

In the Shadows sokroflix gratuit

A Scream from Nowhere

A Scream from Nowhere

In 1930, the chance meeting of a novelist and one of his fans opens the door to a series of mysterious events culminating in the death of a wealthy industrialist who may have been leading a double life..

Darkness of the Sea, Shadow of the Moon

Darkness of the Sea, Shadow of the Moon

Luka and Lumi Kobayakawa are twin sisters in love with the same man, athletic upperclassman Katsuyuki Touma. Lumi seems supportive of Luka's fledgling romance with Katsuyuki, until the twins are infected with a strange bacterium that transforms Lumi's personality and gifts the twins with terrifying psychic powers. Now Lumi will stop at nothing - or no-one - that gets between her and Katsuyuki, including her own twin sister....



L’histoire d’un grand roi et de son peuple chassés de leur patrie et aspirant à la reconquérir. Le roi est violent et ambitieux, mais ses motivations et ses méthodes sont mystérieuses. Son général est un visionnaire qui désire ardemment gagner la bataille finale, mais a besoin de préparer ses plans en secret. Les femmes du palais luttent pour trouver la rédemption dans un monde où elles n’ont pas de place. Et puis il y a un roturier, le « Monsieur-tout-le-monde » autour duquel tournent les forces inexorables de l’histoire, toujours prêtes à l’engloutir..

Le Roi des Ombres

Le Roi des Ombres

Après la mort de leur père, deux demi-frères se retrouvent opposés l'un à l'autre au sein d'un conflit qui pourrait tout embraser et avoir des conséquences tragiques..

Shogun's shadow

Shogun's shadow

Dans le Japon du XVIIe siècle. Le samouraï Iemitsu déteste son fils aîné Takechiyo. Il reporte toute son affection sur son plus jeune fils Tokumatsu. Un jour, Takechiyo, à l'aide d'une puissante armée, décide de se retourner contre son père....

The Shadow Play

The Shadow Play

Tang Yijie, the Construction Committee Director, falls off from rooftop and dies in a demolition riot. Yang Jiadong, a young police officer starts his investigation and finds that Tang's death is tied up with another case several years ago. Soon he is framed and suspended from duty, but he never gives up..

Gali Guleiyan

Gali Guleiyan

A reclusive Old Delhi shopkeeper, spends his time watching people through hidden cameras. When he overhears a boy being beaten, his search for the boy leads to reality crumbling around him, as he is lost in the maze of the city and his own mind..

Unified Shadows

Unified Shadows

During the Tenpo period, the three samurai under the command of the Nanba magistrate were responsible for handling exceptional cases. However, their true identities as shadow assassins were hidden because they were secretly sent to eliminate villains who had escaped punishment by the law..

The House of Shadows

The House of Shadows

Class 7A are on a school trip in Gotland. Class supervisor Gia believes a restless soul is haunting the house they're staying in. Student Vanessa claims the floor in her room rocks like a boat at sea during the nights, and becomes inexplicably seasick. Gia finds the passenger list from the sunken ship with the same name as the house they're living in - Pemba. The number of people on the list is the same as the number of teachers and students in the house. Five women, eight men. 70 years later. What is about to happen, what secrets are lurking behind the walls of the house Pemba?.

Shadow of Justice

Shadow of Justice

Ling Feng and Fan Yi are best friends and both of them are police working against the drug trafficking in Hong Kong. However, one day Fan was killed and Ling was accused of the murder. Ling had to prove his innocence and found out that his best friend Fan was actually alive....

Shadows Behind the Frame

Shadows Behind the Frame

“Cinema devoured me” said Lyudmila Kusakova, one of the first women art directors at “Mosfilm”. In her hands the panoply of items found at municipal dumps mutated into magical film sets which became a part the golden fund of our cinema. in her work she enjoyed the support of her husband and mentor mikhail kartashov. he helped lyudmila to find beauty in everyday articles and be ahead of time with her ideas. but dissimilar world views inevitably told on their marriage. can love withstand the tribulations in the family of two creative people for whom art and cinema became the meaning of life?.

Under The Shadow

Under The Shadow

Téhéran, 1988. Shideh, mariée et mère d'une petite fille, va débuter une écolde de médecine. Son mari est appelé au front durant la Guerre entre l'Iran et l'Irak. Shideh se retrouve alors seule avec sa fille. Mais bien vite celle-ci commence à avoir un comportement troublant et semble malade. La mère se demande alors si sa fille n'est pas possédée par un esprit....

Le Règne par le sabre

Le Règne par le sabre

927 après Jésus Christ. L'ancien Royaume de Corée est sur le point de tomber aux mains d'envahisseurs étrangers. Une farouche guerrière part en croisade afin de sauver le dernier membre de la famille royale encore en vie, le prince Dae Jung-hyun....

The Age of Shadows

The Age of Shadows

Le film suit les activités des « Heroic Corps », une organisation indépendante anti japonaise qui a existé lors de la colonisation japonaise de la Corée du Sud. Ce groupe employait des moyens violents afin d'obtenir l'indépendance de la Corée..

Cliff and the Shadows: The Final Reunion

Cliff and the Shadows: The Final Reunion

The Shadows are Britain's most successful (instrumental and vocal) group with at least 69 UK hit singles, 35 as 'The Shadows' and 34 as 'Cliff Richard and The Shadows', from the 1950s to the 2000s. In fact they are the 3rd most successful all-time UK's charted hit-singles act, behind Cliff Richard (2nd) and Elvis Presley (1st) according to Guinness Books'. With over 2 hours of live performance from their 2009 show in London featuring hits such as Move It, Dance On and Living Doll, along with over 30 minutes of behind the scenes footage and interviews; this is a must have DVD for all Cliff and The Shadows fans..

The Shadow of the Day

The Shadow of the Day

Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant..

Ombres au paradis

Ombres au paradis

L’histoire d’amour d’un conducteur de camion à ordures, Nikander, et d’une caissière de supermarché, Ilona. Un des rares films du nouveau cinéma finlandais enfin sur nos écrans..

Shadow of Love

Shadow of Love

This is a story of two twins, Kwanma, who is biologically a female, and Kwanoei, who is biologically a male but was forced by their mother to hide his true gender and live his life as a woman instead. However, both twins fall in love with the same man named Neua Mek..