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Be Loved in House: I Do

Be Loved in House: I Do

Shi Lei, an employee, approaches Yu Zhen to snoop for information about the love life of this domineering director. As a result of various encounters, he finds out that the tyrant director is still hurt from a past relationship and is suffering from loneliness. Knowing that he still possesses a heart, Shi Lei becomes curious about Yu Zhen..

A Housewife Detective

A Housewife Detective

A Detective Housewife” is a republican drama with a dash of humor and a heroine as the focus. Gou Ji Xiang is a housewife undergoing a huge change after her husband is mysteriously murdered. Determined to expose the murderer(s), she becomes a detective under the wings of Mao Ru Yi.

House of hummingbird

House of hummingbird

Séoul, été 1994. Eun-hee est collégienne. Elle cherche sa place entre des parents qui se disputent, une soeur aînée qui fait le mur et un frère qui a la main lourde. Elle a un petit ami mais n’est pas très populaire à l’école. L’arrivée d’une nouvelle professeure dans l’institut privé où elle prend des cours de chinois va changer la façon dont Eun-hee voit le monde qui l’entoure..

A House of Blocks

A House of Blocks

Yijuan and her mentally ill sister Kaiqi struggle to be happy in the face of misfortune, criminal intrigue, marital strife, an exorcism and a ghost..

The House Detox

The House Detox

The story of giving tips on how to organize your house begins now! If the quality of your house changes, then the quality of your life changes as well. The one who prefers to own fewer possessions, a minimalist Shin Ae Ra, the one who prefers to own as much as she can, a maximalist Park Na Rae, and the one who wants to keep his house clean, Yun Kyun Sang are gathered to counsel people on how to organize their houses! Ae Ra’s secret organizing method is revealed for the first time on the show. Kyun Sang who practically lives in his cats’ house is the first one to experience the secret organizing method. Since Ae Ra and Na Rae have opposite lifestyles, they confront each other to carry on their points. How will they compromise with each other’s opinions and give us a special consultation on organizing our house? Experience the happiness of organizing!.

The House of Cain

The House of Cain

This documentary features seven ordinary people who have committed murder. It focuses on the images, memories, nightmares and the marginal situation in which these people live. The protagonists consist of six prisoners, one jailer and one ex-prisoner..

Oh! Boarding House

Oh! Boarding House

Sul Won is an out-of-work young man whose mother runs a low-cost boarding house for students and men who don’t have enough money to buy or rent an apartment on their own. But when his mother suddenly has to up sticks to return to her provincial hometown, she leaves Sul Won in charge of the boarding house – becoming the de facto live-in landlord. The residents of the boarding house are a mixed bunch. They include a high school senior, who also happens to be Sul Won’s cousin. There is also Sul Won’s former college friend, as well as Kim Chun Seo, a high school teacher. Rounding out the number is a third-year Art student who dreams of becoming a cartoon author. As the young men spend more time together, a close bond of friendship begins to form in the house. But when Sul Won discovers that some of the tenants have begun to develop a crush on him, Cupid could well come calling!.

The Housemaid

The Housemaid

Euny est engagée comme aide-gouvernante dans une riche maison bourgeoise. Le mari, Hoon, la prend pour maîtresse. La vie de toute la maison va alors basculer..

La Maison près du cimetière

La Maison près du cimetière

Après le suicide de son mentor, le Dr Norman Boyle emménage dans la maison de ce dernier avec sa femme et son fils. Sombrant dans la folie et l´horreur, la famille découvre rapidement que quelque chose se terre dans le sous-sol de la maison..

Où est la maison de mon ami ?

Où est la maison de mon ami ?

Un écolier s’aperçoit, alors qu'il se prépare a faire ses devoirs, qu'il a rapporté chez lui par erreur, le cahier d'un camarade de classe. Sachant que son camarade risque d’être renvoyé s'il ne rend pas ses devoirs sur son propre cahier, il part a sa recherche. Mais la route est longue et difficile, l'adresse imprécise....

La Servante

La Servante

Professeur de piano, Kim Dong-sik enseigne la musique aux jeunes ouvrières d'un atelier de tissage. Avec sa petite famille, celui-ci ne va pas tarder à emménager dans une plus grande maison, et, pour soulager sa femme des travaux domestiques, cherche à employer une servante. Une de ses élèves lui présente alors Myeong-sook, jeune fille un peu simplette mais courageuse, qui ne tarde pas à montrer un comportement trouble et ambigu une fois intégrée dans la maison. Folle amoureuse de Kim Donk-sik, cette dernière va alors s'adonner à un petit jeu démoniaque promis à détruire cette famille banale et sans histoire..

La Péniche

La Péniche

Passionnés mais novices en la matière, deux musiciens entreprennent un projet colossal : transformer la péniche d'un chanteur décédé en espace musical original..

Golden House Hidden Love

Golden House Hidden Love

Jin Xia, a 27-year-old assistant to a wedding dress designer, took out a loan to buy an old seaside house. She thought her happy life of owning a house would begin, but Jin Xia soon discovered that the house was actually "haunted"! It turns out that there is a young man living in seclusion in the ancient house whose behavior and abilities are like a ghost. This suspected "ghost" boy has no memory and cannot leave the ancient house, and he seems to be inextricably linked to Jin Xia. In order to find the reason for their bond, the two started a blushing and heart-pounding "hidden husband in a golden house" cohabitation life. (Source: Baidu).