

Kidnapped voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

The Kidnappers of Ronnie Lazaro

The Kidnappers of Ronnie Lazaro

"ANG MGA KIDNAPER NI RONNIE LAZARO" is about a group of down and out-of-luck men who decided to make a film starring Ronnie Lazaro, the most sought-after indie actor in the Philippines. Things get complicated when Lazaro decides to beg-off from acting on their supposed "indie film" and the guys were forced to abduct the actor." - Agimat Project.

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

The Kidnapping of a Wizard

A young post-graduate from Minsk Anna Mazurkevich comes to her native village, where she hasnt been for 12 years, to stay in her grannys house. Here, in peace and quiet, she is intended to write a thesis. But suddenly two strangers come and claim that yesterday in Minsk the houses owner let out to them for two weeks, and to convince her they switch on TV-set, where Annas mother confirm their words and asks her to stay for a while with their neighbor ankle Gena. All this looks very strange because not very clear how they managed to organize live broadcast. Then absolutely inexplicable things start to happen. The strangers say that they have to go to the XVIII century to find a genius, living at that moment right here, and take him to the future..

Giant Nails' Kidnapping

Giant Nails' Kidnapping

On the night of the premiere of his film "Embodimento of Evil", Zé do Caixão is accidentally kidnapped by two fans and they all embark on a crazy journey through the early hours of São Paulo..

The kidnappers

The kidnappers

Jalal Abu Al-Majd owns one of the turning workshops, and decides to travel to Germany to buy new machines, to modernize the workshop, and leaves the workshop in the care of his older brother (Sherif), who gets acquainted with (Hassanein) the imposter and his partner (Gina) who delude him to complete a deal of equipment for the workshop for 25 thousand (A pound) Sheriff considers a gain, and upon delivery, (Sherif) discovers that the equipment is nothing but red building bricks. (Sharif) decides to take revenge on (Hassanein) and (Gina) by killing them and recovering his money. (Jalal) returns from Germany and tries with (Sharif) to recover his money..



Lorsqu'un diplomate sud-coréen en poste au Moyen-Orient reçoit un message codé d'un collègue enlevé et présumé mort depuis longtemps, il se porte volontaire pour diriger la dangereuse mission de sauvetage..

Génération RX

Génération RX

Lorsque Dean Stiffle découvre le corps de son meilleur ami, Troy pendu dans sa chambre, il choisit de ne le dire à aucun des parents. Il pense que toute cette petite communauté de voisins, si confortablement installée dans une banlieue fleurie, préférerait ne pas le savoir. Mais, la disparition de Troy ne passera pas inaperçue, ce dernier étant le fournisseur de drogue du lycée....

Les chiens enragés 

Les chiens enragés 

Après un hold-up, une bande de truands se sauve avec l’argent volé. Étant poursuivis par bon nombre de policiers, ils prennent une femme en otage, puis un père et son fils malade qui doit se rendre de toute urgence à l’hôpital. Malheureusement pour lui, les trois criminels ne sont aucunement préoccupés par la vie de l’enfant et emmènent les otages à une destination inconnue. Plus le temps passe, plus la folie de deux des truands sort au grand jour. L’enfer ne fait que commencer!.