

Countdown voirfilms

Dreams Live On: Countdown to Tokyo

Dreams Live On: Countdown to Tokyo

The special features the first interview with Bach after the announcement, plus Hirshland discussing why the USOPC supported the postponement. NBC Olympics swimming analyst Rowdy Gaines offers his perspective as an athlete who missed the 1980 Moscow Games due to the U.S. boycott, then earned gold four years later..

Countdown to Collision

Countdown to Collision

An experimental film about the environmental impact of corporations and human expansion. The film opens with a poem describing a pristine land as the camera scans the landscape. Then the film shows bulldozers plowing up the land. It then shows the area being paved with concrete and construction on the site. Trash is strewn everywhere. People are interviewed about the quality of life they have. Older people reflect on the changes that have been made to the land over their lifetimes. Other people comment on pollution, over-population, and other environmental issues. The film shows various problems with the environment and Hugh Downs comments on how this affects the health of the population..

Silvester Countdown

Silvester Countdown

A young Berlin couple travel to a friend's place for the celebration of Silvester and New Year's Eve. During that period, we witness today's juvenile sub-culture, especially the ways of keeping a partnership - or breaking it up in between..

Countdown to 1961 la construction du mur de Berlin

Countdown to 1961 la construction du mur de Berlin

Dans la nuit du 12 au 13 août 1961, est édifié par les autorités de la RDA le mur de Berlin, qui deviendra le symbole de la Guerre froide. Sa construction débute par la pose de fils de barbelés, puis de blocs, sous la surveillance accrue des autorités. Au petit matin, les Allemands ainsi que le monde entier sont surpris par cette frontière, que plusieurs ont tenté de franchir. Pendant plus de 28 ans, le «Berliner Mauer» scinde en deux la capitale allemande, mais aussi l'ensemble de l'Europe, divisée en deux blocs : Ouest et Est..

ROH: The Final Countdown Tour - Boston

ROH: The Final Countdown Tour - Boston

The Final Countdown Tour: Boston was a professional wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on September 25, 2009 at Boston University's Case Gym in Boston, Massachusetts. The main even featured Bryan Danielson, in the second to last match of "The Final Countdown" tour before leaving for World Wrestling Entertainment, taking on Davey Richards. Richards was hand picked by Danielson to be his opponent as the two had never wrestled in a singles match against each other in ROH..

The Space Shuttle: Countdown to Comeback

The Space Shuttle: Countdown to Comeback

Discovery Channel documentary which goes behind the scenes with NASA's Space Shuttle programme. Narrated by actor Gary Sinise, the documentary counts down to the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery - the first Shuttle to prepare for take-off since the February 2003 disaster in which seven astronauts were lost when the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated above Texas..

Math Rock Countdown

Math Rock Countdown

A longform video mashup created by multimedia artist Preston Spurlock. Culled from scores of VHS tapes, MRC is an 85-minute bombast of talk shows, sitcoms, commercials, instructional videos, and pure analog glitch. Images aggressively jockey for foremost position in the viewer’s mind. Jingles, one-liners, purple prose weave in and out of inadvertent musicality, forming a clattering soundtrack. Smash edits, smeary abstractions, and overlays create subliminal threads between lust and sensitivity, sex and death, steak and lobster, Steve Urkel and nuclear holocaust. Visual diamonds picked and arranged out of a grungy heap of cultural detritus. A museum of microseconds. Dots on a timeline. Connect them as you see fit..

Countdown To 1990 : La réunification de l'Allemagne

Countdown To 1990 : La réunification de l'Allemagne

Le mur de Berlin a divisé l'Allemagne pendant près de 30 ans, a séparé de nombreuses familles et détruit des vies. Sa chute, le 9 novembre 1989, ne change pas simplement la face de l'Allemagne mais celle du monde entier. En réalité, les scènes de liesse ont rapidement fait place aux pressions politiques. Qu'allaient donc devenir les deux Etats allemands ?.