

Où voir Camino Netflix

GPNK - El camino del gas

GPNK - El camino del gas

Creative documentary about the construction of the President Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline, a work that changes the energy paradigm of Argentina, lived and told by a group of collaborators involved in its execution..

Avatar : La Voie de l'eau

Avatar : La Voie de l'eau

Une dizaine d'années s'est écoulée depuis les précédents évènements survenus sur Pandora. Jake Sully et Neytiri sont devenus parents. Leur vie idyllique, proche de la nature, est menacée lorsque la « Ressources Développement Administration », dangereuse organisation non-gouvernementale, est de retour sur Pandora. Contraints de quitter leur habitat naturel, Jake et sa famille se rendent sur les récifs, où ils pensent trouver asile. Mais ils tombent sur un clan, les Metkayina, aux mœurs différentes des leurs..

Spider-Man : No Way Home

Spider-Man : No Way Home

Après les événements liés à l'affrontement avec Mysterio, l'identité secrète de Spider-Man a été révélée. Il est poursuivi par le gouvernement américain, qui l'accuse du meurtre de Mysterio, et traqué par les médias. Cet événement a également des conséquences terribles sur la vie de sa petite-amie M.J. et de son meilleur ami Ned. Désemparé, Peter Parker demande alors de l'aide au docteur Strange. Ce dernier lance un sort pour que tout le monde oublie que Peter est Spider-Man. Mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu, et cette action altère la stabilité de l'espace-temps. Cela ouvre le « multivers », un concept terrifiant dont ils ne savent quasiment rien....

El Camino

El Camino

Three young people drive to Mexico to scatter their friend's ashes, they are forced to confront their own sense of family, identity and future..

Within the Way Without

Within the Way Without

At the dawn of the new millenium, a Dutch social worker, a famous Japanese poet and a Brazilian girl has made the road to Santiago and back to their countries, they recall the experience. The trip is also a journey into themselves, sharing physical and spiritual space with millions of pilgrims have made their way from the Middle Ages..

Camino de sangre

Camino de sangre

Pancho and José Santos, bandits from Teno, known by their fondness of tearing their enemies' faces, meet after four years for another robbery. After re-telling their adventures, they cross paths with Saturnino who has old accounts to settle with them..

Camino largo a Tijuana

Camino largo a Tijuana

Juan (Armendariz) lives in a trash depository in Mexico City. He knows Lila (Pereyra), a drug addict rich girl who reminds him of his long lost daughter. Lila is kidnapped by drug dealers and Juan feels responsible for her. He takes the long way to Tijuana to rescue Lila. (Written by Maximiliano Maza [email protected]).

Roads of Lava

Roads of Lava

Afibola and Olorum live in a house in downtown Havana. She is an afrofeminist poet, activist and queer, he is her eight-year-old son. Afibola sees her son's safety diminishing with comments outside the home. She worries that it is something he will always carry with him. In the intimacy of the spaces where they live together, they reflect on the difficulty of raising a black child in a racist and discriminatory society..

Beyond the Road

Beyond the Road

Santiago, a twenty-something Argentinean, takes a boat to Montevideo to claim land willed to him by his parents. On his way out of the capitol, he notices Juliette, a young Belgian woman who was also on the boat. After discovering they're heading in the same direction, the two travelers hit the road together..

La búsqueda del camino

La búsqueda del camino

The work proposes the creation of an apocryphal narrative for Micaela Guyunusa and her offspring, maintaining the enigma surrounding the figure of her daughter who disappeared in France, in 1834. After journeys, loses and tears, Guyunusa looks for her way back..

Camino a Europa

Camino a Europa

An interracial couple, Seba and Cecilia, have lived a fully creative life as sculptor and photographer and have enjoyed traveling the world. But now that Cecilia has cancer, she fears she won't be able to enjoy the life she's had and wishes she could travel again. Seba uses his creative skills as artist to magically transport Cecilia on a journey through memories they've shared..