

Divine Will voirfilms

Divine Table in Daxin

Divine Table in Daxin

The vigorous development of modern folk religion in Chiayi, combined with the lumber industry chain in the area, created an era where the art of crafting shrine tables flourished. However, times are constantly changing. How can Daxin Woodworking Co., which makes exquisite shrine tables, pass on the traditional art of crafting shrine tables and adapt to the declining market caused by the changing times? Learn about the perspectives and stories of Daxin Woodworking’s three generations of craftsmen, see the development of shrine tables in Chiayi City, and observe how they deal with the challenges of the modern era..

Ticket to the Divine Comedy

Ticket to the Divine Comedy

The musical film by director, actor, musician and choreographer Anton Adasinsky was created at the junction of cinema, music, theater and video art. This is a fairy tale-parable, where the theme of Dante's "Divine Comedy" is intertwined with reality. A fairy tale for children and adults. Only Children and Birds can get to the place where the World Clock broke. Taking the magic notes with them, they, having passed through all the adversities and obstacles, will find themselves at the goal. But is it necessary to fix the Running of Time? Maybe not to rush to grow up?.

The Divine Protector - Master Salt Begins

The Divine Protector - Master Salt Begins

At 7:07 PM, the occult club members are holding a ritual ceremony to summon “Master Salt” in Kamono Girls’ Highschool in Tokyo, to help one of the members, Nanako, who has been struck by mysterious incidents. They draw a pentagon and a circle with purified salt and burn a sealed envelope with a written wish. Out of nowhere, the divine protector, Master Salt appears with a blast of wind. She sees through the identity of the spirit that cursed Nanako and repels the curse. After that event, Nanako and her friends ask Master Salt to repel the curses that bring misery to people. They discover that this world is full of people who curse others. What will Master Salt and the girls encounter in the battle against a powerful enemy?.

Momotaro : le divin soldat de la mer

Momotaro : le divin soldat de la mer

A la veille d'une mission pendant la guerre du Pacifique, un groupe de parachutistes de la marine japonaise composé d'un singe, un chien, un faisan et un ours, rentrent chez eux pour une brève visite avant de rejoindre leur base dans le Pacifique Sud. Dirigé par le guerrier Momotaro, l'escadron se prépare à attaquer l'ennemi sur Devil's Island....

The Last Life of Otelma the Divine

The Last Life of Otelma the Divine

Marco Belelli, aka Divino Otelma, is a well-known Italian philosopher and television personality. He has 6 degrees and owes his notoriety to his past career as a magician, chansonnier, politician. He is also the founder of the Theurgical Order of Elios and the Church of the Living, a cult with more than 20,000 followers, in which he has the role of a self-proclaimed God. Obstructed in the first stages of its production by the Covid-19 pandemic, the film unfolds over one long year of exchanges at distance between the director and the “Divine”, through Skype conversations in which the manifold topics relating to his multifaceted existence are treated. Significant figures who have been variously connected with his earthly life are also involved in this long journey of knowledge, contributing with their precious testimonies and blurring further our understanding of such a complex and layered figure..

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma

A rumor surfaces that the fighting scriptures, 'Dharma's Secret Technique,' written by the Buddhist priest, Dharma, is secretly hidden in a Buddhist temple in China. The masters who love justice and the warriors of the Biryong Fighting Hall search high and low for the scriptures. Seo Chun-wi has come from Koryo to avenge himself against his parents' enemies. Chun-wi becomes the disciple of the greatest fighting master Tae-baek. He receives 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and begins his training. However, Ma Chun-pyo and his gang have been eyeing the scriptures. They put drugs in Chun-wi's tea and defeat him. They seize 'Dharma's Secret Technique' and even kill Ah-min, Chun-wi's girlfriend. However, through incredible efforts, Chun-wi regains his strength and makes a clean sweep of Chun-pyo and his gang. Chun-wi punishes Suk-in, the enemy of his parents, and returns to his home country..

Divine Pig

Divine Pig

The pig is unclean to some, tasty or sweet to others. The pig Dorus grows up in the backyard of free-range butcher Gerard Zwetsloot. They walk around the village together and are local celebrities. After two years, Dorus is ready for slaughter and Gerard is faced with a difficult choice: the pig or the meat. A story about a pig and a butcher that shows how ambiguous our relationship with animals can be..

Le Droit Divin

Le Droit Divin

An adaptation of J. G. Frazer's text - Golden Bough - The Divine Right was conceived as a series of improvised dramatic moments for the camera. As the narrator advises the spectator about regicide - the archaic act of killing the king when he grows ill or feeble - a man dressed in a Los Angeles Kings' hockey sweater covers the emblem of a crown with a white cloth. The tape was produced at the Experimental Television Centre, Owego, New York..

The Divine Giselle

The Divine Giselle

In the history of the Russian ballet theater, the name of Olga Spesivtseva occupies a place no less significant than the names of Anna Pavlova and Tamara Karsavina. The audience first saw her in 1913 as a beautiful young girl, gentle, captivating and timid, with huge eyes full of mystery. In the early twenties, this girl was a real idol of youth and a conqueror of Paris, and in the early nineties, after a long mental illness, she ended her days away from her homeland, in one of the nursing homes. A star and a victim of her time, a forced hermit and a prisoner of madness, her life is a tangle of glory and oblivion, her name is surrounded by an aura of mystery, delight and contempt....