

Dinosaures sokroflix gratuit

Dinosaur Babes

Dinosaur Babes

Three cavemen return to their village and learn that three females have been kidnapped from the plundered settlement. Get ready for the prehistoric hazards that these six (and others) encounter..

Dinosaur Eggs in the Living Room

Dinosaur Eggs in the Living Room

An old woman attends classes of digital photography and editing. It is not a late hobby, but a project undertaken with a clear aim in mind. Ragnhild Borgomanero wants to be able to preserve the memory of her deceased husband Guido, the biggest private collector of fossils in Latin America..

More Dinosaurs

More Dinosaurs

Gary Owens needs more dinosaurs and sends Eric Boardman on the ultimate dinosaur safari to find them. Join the hunt for a living dinosaur in the jungles of Africa, separate the facts from fiction in dinosaur movies, visit Dinosaur National Monuent and much more. There's no bone unturned in this award winning program.

Jurassic Cops the Movie: The Dinosaur Age Adventures

Jurassic Cops the Movie: The Dinosaur Age Adventures

In the peaceful Light City, Gong-chan and friends find unidentified merchants selling mini dinosaurs in front of the school. They are the villains who they thought were gone, Piggyback-dan! Using a time cube that can travel through time, the dinosaurs of the dinosaur age are brought to you by making mini-dinosaurs, and then they make them huge and attack the earth!.



A city girl goes to the village to her grandmother, and only boring walks around the city are waiting for her from entertainment. However, maybe someone is hiding in the foliage?.

The Dinosaur Hunter

The Dinosaur Hunter

Depuis une vingtaine d'années, l'étude des dinosaures est devenue une véritable discipline scientifique à part entière. Iconiques et familiers au grand public, les dinosaures représentent l'une des plus grandes révolutions de l'histoire de la science. Les nouvelles technologies ont révélé des secrets cachés dans les ossements préhistoriques que personne n'aurait pu prévoir il y a encore quelques années..

Dino Hunters

Dino Hunters

Les cowboys et les éleveurs s'appuient sur leur connaissance approfondie de la terre pour rechercher des fossiles de dinosaures préhistoriques - du T-Rex et du Triceratops à la découverte d'une espèce de dinosaure rare et contestée..

Sato Hinata Koizumi Moeka no Batotte Dinosaur in Fukui

Sato Hinata Koizumi Moeka no Batotte Dinosaur in Fukui

Hinata Sato, Moka Koizumi, Manatsu Murakami, Toruka Moriya, and Aina Aiba on location in Fukui! The long-awaited Fukui location for "Hinata Sato, Moeka Koizumi's Battle Dinosaur☆" will be released on Blu-ray! The show features battles and dinosaurs at sightseeing spots such as Tojinbo and the Dinosaur Museum, and the audience enjoys Fukui Prefecture to the fullest. Manatsu Murakami and Toruka Moriya of DIALOGUE+, who have appeared on the show before, and semi-regular(?) Aina Aiba, who is good friends with the two of them, also make guest appearances. Aina Aiba also made a guest appearance!.



The dinosaur drawn by the boy comes to life. And they walk together through the streets of the city, but for some reason people are dissatisfied. Based on the fairy tale by Leopold Sukhodolchan..

#BrontoSmash | Dinosaur Animation

#BrontoSmash | Dinosaur Animation

Damn, barely 50 seconds of footage and yet it took me a week to film. I'm stuck with lame video editing software at the moment so this one's not gonna have any sound effects. Just enjoy the shortened track "Bull Elephant Fight" from the magnificent Sarah Class. No copyright infringement needed..