

Où voir Feed Netflix

Snake Feed

Snake Feed

Snake Feed is a glimpse into the lives of Irene and Rick, two people struggling with life-long addiction and marginal employment. The film follows a day in their lives at a time when Rick is dealing in the small-time pill trade and Irene is intent on rebuilding her life. In the course of the story, Rick betrays Irene's trust, which causes her to take action on behalf of herself and her children. The setting, a small town in upstate New York, is woven into the film through the inclusion of details of daily life..

Don't feed the psychic

Don't feed the psychic

A multilayered story that revolves around a Barnsley- based lorry driver and psychic Derek Green and his family as they set out to investigate a local murder case. The film offers insights into life and beliefs in post Brexit, post Covid working class Britain..

I'm Not In Love (How To Feed On Humans)

I'm Not In Love (How To Feed On Humans)

"I'm Not in Love" restores the tired motif of the vampire, injecting it with a sense of queer warmth. In this freakish and playful combination of narrative film and music video, a 386 year-old-Asian vampire- Vampy- struts about town tending to his three lovers/symbionts.

Molecular Feedback

Molecular Feedback

Continuing a series of films made with Helliwell’s simple hand held Hellicam video camera pointing at a monitor, in order to generate colour feedback patterns. The soundtrack is electronic music composed by the filmmaker..

Feedback Sketch #1

Feedback Sketch #1

Multiple clips of video feedback (a MiniDV camcorder pointed at a screen being fed by the camera's output through a broken component cable), thrown into a Max/MSP/Jitter blender. One shorter clip loops alongside a longer clip (played in full), and they're mashed together in odd ways that create appealing patterns. The soundtrack is a simple sine-wave frequency modulation patch in Max/MSP, amplitudes and cross-modulation are being controlled by the image itself..

Bottom Feeders

Bottom Feeders

Bottom Feeders offers a glimpse into an imagined ecosystem generated from stream of consciousness doodlings. Divided by a barrier of fog, two disparate species fight to adapt and survive in a deliciously unsympathetic world..

It Feeds

It Feeds

It Feeds is the story of a young girl who insists that a malevolent entity is feeding on her. Greene portrays a clairvoyant therapist who must confront her own personal demons to save the girl before she is taken completely. Ashmore takes on the role of the anguished father, desperately struggling to protect his daughter..

Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Obesity and the Creation of a Health Crisis

Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Obesity and the Creation of a Health Crisis

In the past three decades, obesity rates in the US have more than doubled for children and tripled for adolescents, and 70% of adults are now obese or overweight. The result has been a widening epidemic of obesity-related health problems, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. While discussions about this spiraling health crisis have tended to focus on the need for more exercise and individual responsibility, FEEDING FRENZY trains its focus squarely on the responsibility of the processed food industry and the outmoded government policies it benefits from. It lays bare how taxpayer subsidies designed to feed hungry Americans during the Great Depression have enabled the food industry to flood the market with a rising tide of cheap, addictive, high calorie food products, and offers an engrossing look at the tactics of the multi billion-dollar marketing machine charged with making sure that every one of those surplus calories is consumed..