later in the night..



Wochende (Weekend) is a film initially commissioned by the Berlin Radio Hour. Prior to Weekend, Ruttmann had made numerous celebrated avant-garde films, namely Opus I-IV, and the spectacular Berlin: Symphony of a City (1927). The advent of sound films dawned, and, interested in how spectators perceive sound, he premiered a film without pictures. On June 13th, 1930, the audience took their seats, the lights went down, and the sound of the film was heard. But the screen was completely blank..

Week-end à la campagne

Week-end à la campagne

Pierre is invited to go on a weekend trip to an old country house belonging to best friend Marc. The property is overrun by Marc’s frighteningly unruly dogs. Marc assures Pierre that they are harmless, but when Pierre rebuffs Marc’s sexual advances, the canines turn nasty..

Weekend Killer

Weekend Killer

Detective's Joey Moretti and Patricia Stevens are trying to track down a serial killer that preys on young attractive women, leaving only cryptic messages carved into their flesh as clues! Joey struggles to keep himself together as the investigation leads him closer and closer to the deranged killer!.

That Weekend

That Weekend

Julia returns to her hometown and the neighbourhood she left years ago after being swindled. She’s here to sign a permit to authorize her daughter to move in with her father, but more than anything, she’s come back to recover money that she left there, and which would solve a lot of her problems. Returning to her past is nothing like she expected it to be..



A romantic comedy that begins with a young man who meets a beautiful girl and hopes that things will turn out in his favor To become his future wife, the duo decide to go on the weekend, to meet the girl's family And obtaining the blessing of marriage also, and during the meeting a big surprise occurs that threatens to undermine the relationship!.



An old Beijing Opera performer who moves to the U.S. forgets his lines on the stage which causes him considerable distress. A female protege of his takes him for a walk on the beach along with her dog and her half-Chinese son. A string of dream-like memories of his old days are triggered by this walk, and he is gripped by a wave of nostalgia as the singing of Beijing Opera comes on in the background, making the boundary between reality and fantasy all the more blurry. The sea glitters in the setting sun and seabirds sing above the sea, the beautiful scene which awakes him from his trance....

Weekend in the Galilee

Weekend in the Galilee

Autumn 1996. Avner, a highly-regarded Professor of Arts and his young wife, Ilana, come to visit the family farm run by Rachel and Shouki, (his children from a first marriage) and Menahem (the brother of his deceased first wife). Avner is in pain and needs a doctor. Rachel calls up Joel a physician and a friend of the family. Joel and Ilana are having a secret relationship that began during a previous visit to the farm. Menahem is in love with Ilana and Rachel with Joel. They are unaware of the love affair between Ilana and Joel. Avner came this time to the farm with a proposition to sell the farm. This brings all the latent conflicts in the family to break loose. The movie, inspired by Tchekovs "Oncle Vania", is above all an Israeli story. It depicts the weariness, the frustrations and pain of large segments of Israeli society, their love to the land and to one another, their dreams and their hope..



Among the countless attractive couples who dot the streets of the big city, there circulates a young single woman spending her weekends alone..